Sunday, August 21, 2016

Racism, Bigotry, and Good Ol' Hate

If you subdivide the human race into sections of white, black, and so on and so forth you are by definition a racist. If you subscribe to the mindset that all people within those subsets behave exactly the same way you are a bigot. Being a racist does not necessarily mean you are a bigot. An anthropologist, studying Neanderthals, concerned with the difference between them and Cro-magnon man is a “racist.” We are all racist. Goes with the territory. The see the difference between peoples is natural. We all have eyes. To ascribe preset beliefs about those people is not racist, it is bigotry.

Anyone with a frontal lobe will realize that we are all different. The difference makes no difference except for providing spice to life. I, myself, am a white male who happens to think Mexican women are the most beautiful in the world. Am I a racist because I realize they are Latino? Yes, their skin tone and structure is what attracts me. Am I a bigot? No!

We have been overwhelmed with a host of people hiding behind the race card. The race card is a funny thing. It's like playing poker with fifty-one Jokers in the deck. “I like white sugar.” “You're a racist!” What you have to remember is people who play the race card are going to play it on you no matter what because that's the only card they have. That's why, when you engage these people, and cite a statistic, BAM! Race card. You lose! Then, there's good old hate.

Hate is irrational. Anger is like whiskey. Hate is the hangover. You can be angry with someone, and not hate them. You can be angry with a situation and not hate. You can be angry about getting a burned breakfast and not hate the cook. I was watching Christopher Hitchens take on a white supremacist last night and this guy was classic. The hate groups all have these guys, and they all look alike. Nice suit, teeth some dentist gave him, the hair, and fairly intelligent. Only one problem. He was professing love for mankind while hating eighty percent of the people in it. . He was a white separatist. He wants all white people to be separate from the rest of the human race. Sorry, but I happen to LIKE coffee, and can't find any beans growing in Texas.

Hate is the reason that when someone turns their hat backwards SOME people go ballistic. If Marilyn Monroe had turned her hat backwards it would have been one thing, but if Sammy Davis Jr. had done the same thing it's an entirely different matter. I know, I just dated myself, but I'm an old white racist so deal with it! Then, there is that one segment of the population that just has to push that envelope. Sagging! In my opinion, sagging is not a fashion statement, but I'm an old fart, I could be wrong. I've heard somewhere that this originated in prisons as a clandestine method of homosexual communication, indicating positioning. I suppose it's better to give than receive, but I don't know, I like Mexican girls. Anyway, it went all the way from a little elastic being exposed to down to mid thigh, impeding walking, and forcing the participant thereof to maintain a grip on the belt line to keep a proper sag. When I was a boy in Shreveport I once saw clowns doing this, but the very fact that I'm addressing this issue will label me a racist. So, how would I be a racist based on that. Don't white boys sag? On that note I'd like to add that I've never seen a girl sag. That would be . . . special, and if you could get a Mexican chick to sag, that would be REAL special!

99.99 percent of the population most likely would love to drift through their day without the race card. I'm being facetious, but would you agree that those fine folks burning down buildings, and “mattering” most likely don't represent main stream America? We do have problems to solve. THEM! Yeah, yeah, yeah Jim Crow. They burned witches in Salem, too. Get over it. Why don't we try something new and NOT hand that tired old argument down to the next generation? The fact is, we are not going to cure this mindset tomorrow. Groups such as Black Lives Matter are making too much money on it. Don't tell me they don't because you'll show you are a fool.

We have to go right back to the point I was driving home yesterday. There are more of US than there are of THEM! Us includes, Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Greg Abbot, Morgan Freeman, all of US! You will always have malcontents, but the tail cannot wag the dog. There is going to be a backlash. Society must preserve itself. This is a cancer in the body politic. How do you get rid of a cancer? Chemo helps. The next time we see people blocking traffic I suggest fire hoses. Racist enough for you?

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