Saturday, April 30, 2016


I get into a little light religion here and there, and really enjoy going on YouTube and watching the denominations tear each other up. On The Eighth Day God Made Texas was a little jab at a guy I caught trying to tear the Salt Lake City Temple down brick by brick.
Ah So! was actually a much older article, but the song has remained so much the same I just dusted it off and threw it up. Saw a Chinese billionaire today, as a matter of fact, and yet again wonderer, didn’t these people used to be communist?
I drew Scared from the fact that most people are scared of the government. You simply can’t watch Lavoy Finicum, Ruby Ridge or Waco (2) and not be scared. We’ve become a nation of people trying to keep our heads down. With the upcoming rally in North Texas on June 4th, security is a major concern because no one really knows what the BLM is going to do. These people make up the rules as they go along, and will shoot you on the side of the road! Scared! Yeah, good title.
What We Burn In Our Crazy Mind goes back to my theory that the government us useless.  I can’t name one time in my life that I’ve seen the government successfully carry out anything. And SECRETS? Clinton couldn’t carry out a date with the secret service on the lookout for the wife!
Every now and then one takes inventory. With a writer that involves getting up one morning and believing that they’ve never produced anything in their life worth a flip. Stripes was such an inventory. John Lennon had his moment right before he wrote “Nowhere Man.” After that dark moment you really should chart a course of action, hopefully one that works. Consequently, here you are reading this article. In the words of Billy Joe Shaver, “I sold some songs in Memphis, sold one in LA too. I’ve sold some songs in Austin, sold songs in Austin too. Unless I miss my guess folk, Ima sell this song to you.”
As soon as I pulled my head out of my little pity party my sense of humor returned, and I picked the funniest bunch of screw ups I could find to break out; The Federal Reserve. I’d actually just read a very informative article on this, but it was too wordy for Texas so I just boiled it down to My Business Plan. I had to come up with a good picture so I picked a pimp. I used a white pimp so the libtards couldn’t call me a racist.
The week wound up with I Don’t See No Trump Train. I was rather amused by Ted Cruz choosing a running mate the day after picking himself up off the mat. I’ll never understand politics. Donald Trump is putting the wood to the establishment and he’s establishment! The election is gonna be “Yuge!”

Friday, April 29, 2016

I Don't See No Trump Train

Little political analysis here. Tuesday night Donald Trump stomped a mud hole in Ted Cruz’s butt, and walked it dry. Yeah, that’ll do it. Pretty much sums it up. And what does Cruz do? Why he names some dropout to be his running mate. In Nashville there is a saying. When two weak songwriters get together they produce a weaker song than either one of them could do individually. Clueless Cruz. Elvis didn't do no drugs! Update that to 2016. I don't see no Trump train.

Trump took a couple of good hits in Iowa and Utah.  That's because Cruz knew the political game and played it well. Trump is not a politician, which is why people are flocking to him. Now, if you listen to the main stream media Donald Trump is the most despised man in the country. But them people just keep voting, and voting, and voting.

Trump is learning. Remember when I told you about his Southern Strategy? Well, I was spot on. Now look at the eastern seaboard. Do you think he didn't use that same plan there, because if you don’t have I got a bridge for you, and it's on sale! There are much smarter people than me who cite things like “contested conventions,” and delegate counts, but let me ask you…is that the will of the people? Then there is the reminder that the Republican Party is a private organization and can run their cigar store any way they like, but let me ask you again; if the candidates opposing each other are picked by such a system, is that the will of the people?

“Oh, Wilbur, you just don't understand how politics work.” Ok, I'm not versed, but then neither is Rocko in Philly, Bubba in Austin, or Lin Chang in San Francisco, but you know what, we’re the people! We’re not worried about the rulesl. We just want someone  to count the votes, and the guy (or gal) with the most WINS! The Republican Party is exposing itself for the snobbish men’s club that it actually is. They are so far removed from their constituents that they could be in China. And the main stream media chiming in with their cover to support the illusion. Elvis didn't do no drugs, and they can't see the Trump Train while they're sitting right on the tracks!

Monday, April 25, 2016

My Business Plan

Gave a lot of thought this weekend in developing a business plan. Some way to gain a little coin without being encumbered by rules, and regulations such as would inhibit the profitability of such a venture. I studied many models, and theories, even watched one of them info-mercials where some guy in a pool out in Arizona somewhere told me that if I just cashed in my 401K and send it to him that I could get a cruise to Mexico. I gave that some thought, but I’ve been to Mexico and decided against it.
Anyway, I finally developed a model that seemed to fill the bill. I’m going down to Walmart today, and I’m going to buy me one of those state of the art printers. You know, one of them super high tech, WiFi gadgets that will print from my iPhone, TV, just about anywhere I want. Then I’m going to Staples and buy me the best paper I can find. You know, the cotton stuff. I am bringing all this back home and put my plan in action.
I’m going to start by printing me up a couple billion dollars. I will sell these dollars to local businesses who need spot cash, and of course charge for the service, toner costs money you know. Now for regular customers I’ll charge accordingly, but like, crack dealers, folks like that, we’ll cut a special deal, and of course I won’t spread the word on all these deals, we’ll just keep it between us. I’ll need a new car, so I’ll just print up some cash for myself and run down there and buy it on credit. See how that works? I got the cash, but I won’t spend it, I’ll just show it to them, and then default on the loan. If they get all uppity about it, I’ll just show them more cash, spread the wealth a little, and keep the car. This will create a debt that will bankrupt the car lot, but no matter. Another customer!
If the police get involved then I’ll just tell them that they have no authority over me, and that’s because I’ll be printing money for the whole city council, and they’ll be so far in debt to me that the police will just have to take a number and go home. Oh, if they need, like, bullets or such, then I’ll be happy to help them out, and that’ll work right in because when the people I don’t hold up get all concerned, and start to have what you call citizen’s action groups, I’ll just sic the cops on them, and they’ll go right away.
Had to come up with a name for this conglomeration. Something catchy, official sounding, and elusive. I couldn’t come across like the out and out criminal that I am, I mean selling folks paper that’s absolutely worthless. After much consideration I came up with a name. I’ll just call it The Federal Reserve. Yeah . . . that ought to work.  How do ya’ll like my business plan?

Saturday, April 23, 2016

What We Burn In our Crazy Minds

The prophet, John Fogarty once said, “What we burn in our crazy minds.” With this in mind, last night I must have sat through four hours of various conspiracy theories concerning the Boston Bombings. Like layers of an onion, as I peeled back each part more complexity was exposed. I shared a lot of this on my Facebook page. The people behind this have a whole vocabulary that goes with the show. Things like, "New World Order," and "Drills," and "False Flags." They fit their scenarios together like pieces of a vast mental puzzle. With the bombings, the running theory is that the two bombers were embedded CIA operatives who were sacrificed for the purpose of forwarding more power shift toward Obama, and the proliferation of gun control. Since they used pressure cookers, shouldn’t we have pressure cooker control? The mother and aunt and father have all come out ranting and raving about this, complete with those horrible Russian accents, and the "alternative" media is lapping that up like hound dogs on spilled gravy. One theory even tied the Boston bombing with the event in Waco. The guy continually looks into the camera and repeats, "Fertilizer?" He obviously has never blown stumps on a ranch. Yeah kid, fertilizer! 

    Then the surviving bomber scribbles on a pad the he and his brother did the attack all by themselves with no help, no finance, and no problems with the FBI, police, or even the zoning commission. They picked the marathon because it was in the STREET! No doubt the conspiracy theorists will respond with the idea that the kid is protecting his comrades so that they can continue the fight. Yeah, right!  Ok, first off this kid is a pot head. Look at him. This little nerd crawled right out of a yellow submarine and followed his lunatic, religious nut brother to hell. The theorists claim the FBI, CIA, whomEVER was feverishly trying to kill this punk. I personally have never seen a more restrained bunch of cops in my LIFE!  What, with robots, helicopters, and heat seeking cameras, I personally would have lobbed a REAL grenade in there, collected the pieces, bought the guy a new boat and called it a day.

    I have a theory, and a prejudice. In my life I have never seen our government successfully carry out anything. I mean look at it. We couldn't invade Cuba, could conduct a burglary that a crackhead could pull off, and couldn't get a favor from an intern with the secret service watching for the wife at the door! Now, if you want to be alarmed about the government? Well, there you are. Now, under Obama they are proving they can't add, can't slap a fat kid in Korea, and can't negotiate the price of a call girl in South America. I learned how to do that in Mexico in the tenth grade! We catch fish off Alaska, send them to China to pay the interest on our debt, who in turn, bring the fish right back to us and sell them to McDonald's. We import avocados from Mexico, covered with dung, while thousands of acres of them bake in the sun of Southern California. All of this courtesy of the federal government!  They are STUPID!

    The congress and senate are as useless as them things hanging off a boar hog, and the Supreme Court, OMG, don't get me started, we would do better letting rulings be handed down by Judge Roy Bean. You begin to understand why we here in Texas just want to leave. I'm not going to say anything about Obama because if you criticize him you're labeled a racist so I'll just say he
has a white dude for vice president.
    If our government could pull off one conspiracy, just one, I would feel more secure. Maybe invade Indonesia, after a major quake and tsunami, and WIN the war, then I would feel a whole lot better. But don't hold your breath. We have to beat them Arabs who presently are holding their ground with pipe bombs and fried goat before we can even think about taking on any country as formidable as say . . . Mexico!

    And the conspiracy buffs are all up in the air about the law passed allowing this same bunch of Keystone Cops to spy on the Internet. Don't worry about it. I'm sure they'll do that job with the same fervor they had when they checked out these two kids who were constructing LAND MINES in their freaking DORM ROOM! And when you watch a conspiracy theory pay close attention to what they are selling. That's right, they have ads. They sell everything from packaged food to how-to books on hiding in a hole in the ground. Follow the money, folks. Just follow the money.

    The strength of America is not the government, it's the people! If the government would just get out of the way and let the American people work we'd all be a lot better off. Forget about the FED, get Fed UP! Look at it, folks. On what planet does Hillary and Sanders even think about being president? That’s like making El Chapo the school nurse. Most people are like sheep, and will follow the sheep dog, but remember, there’s always a black sheep. Or is he president. What we burn in our crazy minds.

Friday, April 22, 2016


Scared. I want ya’ll to write that down ‘cause there’s gonna be a quiz later. Scared dictates a lot of things that people do. I’ve said it before, and I’m gonna say it again, Texas is in fact a republic, a “de-facto” republic. Back in World War II just because Hitler invaded France, and put his troops in there, that did not mean that France was not a republic. France was a republic under occupation. Texas has been under occupation since 1865. We had special laws passed against us because they thought that our ability to carry a gun might lead back to the Republic of Texas. They have been scared of us in America ever since.
The scared part comes in like when we show up down in Austin to do these rallies with speakers driving in, and you get down there, and you get thirty-five or forty people. We’re all sitting around wondering well, what’s going on here?  What’s going on is people are scared. Right now at the Republican convention in Texas there is going to be an effort to put in a plank on the platform to ask how many people would like the opportunity to vote and voice their opinion of the secession issue. Now, I’d like to point out you can call us “nuts” or “fringe” but four years ago they wouldn’t let us in the door, and now we’re in the door, and actually going to have a vote.
The general population, getting up and going to work every morning is not thinking about seceding from the United States, they don’t even understand it, but you would think that with a rally in Austin that they’d show up just to see what we look like, see what’s going on, but the problem is that they’re scared. This is what’s happened in the United States. Waco, Ruby Ridge, things like that have put people on point. Where ten or twenty years ago you’d see a Department of Public Safety officer walking around the grounds you’d think nothing about it, he’s supposed to be there, but now, with the events of the last two to four years attitudes have changed and people are scared. Take your average nerd in Austin on a Saturday with nothing to do, and hears there’s going to be a rally at the Capitol and they wonder what’s going on. Now, if it’s a bunch of Mexicans dancing they run down and join the party, but if it’s a bunch of Texas Nationalists giving speeches about seceding, well, they get scared. No one wants to show up and watch the arrests, and all the other nonsense that goes with them.
But, Texas is a republic. Just because we’re occupied doesn’t mean it’s not. We’re beginning to act like a republic with things like our gold bullion, our emphasis on our borders, and our attracting people to Texas. We have to protect our borders, the United States doesn’t give a flip. The droves of people coming here because of the quality of life, the climate, and economic factors opinions are being formed. When someone first gets here they think that Texas is just like any other state, but it’s not, it is a functioning republic.
Will we be able to secede? No. I don’t think that short of an armed conflict that the United States will ever let us secede from the Union. Can we in fact be a different part? Well, we in fact are. Texas is different. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and LaVoy Finicum have reminded us that the government will do anything to maintain power. Ignore the constitution, ambush, burn, anything. I was watching last night as an engineer explained how the top fifteen floors on the World Trade Center could not possibly collapse the entire building. On another video I saw building seven erupt in explosions as it, too, pancaked to the ground, and that, people, is the length your government will go to in order to maintain power. There are sinister elements within the American Federal government, and those sinister elements are there to maintain power.
Texas, believing that borders matter, all borders, even those between us and the US, and that is a stumbling block to those who would erase those borders in their quest for a new world government. Texas has more oil than all other counties in the world combined except Russia. We’ve got cattle, tech, climate, people, economics, and God knows we have all the Mexicans, and that is a big stumbling block for the power brokers in New York and Washington. They want to infiltrate Texas and turn it into “CalTex.” California was a beautiful place, beautiful people, everybody wanted to be there. These same people who have set their sights on Texas went in there, and it’s still a beautiful place, but it’s not California anymore. It’s a joke now. Texas has a way of sitting back, watching someone screw up, and making sure that we don’t go down that same path.
We are not a bunch of rednecks, or fools. We have education, people, resources, enterprise, we have all these things in Texas! If you want to know how stout we are, how’d that Ebola work out for you? The world was coming to an end, the religious nuts were citing the Book of Revelation, and all of the sudden there weren’t no more Ebola! That’s because it came to Texas.
But, people are scared. The fact is that if ten thousand people showed up at a rally in Austin then the power brokers would be scared. You can arrest a man, but you can’t arrest a battalion. Power is inherent in the people! If you have a bunch of people saying this is the way it is then that’s the way it is! The power flows up from the people. This enema called the American Federal Government is an inversion of the way the constitution was laid out.
It’s not going to be easy. There will be more Ruby Ridges, there will be more LaVoy Finicums, but one day those people will show up, and then the illuminati will be scared. We Texans have proved two things of the last two hundred years or so. We are the people who will back up in an old church and shoot at you, and we can’t count to five thousand.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Ah SO!

 Charlie Chan used to say, “Ah SO!” Things have changed since Charlie’s day.  Global economics are dynamic. The one thing you must remember is this "global" thing is fairly new. Never before in history has the world been able to communicate so completely as it can today. Just look at it. The Romans thought they controlled the world. What did they really control? The Mediterranean area. Oh, I hear you. They conquered Europe! Heck, Hitler did that! Did it in a shorter time, too. Attila the Hun? Same deal. Didn't even conquer Rome and died in bed with a teenage girl. Hey, I'm impressed. And so it has gone all down through history. Up until now!

    People are used to governments being the powerhouse on the world stage. Well, there's a new kid on the block. Governments, kings, and unions ruled by the power of armies. Let's not forget to throw in religion. Long about 600 AD or so, when the Romans were desperately trying to learn German, Mohammed came screaming across the desert with a new flavor. He figured out that if he could get everyone on a rug, facing Mecca that he could virtually erase national boundaries. The Holy Roman Empire followed suit, and by 1000 AD we had two factions, suited up and ready for what really amounted to the real World War I.

    Now, I hate to say this about my noble ancestors, but Europeans are an unstable bunch of pricks! Oh, they look down their noses pretty good now, with gun control, free marijuana, and lots of polite talk about how bad we Americans are, but we learned from the best. I watched a most interesting video last night. It was a time lapse thing showing the shifting European borders changing over the last thousand years, and brothers and sisters, the most stable borders were when Hitler was doing his thing. Imagine THAT!

     With this latest push in the Ukraine the lame stream media tries to make it seem as though this is something new. They look across someone's border and say, "Oops! Someone's over there speaking Russian. That's MINE!" And this isn't restricted to just Russia. Oh no! You had the Roman Empire, the British Empire and the American Empire. Swat them bees, swat them bees! And Americans are like roaches. Once you get 'em, they never leave! Americans haven't learned a single thing from history. When you defend YOUR borders, that's cool. When you defend someone ELSE'S border, not so much! You would be hard pressed to find a single area on the globe where there is not an American presence of some kind. And it's all very politically correct, of course. Americans have an uncanny knack for peeing down someone's back, and tell them it's raining! Meanwhile, while worrying about Russia, America’s borders have less security than Disneyland.

    But, while we white folk are worried about the price of vodka there has been a group of people slowly rising, getting ready, and slipping onto the world stage through the back door. The Chinese! Now wait, wait, before you start laughing and calling me a Texas redneck, hear me out. Within one lifetime China has evolved. Back in the 1930's and '40's the Japanese kicked their butts all OVER the Gobi Desert. It was like the little skinny kid in the school yard slapping the fat kid and the fat kid just stood there crying and sucking snot. And just think about it. China has actually never invaded ANYBODY! They are famous for building WALLS to keep to themselves. Well, in the words of Bob Dylan, "Times They Are A-Changing!"

    We of European decent invented the corporation. The Chinese took it to the Nth degree. China doesn't HAVE an economy. Their economy is whatEVER the Chairman says it is. So when you value the dollar up against the yen you basically have a sliding scale. The yen comes across as a poor cousin. Only problem is that yen is buying stuff. The Chinese are BUYING America. The same little yellow guys who built the railroads that spanned the continent are now bidding for them, and Americans are too greedy, or too stupid to see this. Who controls Long Beach, the only deep water port on the west coast? Just look it up. Who completed the largest corporate sale in the last five years? Here, have a bowl of rice. When did these guys stop being communist?

    There is only one teeny, tiny little bump in the Manchurian Highway. TEXAS! Our old fashioned, racist, redneck, tobacco chewing gun toting population of nationalists casts a jaundiced eye toward such Yankee shenanigans. They are three types of people slipping across our southern border. First, of course, you have the Mexicans. Then, Central Americans, but the third group is Chinese. So, on one hand we have them trying to buy Los Angeles, and on the other we have a whole new brand of wetbacks slipping across the border.

    The Texas Nationalist Movement is more American than you might imagine. We actually believe in things like borders, real money, mommy and daddy, and hot apple pie, and then, there’s that nasty ol’ constitution. When Texas secedes we don’t even have to
write a constitution. We’ll just use theirs, they’re not doing anything with it right now. While the Nortés are picking one from column B and two from column A, and paying for it by selling their souls, the Texas contingent is drawing a very politically incorrect line in the sand. When it comes down to it, and the Republic of Texas becomes a reality, the western United States will have a choice. Will they eat rice, or will they eat steak. Frankly, I don't know. I look out at California and I see men marrying men, women marrying women and dogs marrying cats, and I really can't see that bunch of wine heads standing up for much of anything. Oh, by the way "dudes," check out the Chinese view of homosexuality.

    Most people of common sense are migrating to Texas as I write. Shucks, Ireland put an Embassy in Austin. Toyota, Carl's Jr, you name it. They're all coming here, and Uncle Remus at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. can't seem to figure that out. The lines are being drawn, people. You can't run away. Texas is the last bastion of liberty left. We don't intend to sell it, or give it away. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Lone Star Beer and Moon Pies, but we have a real good time. Aaaaah SO!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Post Turtle

As we watch the rules of the game evolve, the march to the White House continues, and the Post Turtles abound. More about that later.  I’m amazed that Obama doesn’t seem to realize how lame of a duck he is. And all this talk, and innuendo about his possible third term. NOT! Just stick a fork in Obama, he’s done. He’s looking for a legacy. Well, global warming, which was caused by all the hot air coming out of his administration. My word to the loyal opposition: Ok, you got your black guy, now it’s time to move on.
Donald Trump is taking the nation by storm, in spite of the main stream media polls telling us that everyone hates him. Cruz? Well, what can I say? Ted Cruz came blazing out of the Tea Party not long back, even got on the cover of Texas Monthly holding the Bill of Rights. He gathers a few victories, but frankly folks, I’m a Texan, and I fully understand taking a butt-whipping and spinning it up into a win for the public, i.e. the Alamo. In any twelve step program there is a first step where you have to at least admit things are screwed up. Ted ain’t gonna win. Then, there’s that other guy, the ringer, who hangs on, and hangs on, and hangs on, like an ex-wife you owe a boat load of child support while she’s living with some guy named, “Animal.” You remember Animal, don’t you. The guy she ran off with. Well, that’s this guy.
Mitt Romney rattled his chains, and the fat lady ain’t sang on that one yet. Side note; I spent the better part of the weekend watching two things. One was re-runs of “To Catch a Predator,” and the other was long, boring videos on how the Mormons are going to take over the world, and their prophet is the “Beast.” The Predator series, because I just love to drink Jim Beam and watch stupid, and the Mormon thing because I just love to drink Jim Beam and watch stupid. Remember “Deep Survival?” Well, that’s Mitt Romney. Uh, he ain’t gonna win either. Next.
Sanders. I love to watch him speak. Same deal, drink Beam and watch stupid. He comes off just like those guys in that kitchen with a six-pack, and a package of condoms trying to say that they were on the way to the library when they accidently lost their clothes in some thirteen-year-old girl’s mom’s garage. This guy is a stone hippy. He could play a part in a Cheech and Chong movie. You know, where Cheech is in a straight jacket on the floor of some nut house, and Sanders offering him, “The Key?”
Then there’s Hillary, Presidente Designado. Liar, Liar, pants on fire, and considering the size of those pants that would be a bigger fire than the one at the embassy in Benghazi. The email scandal, what’s that? Hillary was so stupid that what she did was akin to a cheating husband saving his love notes to his girlfriend on his wife’s iCloud account. Cheating husband, Hillary, I digress.
All of the above, save one are “Post Turtles.” What’s a Post Turtle, you ask. Well, I’ll tell you. So you driving along some country road and come upon this gate with two posts on either side. On top of one of them is a turtle. Now, work with me on this. The turtle didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, he’s elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what dummy put him up there in the first place. POST TURTLE! Trump is not a post turtle. So, we watch and see if the will of the people will prevail, or will some new reality series distract us, and we end up with a post turtle. Ya’ll be cool!  

Saturday, April 16, 2016

On The Eighth Day God Made Texas

On the eighth day God made Texas. I found it in the Bible!
And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Then God began to consider. Looking at all He had made, and the man, and the animals, the rocks, the trees, oceans, and the fish therein, and He saw that something was still missing. For God knew man for what he was, and knew that man would stray like a child in a school yard. There needed to be one place, one people, who while being flawed, and would make mistakes, would still retain God’s original plan, and be willing to act on it, so on the eighth day God made Texas!
As you know, I spent some time in Utah recently. I studied the culture there, enjoyed the mountains, met the people, and found a society that had evolved from a hardy pioneer stock to populate an area that no man in his right mind would even have a second thought about. I returned home, and as luck would have it, I ended up on my porch alone last night, and that’s never good because I begin to think. My night progressed to YouTube and I first researched the Great Salt Lake. Yeah, I’m boring, but I’m old, bear with me. Then I watched a slew of stuff on Joseph Smith, including what looked like the Disney version of his life. Yeah, I watched the whole movie. The night wound up with a presentation by some guy who was a former Satanist, turned Mormon, and then got “born again.” (Wait for it.)
This learned gentleman went through great lengths to slander Smith, and finally produced his “proof” that the Devil had inspired Brigham Young to draw up the Blue Prints for the Salt Lake Temple. Ok, I’m just a Simple Ol’ Boy From Austin, but I did have a twelve pack so I continued. That was. . . special. I notice little things. Real things. And the more beer I drink, the more I notice. Hey, it’s a “Texas” thing.  One thing I noticed was this cat did an entire segment lambasting the LDS “Garment.” Now, for the uninformed the “garment” is a form of underwear worn by Mormons for a physical reminder of the adherence to their beliefs. They have these little symbols on them, and there is an entire ritual concerning the wearing of this cloth. Well, first he tore into the symbols, going back to Babylon or someplace, but finally settled on the Masons. (This is my surprised face.) If you ever want to see a religious nut go off, just bring up the Masons. Anyway, he cited Bible verse after Bible verse showing how God hates underwear. I’m listening to this idiot, but still couldn’t help but wonder how Marie Osmond looked in her underwear. I digress.
Then, an angel appeared unto me. I looked upon the angel, and the angel was magnificent. Funny thing about angels is that you can never tell if they are male or female, what with the long blonde hair, the fair features. I suspect this was a California angel. Anyway,  I walked up to the angel and I said, “What?” And the angel got holy, and powerful, and resounded-duh. And the angel said, “Look at that fool’s head!” So, I did. On top of his head was this little beany kinda like Spanky used to wear in the Little Rascals. So here’s this hypocrite ranting and raving about someone’s drawers while he’s wearing a religious symbol of his own right on top of his head. Wisdom comes in small doses, folks.  He ended his lecture with the conclusion that the Mormons were in a vast conspiracy to take over the world, with the cooperation of the Devil of course, and would move the Oval Office to a Mormon Temple in DC about a block or two from the White House. (You can’t make this stuff up, people.) That, and Joseph Smith set this all up on some hill in New York one hundred and ninety-three years ago. I can get this same kind of nonsense out of Frenchi if I run a few shots of Tequila through her, and I’m quite sure she looks a lot better in her underwear than he looks in his!
I called it a night, but this morning I caught a Charlie Daniels video Pale Horse, and that scared the pee out of me all good and proper. Ok, let’s cut to the core. Let me do a refresher for you from Wilbur 101. There is a God Hole in everyone’s head. People try to explain their situation by filling that hole. Now, there is a creative force in the universe, and if you don’t believe that just try to make a leaf. Left on its own, this pretensity will lead to millions of conclusions, all different, all filling the hole with whatever. Religious thought is organic. When the dots don’t connect, just make more dots. Let’s look at some facts, shall we?
Fact: The man in the lecture never changed. He just traded one addiction for another. It always amazes me that when some people find “God” they immediately try to impose their “God” on other people who are trying to fill their God Hole. They do this by finding fault, and of course, if the other person doesn’t agree then it simply must be the Devil!
Fact: The Mormons are not going to take over the world. ISIS won’t let them. Whenever you find an organization that seems to be doing well there will always be people who theorize that the success of said organization must be from, you guessed it, the Devil. Hence you get an old man trying to rip everyone’s underwear off whilst wearing Spanky’s Beany.
Fact: The US has gone to hell in a handbasket. You don’t have to connect any dots there, just look out the window. Shucks, look in your wallet. While I don’t believe in any “Illuminati” I do believe that there are a host of fools out there who think they’re Illuminati. And Masons? A bunch of old men in funny hats with their own secret handshake and an apron! Now, there is a link between Masons and Mormons. Joseph Smith was a Mason, and borrowed their rituals for his “Temple.” You will also note that Ted Cruz stuck his hand in his coat for a picture and walked away with Utah quite handily. (You can’t make this stuff up, folks.)
Fact: Never forget that we Texans are the only people left who will hold up in a church and shoot at you. We’ve done it twice now.
Conclusion: Texas will eventually divorce our unfaithful wife, America. We don’t buy into secret handshakes, underwear, symbols, or any of that other nonsense. What we do buy into is constitutions, oil, cattle, tech, real money, and freedom. Oh, buy the way, we just went on the gold standard again. Ya’ll didn’t know that did you. While you were looking under Obama’s hair for horns we quietly solidified our economy. Jus’ Sayin’. The Texans heading this all up are like my friend, Doc Greene. He filled his God Hole with, well, GOD! You remember Him, don’t you? The guy who made Texas. Beam me up, Scotty.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Looking Back This Week

Looking back this week is slim due to my travels, but the articles that did come out were heavy. Donald Trump dropped the ball on abortion, and I addressed that in Deep Survival. What that was all about was the tendency of people, while in the midst of a winning streak, or performing everyday tasks will sometimes do the dumbest things for apparently no reason, either getting killed, or in this case, killing a political career. While it remains to be seen how much damage the statement in question caused, one would think that the “Donald” would have at least taken a breath before making it. We shall see.
I’ve always viewed “No Knock” warrants as an affront to the 4th Amendment and Knock Knock is a prime example of this. I’m still looking into the event, the cops claiming the entire drug cartel was holed up in the apartment, while the man arrested is saying he was just reading his Bible, you know, you get that. The esteemed District Attorney of Bell County, Texas has seen fit to charge the man with capital murder. I’m not going to put this down. If this was a home invasion, and the man was just defending himself I’m gonna let the D. A. taste my mutton and see how he likes it.
The Eight-Hundred-Pound Gorilla and Votes, Lies, and Videotapes basically deal with the same subject, the subject being that the Republican Party is by no means “pubic” but a “Good Ol’ Boys” club that does what it damn well pleases, and its supporters can just stuff it. I was very pleased to see that following that post Wild Bill For America followed with The End of the GOP. Like me, he is direct, to the point, and calls it like it is, which is, the Republican Party has been out of control for years, and Donald Trump is on them like Chris Hansen on a pervert! They may get their way this time, but this is not going to end well for the Party. Trump has a broad base support, and the smoke and mirrors generated by his own party is so obvious that the blind man down on Main Street can see it.
It’s good to be back in Texas. Travel is great, but those 737 wheels touching down in Austin is better. I found the Mormon Culture to be a little more mundane than I’d supposed, basically a survivalist sect, bent on isolation out of disgust at what’s happening in America today. Kinda like Texas. I’m convinced that if Texas and Utah team up the fat lady will definitely sing. Joseph did you know we’s all gonna ride the train?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Eight-Hundred-Pound Gorilla

There’s an eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room, and Donald Trump is exposing it. With the fiasco in Colorado, the hypocrisy of the RNC is becoming so blatant that it defies logic. In times before the elections were rigged, but were so fogged with smoke and mirrors that it was hard to see. In a close race there was always the illusion of a fair count. A candidate would get 52% or so and it would be declared a winner by a “landside,” with a “mandate,” and the general population accepted it. Trump came along, and he’s so blasted hot that there’s no margin between him and say, Ted Cruz. So, you got Ted lagging behind Don, what do you do?  Why, have an election without any voters. Just give the delegates to Ted, all of them, and tell the citizens of Colorado to just suck it up. They have marijuana in Colorado, but they’re not that high!

The RNC is very clear about the fact that they can make up the rules as they go along. They have the contenders chasing the twelve hundred some odd number to assure nomination like a donkey after a carrot that he’ll never eat, and all the while, making sure that it is understood that even should someone attain the magic number it won’t matter because they will simply broker in someone who will lose to Hillary, the New World Order person of choice. Meanwhile, Hillary sucks up to the black vote in the southeast, and they don’t know, or don’t understand what she did to ACORN. They just hear the word, “Clinton” and file right in line down at the voting booth. Bill Clinton portrayed himself as a liberal with his assault weapon ban, thereby claiming to have saved the black race from itself. You think Donald Trump is a capitalist? Did someone say, “Clinton Foundation?

Right now the main stream media is putting out stats, and figures showing Bernie Sanders is blowing the doors off, and if you’ll notice, Hillary is oblivious to this. Wanna know why? Cause it’s a lie, that’s why. Someone has to be pitted against Hillary at the convention to make it all look legitimate, but the song remains the same, and the fat lady will sing by the time it’s all over. Remember when I told you there weren’t any golden plates? Well, quivering, shaking old men don’t get elected president either. Just certain things that won’t happen. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t doubt if the RNC is propping up Sanders to help this along. For all those out there trying to catch me in a typo, that last statement was not one of them. I said exactly what I meant. The REPUBLICANS are fronting SANDERS to rig the election on both sides. Now, do you understand? Do you finally understand.  They only trump card is Donald Trump!

Trump don’t play the game. Trump is not part of the organization. Trump is not a “made man,” in the Mafia called American politics. He’s Bugsy Siegel! There is no way the powers that be are going to let someone like Donald Trump get a piece of the “action.” So what’ll happen if they actually stomp over the population, and proceed with business as usual? Well, I don’t think there’ll be a Civil War, but I do believe that there will be a renaissance. Remember back on the day when the Catholic Church ran the show? Then Martin Luther nailed his little love note to that door, and suddenly all the power that the church had went away like so much cotton candy. What “The Donald” has done is exposed the system for what it is. It’s no longer the line from Alex Jones screaming about a “fix.” It is an eight-hundred-pound-gorilla disguised as an elephant.

This is going to generate a whole new breed of politician. Trump may lose this election, but he will win the war, because if they pull off this coop d’etat it will so offend the population that grass roots organizations like the Tea Party will find new life. Short story; they won’t look like outsiders anymore because killing Trumps run is a blow against mainstream America. We will all feel the sting. That eight-hundred-pound gorilla will begin to look like Cheeta! Barack Obama divided this nation like no other president since Lincoln, and Trump has gathered support from all demographics. Before November we will all know the gorilla quite well. All we gotta do is stuff him, and put him in a museum right next to that freaking elephant.

Votes, Lies, and Videotapes

Votes, lies, and video tapes. If you’ll notice I took an old movie title, and replaced the word, “sex” with “vote.” That’s because that’s what the RNC is doing with your vote. It’s interchangeable. After I did the article on this subject a couple days ago, one of my followers pointed out that the RNC is a private organization, free to do what it will with its business, and that is true. The problem is that it portrays itself as being “Of the People, By the People, and For the People,” but as Donald Trump has so aptly pointed out the “people” have nothing to do with the choice of a candidate. The power flows from the top down, not up. In his talk on ABC news yesterday, he enumerated his grievances with the organization.
My follower was right, and it is what it is. Here’s why it works. The RNC is a funding entity, buying slots in Washington, and if they don’t like you, you don’t win! Swat them bees! No one can “lone wolf” it anymore, and simply must have the nod from the “committee” in order to proceed. Now, combine this with the Democrats doing exactly the same thing, and they are in collusion. Sorry to use that big word. It means, secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy especially in order to cheat or deceive others. You know, like Iowa and Colorado, that sort of thing, and it’s all legal!
The RNC presents itself as a public organization when in fact it is a very private, tightly controlled business that brokers candidates. Then, when someone comes along who can garner votes, but won’t walk the party line the teeth come out, and they’re not even nice about it. Ted Cruz understands this. He’s not a liar, or a crook, he’s a realist. He says he’s Tea Party, and the RNC thinks that’s cool, you can drink any tea you like, so long as you buy it from their tea house. The final exposure of this will be when Donald Trump loses the convention, and a proper opponent for Hillary is chosen. Someone who looks good, talks well, flies from one end of the country to the other, and concedes gracefully. Like Mitt Romney did. Just look at that election. Johnny America ran against “The Joker,” and the freaking Joker WON!
Can we fix this? Not this time. The “fix” is already in, the cards are dealt, and the Terror of Benghazi will be the next president. But, the American people are now aware! With the proper amount of flames shooting out of his tail when he crashes, Donald Trump will “out” the system, and hopefully we can begin to rebuild. This is what happened to the constitution. This is what happed to the country, and it’s not conspiracy stuff. They are doing it right now, in full view, and they know they will win! Look, it’s taken these guys over a hundred years to put this together. This is not their first rodeo.
The idea is to keep the agenda on track, and that agenda is to make sure the people are not involved in government. Oh, they don’t mind the money. As you know the Federal Reserve has that under control, but here’s the bad part. Trump has the money, but the money only works when they deem it appropriate. The Donald can spend every last penny, and it won’t buy anything, certainly not the nomination. The RNC and Democrats can’t afford that. The fix is in. Eight years of Hillary, then, I guess Chelsea or one of Obama’s daughters will be on the slate, I don’t know. Sure would be a bad day for them if Texas secedes and takes everything west of the Mississippi with it, huh? DUDES! If they can rig an election, we can rig a revolution.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Knock Knock

“Knock Knock.”

“Who’s there?”

“The Police.”

“Police who?”

“The Police who’re gonna light your ass up if you don’t open this door right now!”

No knock home invasions are just about the stupidest procedure that has ever been devised by man. Combine that with relying on a tip from some meth head, and you have the perfect storm. A call comes into the TIPS line. So and so has some grass and he’s thinking about selling it. Before I go on let me tell you about the town in question. Killeen, Texas. Ok, where do I begin? I grew up there. People in Killeen think the world must be flat because when people leave town they never come back. It’s been called the “City without limits,” but that didn’t really strike home until the city council extended said limits almost to Austin! Everything north of Rancier, and west of W. S. Young is a crack house. I crappith thee not! If you wanna get robbed just take a stroll down tenth street about one A. M. with gold teeth in your mouth. About the only thing you can say about Killeen that is different is that you can get anything you want to eat there. American, Mexican, small dogs, tourists, you name it. You can buy dope easier in Killeen than you can an Apple Computer. The town sits like a tumor on Fort Hood, sucking the life out of each soldier’s payday. Is there anything I missed? Recently took an award for being the best town to marry a hooker! Hey, you can’t make this stuff up.

Practically every single dope head in town is some kind of “informant,” thereby assuring spare change for a “rock,” and a form of immunity, so they ring up the line regularly. Forget that crap about “snitches,” they’re all snitches. So, back to the original story line. Tip comes in, the cars roll up, and the hood fills up with law. Doors get kicked in, homeboys go to jail, become snitches, and get out in two weeks with “time served.” So, what’s the legal implications when a bunch of cops kick in a door, surprise the occupants therein, and an officer gets killed? Why, you charge the shooter with capital murder! Oh, did I mention the Bell County Justice Department? Yeah! You know, the same clowns who arrested C. J. Grisham for not breaking the law. Impeding an officer during the consumption of a donut, or something like that. During said raid no dope was found. Officer got killed. Didn’t affect the movement of one gram of dope in Killeen.

Back to the “knock knock” joke. What’s wrong with calling out with one of them bull horns something like, “We have a search warrant. This is the Police?” “Oh, Wilbur, that’ll take away the advantage of surprise.” Oh, so it’s better to go charging in, with no knowledge of what’s inside, scaring the pee pee out of everyone, and getting an officer killed, right? The sad thing is that in spite of its bastard nature, Killeen has a fairly good police force, and to get an officer killed like this is a crime against humanity. There is something fundamentally wrong with no knock searches. The fourth amendment protects us against unreasonable searches, and not being told that a search warrant has been issued, and crashing through someone’s front door is unreasonable.

Police work is hard enough without this. When just walking up to a traffic stop can get you killed an officer does not need to be put in danger like this. It’s not the cops, folks, it’s the system. Wanna get really pissed off? Let’s just say the raid went off as planned. The cops entered the apartment found a joint, arrested the guy, and off to Bell County he goes. Then, he gets a deal, snitches, and walks out. First off, what did the joint hurt? Second, why are we paying these people in the Justice Center? Knock knock? Who’s there? An officer who deserves a chance to go home to his family.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Deep Survival

Deep Survival is a book written by a friend of mine, Laurence Gonzales. It is about the seemingly senseless things people do that get them killed, but the concepts apply to almost every aspect of life. A pilot landing on an aircraft carrier who pushes the stick forward instead of back, and flies into the back of the vessel. An act so out of sync that it defies logic. Donald Trump did this in Wisconsin. In presidential politics you can’t have a bad hair day. Bad hair. . . Donald Trump, hey, I digress. Anyway, you have to think, position, and speak slowly. Abortion is a black and white issue. I don’t care how you slice it, you’re either Pro-Choice, or Pro-Life. Nobody is just a little bit pregnant. No matter what you personally believe, when the League of Women Voters is looking down your throat you do not say that women who get abortions need to be punished. The Donald crashed into the tail end of the USS Nimitz. Why couldn’t he just have said, “While, as you know, I personally do not believe in abortion, it is the law, and we’ve had enough of politicians ignoring the law?” By the way, Donald, I’m for hire as a speech writer, and I’m cheap! Never being one to let grass grown beneath his feet, Ted Cruz surged to victory, going from a ten-point lag to a decisive win. This has changed a sure Trump candidacy to an almost certain contested convention where the Illuminati will achieve their goal of getting a politically correct opponent for Hillary in the general election, thereby saving the Union of Soviet Socialist Democrats. And for all of you out there waiting for the indictment, Doc Greene put it best on Foxx Network last night; Hillary is too rich, and too entrenched to ever take that lick. Just file that under “Birth Certificates.”  Like Ol’ Willie sang recently in It’s All Going To Pot, “Best I can tell the world’s gone to hell, and we’re all gonna miss it a lot.”
Now, before you get all upset, thinking it was just one mistake that cost Trump the race, let me say this; In politics there is a thing called “vetting.” Vetting in like making a fine sword. You hammer, temper, and hammer again, and if you find a flaw, you either remold the steel, or use I for a paper weight. Back in Nashville I heard people struggling in the music business claiming the system was all wrong because they couldn’t get a cut. No! They just didn’t make it because the competition was stiff, and only the cream went to the top. I, myself, turned to Country Comedy because I couldn’t write a hit to save my soul. Last week we saw, “NAKED WIFE” coming out the Cruz camp, answered by, “UGLY WIFE” back from Trump, and of course neither man actually said those things, but in the end Trump tripped on a banana peel, Cruz peed on the fire, and Wisconsin called in the dogs. Kay Sarah Sarah!
Do not go with your heads hung low. Donald Trump electrified a segment of the population. A segment that even Hillary will be aware of. The sad part is that America is lost. Politics has become so elite that even a billionaire businessman can’t possibly win. A profession with absolutely no interest in We the People.  The cards are stacked, and the song remains the same. Just drink the Kool Aid and pass the cup. Still, the powers that be have got to be aware that there are still people who believe in the constitution, liberty, family, the rights of individuals. Unfortunately, we all live in Texas. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m back on that secession trip again. We were holding off on the outside chance that Trump might win and we’d have eight more years to put it together, but nah, I’m not moving to Canada, but I am going to maintain my Texas driver’s license. Don’s loss in Wisconsin will have a ripple effect on the remainder of the contest, with Cruz capitalizing on it, and Marco Rubio sitting on a beach in Florida with a Pina Colada saying, “Mierda! Why didn’t I think of that?”

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Joseph Did You Know We's All Gonna Ride The Train?

Joseph did you know we’s all gonna ride the train? Sometimes when an idea pops up it takes on a life of its own. So it was with the founder of the Mormon faith on that hill long ago. Joseph Smith could not possibly have known how far his ideas would go when he concocted his story of the angel. The idea of golden tablets, Egyptian texts, magic glasses, all blend a story that is, frankly, extraordinary. This article is going to be a mixture of theology, psychology, and just a little common sense, but with a large dose of understanding. You must understand that most people are followers. A few lead. Humanity has to be this way if anything is going to get done. In religion your faith is divinely inspired, and everybody else is evil. Everyone has “the truth.”
“Pilate said to Him, ‘What is truth?” For humans, truth is whatever you perceive it to be right up until that final breath when you suddenly realize you were wrong. God is truth. God is truth because He is the creator, and if he says, “Be,” then it IS. Man can’t do that, but man has a way of saying “truths” over and over, and after a while it becomes man’s truth. . . right up ‘till that final breath.
Joseph Smith had these truths. Now, like Juan says, “I ain’t even gonna lie to you,” there weren’t any tablets in the woods. Swat them bees. Now, when you say that to Mormons they go spastic. I’ve seen them retreat, claiming the tablets were brass, may even have been copper, and the sheets were paper thin. There was no gold in Palmyra, New York except in the banks in somebody else’s name, but there was treasure in the mind of a small boy, and maybe, just maybe, there was an incredible occurrence on that hill. Inspiration is organic. God doesn’t come down and seize the hand of the writer of religious material. He filters it through the human psyche. When I wrote “Sharon” there were some people who claimed that I was inspired. Nope. Just made it up. That’s what a writer does. But if my words light a fire in someone’s mind, who’s to say that’s not a form of inspiration.
Mormons holding onto the golden tablets are like Catholics holding onto the Shroud of Turin. Hey, I was one of those. They ran that bathrobe through radio carbon and it came back bananas. I read all the theories, came up with one myself, sorry, no shroud! People constantly grasp for the tangible to prove the intangible. Jesus told us that no sign would be given. Don’t base your faith on parlor tricks. Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, if thou art perplexed thou understandith not the trick, and it’s all tricks, folks. I followed behind a Catholic “mystic” like a puppy, and she wasn’t anything more than a Tarot Card reader in short shorts. Never said I was a prophet, people.
Have you ever written a book? I have, let me tell you about it. It starts with a single page, and then, as the story develops, it evolves, and actually writes itself. A good story teller can weave a spell. Joseph Smith was such a story teller. It doesn’t matter if he made it up, stole it from some Presbyterian minister, or just found it in a jug of moonshine, the fact remains that he did not transcribe anything from any golden tablets, but he did start something that he, himself had no control over.
Does that nullify the Church of Latter Day Saints? Certainly not. Religion comes in two parts. The religion, and the culture that it generates. When a religion begins it is simple enough, but if it lasts it becomes a “theology.” Theology is refined by “theologians.”  Once these guys get involved you’re just screwed. The inspiration, and vision of the founder has long since dissipated, and it must be “revived” or explained, or, God forbid, canonized. That’s where you get holy underwear, funny little hats on Jews, and weird people kissing snakes in Arkansas. Each religion judges truths by what they perceive to be true, i.e. the Mormons can’t have a real temple because only the Jews than have one. Who said? I have seen the Temple in Salt Lake City, and it looked too holy for me!
So, how do you judge a religion? By the culture that proceeds from it, that’s how. Look at Islam, the “religion of peace.” Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard all about Mountain Meadows, but I also heard about the Mormons getting burned out time and time again, finally fleeing to a salty lake in the desert. They didn’t try to take anything from America, they divorced America! Then, they built a culture that frankly works, magic underwear and all! It was all a lot of fun to burn them out in New York, Illinois and Missouri, but when the attackers of the LDS Church came barreling over the Wasatch Mountains and “John Wayne” was waiting on the other side it was a whole different critter. Nothing like a good ol’ country butt stomping to make you more tolerant of other cultures, huh?  I learned a lesson from C. J. Grisham. When you strap on an Ar-15, and stand up, the fat boys all fall down and pray. There’s a truth for you!
I’ve seen all the writing on how ex-Mormons “expose” the church, but the fact of the matter is, they couldn’t make it, while millions of others did. Does that make Mormonism true? Nah, no truer than any other man-made religion. God made man, man made religion. I hear all the stuff about how bad Mormonism is, but some people need patterns in their lives. Have you ever seen a bunch of kids playing with Yugioh Cards? I once made a video showing three little boys playing them, all from different cultures, but the rules of the game transcended the ethnic differences. Religion is like that. That is that “God Hole” I talk about. Man seeks organization, conformity, and answers. All religions put forth theories that seem ridiculous to the outsider. Know them by their fruits. If Mormonism doesn’t work for you then leave. Become a Hari Krishna or something, or make up your own. Recently, on a trip from Salt Lake City to Brigham City I observed the industry all along the I-15 for sixty miles or so. Industry built by a people who came here with nothing but a Book of Mormon and one crazy old man who was tired of getting burned out every time he prayed.
There is no way Joseph Smith knew what would become of his Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I don’t know if he ever discussed the Great Salt Lake during his life, but the movement he began evolved into that industry I observed along the fifteen that afternoon. That’s no accident! That is a culture that works for most of its members. I’ve heard that LDS people aree not Christian, or follow “another Jesus.” You wanna see anti-Christ? Look at Islam. When ISIS comes they’ll come for all of us. Those temples in Utah will look a lot better then. “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and two hundred and sixty days.” Joseph did you know we’s all gonna ride the train?