Monday, August 15, 2016

The Pit and the Pendullum

The pit and the pendulum is something I bring back again, and again when referring to the sway of politics. The political pendulum never rests in the middle. It is forever in motion, obeying the law of political inertia. There are two political parties giving the illusion of adversity while being two sides of the same coin. The republicans and democrats, while having differences, agree on one thing; they want the machine that has been in place since the implication of the 14th amendment to keep grinding, supporting the parties. These parties will concede to one another when necessary in order to keep the machine in tact, while trying to keep the pendulum in control, and avoiding the pit, which history teaches, must invariably come.

From Andrew Carnegie to P. T. Barnum, from J. P. Morgan to all the Rockefellers, from Oral Roberts to Joseph Smith, America has always produced the super capitalists that built the nation as the world stood back in awe. And they all had flaws. Morgan sat on his porch out in Long Island and said, “The public be damned!” and boys and girls, that's just about as honest as you can get. You don't get lard, lest you boil the hog, and you don't build rail roads with black lives mattering. Sorry to be the first one to tell you children that.

People go on and on about democracy this, and democracy that, but what is democracy? Democracy is six wolves and a five sheep deciding what's for dinner. America is, or rather was a Republic. It's a multi-national corporation now that is headquartered in China. In time past China was communist. It is a grand illusion. WE are communist now, and China is the beacon for capitalist ventures all over the world. Boy! That hurts worse than riding a bicycle without no seat, doesn't it? Sometime in the last twenty years the Chinese put the rice bowl down, and picked the check book up. We never noticed. We were too busy worrying about black lives mattering and where to take a pee. Oh, and wondering what Obama’s son would look like if he had one.

The funny thing is the republicans and democrats were still watching that pendulum, trying to shove a two by four up Hillary’s butt to keep her standing in between seizures. They thought the game was still on. Enter Donald “Jack You Up” Trump with his drop dead gorgeous wife and more money than God to throw a monkey wrench in the wheels of the political machine. Is he reckless? Is he Narcissistic? Will he flip flop, will he elaborate, or out right lie? Why hell yeah. That's what built those rail roads in years past.

The Chinese are terrified of  Trump. The world has been dividing America up for years, and Donald Trump spells the end of all that. In a previous article I explained to you what a real estate broker is. All of you recoiled in horror, but that's what we need. We need that pendulum to swing all the way to the right to fix the problem. We need to throw all the Mexicans, Muslims, and gun control nuts out of the country and get down to business if the country is to survive. We need to build two walls. One along the southern border, but it needs to extend up along the California border too.

Here's a little reality check. The mainstream polls are touting Hillary’s lead, but over the weekend ABC News did a live poll just to cement the election in, and guess what? Trump! Sixty-eight percent! They canned that poll quick, but I did a screen shot, and folks, it wasn't sex, but it was damn close! America is in the pit and the pendulum is a swinging. The American people, you know, those guys and gals PAYING for all those food stamps while black lives matter, are going to exact revenge, and folks . . . it's gonna be beautiful!

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