Sunday, August 7, 2016

Unboxing Amy

This is an article only for my pages, but I just wanted to show you what I've endured for three weeks. Now, all of this is nonsense, and I don't want to bore you with the whole story again. What I am going to do is "out" this fat slut. She has attacked many people, and been brought up on charges for this in the past. The charges are always dismissed and she is referred to mental health services. She claims her name is Amy Charron. Ted and I cannot prove this. She changed her name from DeWeerd to Charron on 2005, claiming a divorce. It was a name change proceeding, not a divorce. She claims to be the daughter or Mark Charron, yet, when he died she was left with no royalties from his music. She claims to have lost her daughter to her mother and step father.  Not only can we not find any record of a CPS involvement of any kind, we cannot find a little girl named "Markel!" What we DO find are pictures of a little girl who never seems to grow older! You can read my article, "The Green Mile (Texas Style) which is humor, but there are truths buried in the lines. She supposedly tried to get $50,000 from her "ex" whom she claims is an investment banker in Europe. While she was here he didn't send her $20 to get out of town, money that I had to loan her to leave. And I know there are those who will wonder why I'm taking this up. This "poor defenseless woman" who lost her child! This woman is a con artist. She set up something called the "CPS fashion show" to get money from unsuspecting victims. When her schemes are uncovered she attacks with threats, lies, and slander. She discredits all who work so hard to protect the children of Texas, and yes, I'm going to stop her. So, here are the real posts, the threats, delusions, and lies. I leave it to you, and no, I'm not letting this go. She's hurt too many people with her charade, and God chose me to end it! Happy Sunday!
Amy DeWeerd aka Amy Charron
Employment (not found)
Residence (unavailable)
Drivers License (revoked)
Location Harris County, Texas

The following are actual posts sent to me from two locations. I will not give the phone numbers here but will furnish them privately upon request.

Well with your rapist son you told us about and hiding 5 grandkids you won't win. I have the info and addresses to show my contacts with big media. You tube down or I'm going public with your msgs and the truth about you and your secrets. By the way remember I'm smart I taped everything including my so called talk with some high security Ted contact. 2 hours I taped it and the very next day I'm told about 80 times that my girl will be killed, my fiancé and myself! You covered this instead of that! You will be exposed!

Ha ha that's why I passed a recent drug test shown in court yesterday! Your an idiot! And broke? Hardly we came for your bogus contacts and we are in hiding! We are on our way to Hollywood right now and exposing you on tv. It's been set up for this week! I will play secret tapes and show your threatening texts.

Blocking you and you will be exposed on tv there!

I can prove you also knew I had valuables have you taped admitting it. Sent it to my lawyer and never did I live at Walmart or even stay there! I'm suing you trust me for slander on a public person!

The police are investigating you now for putting us in danger

Almost 1,000 death threats bc of your video

I have a case now against you filed today

We're with officer Gibbs call us! He wants prove of your whole house burning down and you not having insurance! He sees no record of your house burning down. He called the  fire department!

You liar! You busted I took pics of it all n your house! Calling the police now!

So the report number needed now so this can be looked into deeply!

Oh you won't be left alone bc it's a police matter sir! I will give you the officers number tonight when I leave my officer.

Ok your caught bc you wouldn't call. Game over your running from the police now! Another crime.

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