Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Paco and the New World Order

     So Trump threw a liberal democrat out of a press conference! Alert the media! Not Univision, but the English speaking media we have to press "1" for on the phone. Amazing how these people have to adjust to the new rules, isn't it. Of course Ramos, hasn't arrived at that idea yet. He's going on about e Hispanic vote. Well, Paco, here comes a big ol' reality check. They's more white folks than there is brown folks, and that little statistic you rattled off about seventy-five percent of the brown vote not liking Trump still leaves twenty-five percent who have their heads screwed on tight! 

     The surge of support for Donald Trump is indicative of the awakening of America. And it just keeps going up and up. Every time he makes a statement that upsets the libtards mainstream America shouts, "Now that's what I'M talking about!" Fox News is exposing itself for what it is. Megan Kelly might as well have been twerking during that debate, it would have made more sense. Fox has a good act going. They have a conservative format, but fill up with liberal guests talking until their lips fall off. A ten second clip of a conservative candidate and then Obama's entire breakfast menu follows. Well, all that just got Trumped!

     Liberals are allergic to Donald Trump his common sense American approach is alien to everything they hold sacred, if the word "sacred" can even be applied to a bunch of homosexual, drug addicted baby killers. His main drive is illegal immigration, and it's so transparent its funny. The liberals completely ignore the fact that you can't sneak into a country. Ramos, no doubt was going to stand up for the wetback vote, and got the bum's rush. (Has anyone checked HIS papers?) 

     Ramos is just the first idiot to feel Trump's wrath. MSNBC, Fox News and Unisexualvision need to wise up or Alex Jones and Glenn Beck will soon be the mainstream news and THEY will be the conspiracy nuts. The Republican party needs to realize that the PEOPLE count for something, and they can't just blow a joint, making decisions for the rest of us. Trump couldn't be more clear if he were standing in the River Jordan screaming, "REPENT!" 

     There is going to be wailing and the gnashing of teeth as reality soaks into all the weirdos who've been running things for so long. Facts: Illegals will never run this country, Obama will go down as the biggest mistake we ever made, and Bruce Gender will NEVER grow ovaries! I still like seeing Megan  Kelley bend over though, but I'm just a Simple Ol' Boy From Austin so what do I know? 

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