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Black lives matter. I keep seeing that pop up these days. Of course black lives matter. We are getting a stream of incidents where cops shoot black kids. I think we need to take each of these individually, and look at the circumstances. I’ve evolved as information came in on some of these, and my take (s) may surprise you. People are different, times are different.
Trayvon Martin was the first blip on the national radar. Now, I’m not saying that this didn’t occur before, but the Martin case exploded, was homogenized, and fed to the American public in fifty seven different flavors. From the kid on his way home with a candy bar and a tea, to Trayvon X bent on raping every white woman in Florida, we got it all. The truth is much simpler than all that. When this story hit I was out in California. Naturally I got the very liberal bias, and I must admit that I too, thought along those lines, but I wasn’t up on the entire thing at the time.
Soon, George Zimmerman was being portrayed as a successful, conservative citizen, only doing his duty when this out of control criminal leapt upon him and he was forced to defend himself with on lucky shot, fired only because he was being beaten to death on a sidewalk as he called for help. Now let’s get racial here, ok? Trayvon Martin was a tall, lanky kid, and George Zimmerman was a short, fat Mexican with an attitude. I know, I know, I’m from Texas, deal with it! In the years hence, George has proven himself to be an out of control ego-maniac with a death wish. Here’s what really happened on that night.
I don’t care what drugs turned up in Martin’s blood, or what he did back in high school. Ok, he did some weed, or lean, or whatever. Was he exceptional in this? He WAS talking to a girl at the time. Now, how was he planning multiple felonies why chatting with a chick? Do the math. Combine that with the fact that he really was walking FROM the store TO his house. Now that’s a fact, people! Here comes Santa Anna. And he’s on the phone, covering all his tracks. George Zimmerman was making sure that it was a matter of record all that HE thought was going on by conversing with the 911 dispatch. After being told by the operator that it was better if he remain in place until the police arrived, he made the free choice to get OUT of his SUV, and track the kid. Yeah, people have a right to exit their car, yeah, Zimmerman lived in the neighborhood, yeah, yeah, yeah! He was wrong when his foot hit the pavement.
Now, I’m going to be blunt here, and it’s going to rub a few people the wrong way. If I was followed into a dark area by a man that looked like George Zimmerman, in the rain, at night, I would have shot George Zimmerman, ok? Swat them bees, swat them bees. Wilbur’s rule number one: don’t walk up on me at night. Rule number two: refer to rule number one! I have been approached by four men in the last two years in exactly this same type of situation and each time their lives were in jeopardy. That’s why I’m sixty-three, and Mr. Martin is as dead as fried chicken. (Still swatting them bees?)
Trayvon finally got mad and circled back, confronting Zimmerman. I’m going to interject something here that is pure opinion. George Zimmerman got OUT of his SUV that night to kill Trayvon Martin. All this mamby-pamby stuff about him trying to get back in his car, and saying he didn’t want any trouble was just a cover story for the cops. “But, Wilbur, the boy grabbed for the gun!” Did he? You’re telling me that after getting slapped DOWN, George Zimmerman didn’t have his gun in mind? If you believe that I’ve got a bridge for you and it’s on SALE! And what about that lucky shot? I’M not that lucky and I’ll assure you that I’m a better shot than George (where’s my wife tonight) Zimmerman!
I don’t care what cops tell you, I don’t care how many YouTube videos you watch, I don’t care what so-called “self defense” instructors teach, when you pull a gun on most men their ca ca goes to Ozarka WATER! I have seen men go from schiczophrenic to PHD in two seconds FLAT, and that’s a fact, Jack! Now, I’ll admit, one guy I had to put the barrel in his mouth, but he did get the message. And I really did that, folks, because when you scare me I’m CRAZY!
George Zimmerman did not expect to get knocked down, it’s as simple as that. When his butt hit the sidewalk it was a wake up call for the little emperor. Weren’t like beating up your old lady, huh George? Trayvon Martin did not have murder in his heart, and was not a very good fighter. The proof of this is that Zimmerman went down fully conscious. Poor Trayvon didn’t have a “lick.” I want you to go up on YouTube and type in “knockouts.” Just that word. You’ll get hours of entertainment where one kid after another dispatches some punk with one punch. Trayvon did NOT demonstrate that punch that night, and all this stuff about MMA “plummeting,” Give me a BREAK! How many times would you have to hit Poncho to knock him out? George Zimmerman was cognizant enough to pull his weapon and fire one shot dead center and he MURDERED Trayvon Martin, roll the credits, fade to black. Next case.
Michael Brown. I can see the protestors gathering right now. First let’s look at the differences between Brown and Martin. Trayvon was accused of a lot of things after his death by the far right, but stomping around town stealing cigars and beating up store clerks was not one of them. He BOUGHT his Skittles and tea, ladies and gentlemen, and I don’t care WHAT he planned to do with them, he legally owned his candy and drink the night he died. Michael Brown was a target looking for a bullet. He was like the character Liberty Valance. When Michael Brown came to two the women folk would hide! Gentle giant my backside! Hey, I got more of them bridges for sale, ok? He was a big, fat bully, with a bunch of little skinny bullies running with him. Learn it, live it, love it.
Officer Wilson killed a MAN who was charging him like a bull elephant. Cops do that, folks. When you charge at them, after hitting them you tend to get shot. I sure wish it was different, but that’s the way it was back in ‘63 when I was growing up in Simmonsville, and cops ain’t improved much since. Trayvon Martin had a little weed in his system, Brown was higher than a Georgia pine, and mean! Don’t think he was mean. . . go ask that store clerk. My own son, Timmy, is like that, and every time the phone rings we expect some cop finally punched his ticket! Michael Brown had a criminal mind. Steal, hurt, stomp. I know they will never come out and say it, but I’d be willing to bet you that half the neighbor hood said, “Thank GOD,” when Michael Brown’s nose hit the pavement.
Now, let’s move to Tamir Rice. Wrong, wrong, wrong, (did I say, wrong?) The little red thingy wasn’t on the toy gun! Hey, Cop Dude, you jumped out and shot within two seconds. What happened to just hitting the kid with the DOOR as you exited the car? You see, I thought of that, but then I don’t have any police training. I don’t even have to look at this closely. Cop was trigger happy, and it WAS racially motivated. What if that had been a white boy? Or girl? Oh, wait, we DO kill white girls in Texas if they have a pen knife and there are less than twenty cops on the scene, but I digress.
Black lives do matter. All lives matter, including cop lives. When you have three hundred million people you are going to get foul ups. My advice is to take a breath, step back, and look at each incident through logic and not racial eyes. There will always be mistakes. There will always be tragedy but I really believe the days of racial division are receding behind us. You cannot judge people by their color. For every one of those men I mentioned earlier in this article that I have had issues with, TEN others have held a store door open for me because I had a limp. Now, I’m a simple ol’ boy from Austin, so I view things in a simple light, but that light shines bright, and shines on black skins, as well as white. It’s don’t shine on turbans so good, but I’m working on that.