Sunday, March 15, 2015

That Nigga's Crazy!

     If Austin could get into the news as much as Ferguson we'd be selling a LOT more records! I actually do not know where Ferguson is, I've never Googled it. I certainly never plan to vacation there. If the HomeBoys don't get you the cops will. I want to enlighten you people (OMG did I just say "you people?") on a fact or two. Black folk protest! We Crackers only protested against one time and they rounded us all up and shipped us off to Vietnam. You see, that's the difference between black and white people. WE learn, THEY don't! Doc Greene is always lamenting that people of our generation don't show much support. We already TRIED that, Doc! That's why we jump under our pickups every time a firecracker goes off! 

     We can't even carry a banana in a holster down here, THEY shoot cops AT the police station up,there. Crowd of people standing around, nobody saw a thing. Can I hear a little more about white privilege? The racial tension up there must be tighter than a Jew's fist with a nickel in it when even a police chief quitting sets them off all over again. I think a lot of it has to do with money changers like Al "kill all the crackers" Sharpton. Ok, let me tell all you "Negros" about Al Sharpton. He's a Yankee. More than that, he's a Yankee from New York, and brothers and sisters that's a DAMN Yankee! Damn Yankees come in all colors. There's even Chinese Damn Yankees.  He makes his living talking about civil rights and slavery. Well, the only cotton Al Sharpton ever picked was those high dollar, button down shirts YOU paid for Homies! 

     Have you noticed a distinct  lack of Jesse Jackson in all this? Jesse got stupid enough to march with Al back when Trayvon got capped down in Florida. Jackson's eyes would shift from Sharpton, to the crowd, to the cops and back to Sharpton. I have the ability to read minds. Well, not any of my ex-wives, but most everybody else, and I read Jesse Jackson's mind that day, and what I read was, "This nigga's crazy!" See, I'm one of the few Crackers licensed to use that word because my first ex was black. Well, she was half black. The other half was Comanche. Seems her great grandmother was a mix breed named Itcha Wanna Wonda, or something like that, which loosely translated means, "Grandma run slow." 

     Anyway, I digress. Now they want the Mayor to step down. Eric Holder wants to disassemble the police department up there. I suppose we're lucky we don't see a replay of Fast and Furious with protestors being issued AR-15s.  I know this article is racial. That's because Ferguson IS racial. The mainstream media is having an orgasm, rolling in Ferguson like a dog in a dead armadillo. Know what's going to happen? Nuttin'! Oh, in fifty years someone will lead a march to the spot where Michael Brown bit the dust, or rather asphalt. The way it's going we'll probably have a new Monday holiday (did I just say that), all the money Al Sharpton made will be STILL at the New York Stock Exchange, and the good people of Ferguson will still be black, and clueless. I like riots out in L.A. The weather's better, and the girls rock.


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