Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Far Out

               False Flags and Things That Go Bump in the Night
                                                      by Wilbur Witt

     I never thought in a million years that I'd be an anti-war advocate. I'm from Texas and that's just about as close to gay as one can get without wearing a pink tu tu, but by golly give me my heals and show me the stage. Any body remember the Gulf of Tonkin? How about Iraq's WMD's? So now we have a situation where SOMEBODY used gas and it's so "obvious." Well, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I know one thing for sure, in ten or twenty years when the truth comes out it won't be anything like what we're being fed now. 

     And, we have the usual scenario. Pictures of dead people, everybody pointing at everybody else, the president looking concerned, the Secretary of State talking about his kids, and Israel all bowed up. Of course the religious nuts are pointing to the Book of Revelation and claim this will fire off WWIII and EVERYBODY'S gonna end up in some garbage dump just outside of Jerusalem fighting some final battle with the Devil because some pothead said so 2,000 years ago. Can I get an amen? 

     Now, as always, I'm just a simple ol' boy from Austin, but did I miss something here? Haven't we "been there, done that?" I am very tired of governments, OUR government, making decisions for us because they think we don't have sense enough to understand the complexity of world events. I've SEEN the pictures of the "freedom fighters" in Syria. They are a bunch of rag-head dumb asses! The president of Syria is a rag-head dumb ass in a suit. Do they kill each other? Why HELL yeah! That's what they DO! Beats working. You want a $64,000 question? Tell me what they're fighting for? What's the central issue?  Five'll get you ten it's got something to do with tribes, camels, or Allah! 

     One of my Facebook friends, who's opinion I respect very much, reminded me that we are still the most formidable military force in the world, and my son, Wilbur William Witt III (Master Chief USN) tells me he's not bullshitting, so we have a more or less moral obligation to kick ass on command. Problem is Farmer Jones in Iowa, who can't sell his corn is TIRED of kicking ass just 'cause we CAN! LeRoy in Watts is tired of it, too, and Bubba Ellis in Ding Dong, Texas, and Mary Ellen Rothchild in Long Island and . . .well we're all just plain tired of it. 

     America is a great country. Surprises me that I say that because I'm part of a group that wants to make Texas independent of the US, but it's true. Steel workers sitting on their asses in Pennsylvania, assembly lines shut down in Detroit, oil wells rusting in Texas, and corn scorching in the sun in Kansas is as wrong as crapping in bed. And Obamacare. If we didn't fund every broke dick wannabe Sheik in the Middle East we could provide FREE healthcare for our people and buy 'em all a new car to get there! We could easily house all the homeless in our nation with just the VA foreclosures sitting idly by right NOW! 

     Folks, I don't want to see little girls get gassed, but I'm more concerned with a little girl in Harlem than I am one in Al Uganda Booga Booga! Ok? And most Americans understand that quite well! Rebuild OUR country. Put OUR people back to work. House OUR homeless. Get Our people to the doctor, and then if some idiot attacks US beat the hell out of them, and come back home. 

     Obama's not saying IF he's going to attack, but WHEN. A cruise missile costs 1.2 Million dollars. Ok, let's save ONE cruise missile and give that money to a clinic in central Los Angeles so that American kids don't get the flu this winter. And where is Obama going to fire the missiles? He has said this will not be an effort to oust Assad, and blowing up the chemical plants is "too dangerous," so what the hell is he gonna shoot at? I know a Korean fireworks guy right here in beautiful downtown Killeen, Texas who can sell Obama a fireworks show for a hell of a lot less than 1.2 MILLION dollars! 

     Sometimes I wish I could take Obama for a walk down a trail by Mill Creek, and point to the ground at a cow patty and ask him, "What's that?"


     Then, pulling a can out of my pocket showing him a can of shoe polish, "Now, what's this?"


     "Ok, go back to Washington, that's all you need to know."

     And if we should topple Assad what do we get? The MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD! They're called "Brotherhood" cause they don't like girls. And they REALLY don't like us. These bozos wouldn't know democracy if it ran up and pissed on their leg! All they know is the Qu'ran which is actually amazing because most of them can't read. But they know how to shoot an AK-47 though, cause they love to shoot little 14 year old girls in the head who WANT to learn to read. And we're about to spend 1.2 million dollars a trigger pull for THESE assholes? I see the administration say "war" out of one side its mouth, and "sequester" out of the other and I sit back, reflect on my younger days in the sixties, take a sip of my martini, and just say, "Far out!"Syria says terrorists will attack us

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