Will The Last Person Out of Mexico Please Turn Off The Lights
I heard a joke years ago about a Mexican trying to slip across the border and gets caught by the border guards. He starts telling them that he’s an American. “Ok,” one of the guards says, “if you’re an American make a sentence with the words ‘green, pink, and yellow.” The guy thinks a minute and returns, “The phone goes,’Green, Green,’ I pink it up and say, ‘Yellow!” Well, I was in high school when I heard that and suffice to say immigration and the TexMex border has changed a lot since then. Currently there are more than one million undocumented immigrants in Texas making us second only to California, and this is one time I’m glad we were out done by the land of fruits and nuts. According to the Comptroller’s report in Texas, however, Mexicans account for only about 55% of those slipping across the Texas border. The cost of these people is astronomical. I won’t bore you with the figures, they run in the millions, but I will direct you to one simple fact. Cost? Food Stamps? Higher education? These people sneaked into Texas. Now California did out do us in one respect in absurdity. The “guests” of Obama can get a driver’s license out there. And the police can’t stop them just because they suspect they might be an illegal. Now that’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are!
There are two layers to this question. I actually sit sort of in the middle. Having worked with Mexicans over the years I see clearly the intentions of an honest man trying to come to America to make a better life. That is what America; oh FORGET about America, that’s what TEXAS is all about. Texas was founded by a bunch of guys who had basically given up on “America” when it was barely fifty years old. Travis, Houston, Crockett, and most of the others had come here to try to found a Republic that would at least TRY to be what America was not. When Texas became a state there was a surge of people that thought it might be a good idea, but there was a sizable contingent who said, “If we’re gonna do THIS crap, why the hell did I have to come HERE? I had THIS in Philadelphia!”
So this lure about Texas is still there, and it’s not just from south of the border, people. Every State, every country has an attraction to the Lone Star State. Chinese beat a path to cross the border between Texas and Mexico, as to most of the Latin American countries, and can you blame them? And I have nothing against people trying to better their lives but there has to be some order, some restraint, otherwise you get a whole flock of people streaming over the border with bad intentions. Drug dealers, people into human trafficking and just plain criminals who see our state as being ripe for the picking. And don’t forget terrorists. Slipping into Texas is prime if you’re working your way to Fort Hood to set a bomb off, or shoot someone, or just poison the water. If you are an Arab and get caught coming across all you have to do is keep your mouth shut and odds are you’ll be sent right back to Mexico to try again, maybe better this time.
So, what do you do about this issue? Well, you have to see it for what it is. It’s a war, with a complete invasion. Not a day goes by on the TexMex border where there isn’t some kind of a fire fight. If you have Taliban slipping over from Pakistan to Afghanistan and the Army catches them and shots are fired, what do you call that? That’s called war, folks. If you have fifteen members of a cartel slipping across at Laredo, get caught by the Texas DPS and have a fire fight, what do you call that, workplace violence? C’mon! So, if you’re going to let anyone into the country you need to make sure it’s someone willing to work honestly and not rob or sell drugs or blow up a mall. If you will note, not many people are trying to sneak into Russia. Oh, almost forgot, almost anyone except Snowden is trying to sneak into Russia and if you will observe he didn’t sneak, he used an airport restroom until they LET him in. England has a problem but not near the scope that we have here. I mean you have to fly in most of the time and customs checks you out. How to you check out a boxcar full of Mexicans screaming up from the valley?
You must make is easy for law abiding people to come in and hell on earth for the others, so as to make it not worth the risk. For instance; if someone is trying to bring drugs in from south of the border and gets caught you make the sentence so still that the Chinese start complaining. We do this to criminals all the time in Texas. If you hold up a store, and shout, “This is a hold up,” and ten people hear you then that’s ten counts of armed robbery, and God forbid you should tell someone to step against a wall, that’s kidnapping. You can rack up eleven life sentences in one take and we’re not kidding friends and neighbors. If you catch one person bringing one kilo of meth across that border first it’s drug smuggling, but what about the invasion part? They actually invaded a nation, right? What about the terrorist part? To undermine the health of a nation is an act of terrorism, right? Just like poisoning the water. Sentence for all of this? ForEVER! You will never see Mexico again and you will certainly never be bringing any more drugs across the border, but the good news is you’ll have lots of friends in prison. Join a good gang!
Next we have to get some real numbers on how many Texas jobs are lost to immigrants, legal or illegal. I don’t want to get racist here but let me spin you some facts. There is a myth that is perpetuated that illegal only do jobs that Americans won’t. Do you really think a Mexican can’t lay bricks, build houses, paint, or run tractors? When you confine them to picking cabbages you are racist because Mexicans are not any stupider than anyone else. And when they do this they really do cost in jobs that legal residents can have. That really happens. I have been a Realtor, working for a builder, and I’m here to tell you that I have seen entire subdivisions build by people who can’t speak English. And it isn’t that they don’t do a good job. Mexican people are some of the hardest working people in the world. The problem is they come at a discount. This serves no one. Not the American workers deprived of employment and certainly not the Mexican worker forced to live in sub human conditions and work for chicken feed.
Let’s get something straight. You are NEVER going to stop people from trying to jump the border. What you have to do is cut down the success rate and give the ones who are honest an even chance. The north side of that fence represents the Promised Land. You just have to make that goal legally attainable. And here we go, I can already hear it. Amnesty. NO! To quote Doc Greene of Raging Elephants Radio that’s like having someone break into your house and after six months you come back from a cruise and they say, “You should let me stay. Just look at all the GOOD I’ve done!” It’s like stealing a car and bringing it back a week later polished and full of gas. I’ve got a brother in law like that. You have to play by the rules and the reason you have to play by the rules is because of the work force. It is impossible to get accurate numbers on how much the illegals cost in jobs. I researched it and got five different numbers and the reason is simple. We don’t know! The best you can do is look at the results. Remember what I said about the subdivisions? That’s real people. Houses and streets and everything in between build by people that don’t pay any taxes, indeed, if the liberals and RINOs have their way, not only will they not pay any taxes they will drain social welfare programs that Americans (Oh, there’s that word again) TEXANS need.
Documenting a worker is easy. If an employer uses illegals he/she should pay the piper. Make it so bad that they won’t think about the money they save. But, if a worker is legal, forget about the minimum wage. If some worker in Austin thinks he can lay bricks for twenty-five dollars an hour, and another man will do it for fifteen, and do it just as well, well, there you go. Maybe a little reality check is needed here. But, flip the coin on the other side. If a legal immigrant comes to Austin, wants to lay bricks for fifteen dollars an hour and someone convinces him to join the union for more money so be it! But he’ll never get that chance as long as his back is wet!
I love to see people succeed. My son in California is in charge of contractors for the Navy. There was a company that came in to repair a ship motor. Big bid, couple of million I think, but then a little Mexican guy submitted his bid for his little company and is was one-third the cost to the Navy. The big bid guy was so entrenched that it took my son screaming and yelling to give the bid to the other company who DID the job, CAME in on budget and at hamburgers at the job site every day! Did he use illegals? Certainly not. Did people from Mexico originally make good on some kind of American dream, absolutely!
And before you start screaming “RACIST” at me let me tell you one thing. I don’t think I can recall one time seeing a Mexican man walking who wasn’t going to work! I can’t recall one of those people working, building those subdivisions who didn’t give 110%. This is not about the color of skin, this is about honest people trying to better them selves in an honest fashion.
And then, there’s the human element. As you know, I’m very much against families being split. When a worker sneaks across the border he is separated from family. His only hope is going home, or slipping his family over, too. What ever solution you come up with you must take in the human factor. But amnesty is not the answer. We need, regulations, and a little bit of hope for an honest shake. That’s your answer.
Another point is how to actually secure the border. Well, it ain’t the Feds, ok? This is a Texas problem, and a New Mexican problem, and an Arizona problem, and a California problem. Obama is too busy giving guns to the drug dealers and striking deals with opposing cartels to worry about the border. (He didn’t worry about the border when HE got in, now DID he?) Employ the Texas National Guard and secure that puppy! Then tell the other states, “We got ours, you worry about yours.” A little girl should be able to walk along the border, picking flowers. Anything else is NOT acceptable. And once there is a Republic again, with respect, tell the Mexican government (now there’s an oxymoron) IF YOU LET YOU THIS CRAP SPILL OVER JUST LOOK AT THAT NATIONAL GUARD THERE ON THE BORDER AND TAKE A WILD GUESS AT WHAT WE WILL DO NEXT! Washington will puke in their waste baskets.
Good relations with Mexico are wanted, but if they can’t clean up their own back yard Texas will be more than happy to help. If Obama can’t stop Mexico from invading Texas how in the HELL is he going to solve the Middle East? We can STOP the invasion, and quick. There will not be a simple solution, but to seal the border is most important. You can’t start repairing something until you know what’s broken and friends and neighbors, the border is broken. Any time a bunch of “coyotes” can slip a train load of illegals into the strongest country in the world that should give you pause.
Wilbur Witt
Austin Texas
Austin Texas