by Wilbur Witt
Saturday I had the most interesting talk with an old friend about guns and gun control. Now this friend is a big supporter of the second amendment. He helped get me through my required class and paperwork for my license to carry. He carries a pistol everywhere legally possible, and provides gifts of guns to all the women in his family, and more than one of these women has had occasion to be very grateful to him for that. That all having been said, he proposed a scenario to me. I had just returned from a Sam's opening in Killeen. Crowds of people. Lots of children and women, old people, you name it. Everybody packed together, sampling free food, and taking advantage of the opening day sales.
He asked me to consider something. What if I were sitting there eating a free sausage, and in through the door walked a man with an AR15 slung over his shoulder? He asked me to tell the truth. Would I think this was a demonstration of second amendment rights, or would my survival instincts kick in and would I have visions of Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Luby's? I had to admit, reluctantly, that I would at the very least apprehensive, at the most I would ease the safety off on my gun. He then said that was the reason for the right to bear arms. If we are restricted in being able to protect ourselves and others, then we wait for the insane man coming into a store. We will have no choice, and. An only wait to see what the man will do. If the man is crazy then people will die. If we have armed citizens then the man will die. This is the sobering truth and the Government cannot fix this.
When we populated the Texas plains we brought Christianity and guns. There were people living here who thought nothing of killing an entire family for a few chickens. If they could not see the light of Christ then we showed them the flash of light at the end of a Winchester. My ancestor, Silas Witt, was one of those people. He was a soldier and Baptist Preacher, and he'd shoot you, bury you, and pray over you, but he would not endanger himself or his family for some wishy-washy ideal that would get everyone killed.
This is a bad world friends. I wish we all lived in a Yellow Submarine and ran half naked on the beach drinking wine but it is simply not so! When a young lady can't walk to the store from my house three blocks away you have a sick society. And the world has always judged its civilization by the safety of its citizens. The Apostle Paul walked from Jerusalem to Rome. Now, he got crossways with Nero when he got to Rome, but he GOT there! Friends, this country is NOT that civilized! And if you liberal Democrats out there think it is, and we don't need to defend ourselves, just let YOUR wife or daughter take a stroll through any city in thus country. Hey, have her wear jeans, and see how far she gets. I'm crazy you say! No, anyone who doesn't recognize these cold, hard facts is having a major problem with reality.
You will never see this situation change in your lifetime. It's going to take a long time to turn this run away train the Democrats and RINOs have out us on. There will be more mass shootings. There will be more calls for gun bans, but eventually, as citizens bring down shooters it will abate. And it will be violent. And it will be bloody. And liberals will wring crying towels, but just like we don't have any more wild Indians, we eventually won't have any more active shooters. But this will not happen with psychiatrists. This will not happen with sociologists. This will not happen with more police. This will happen with an armed populace that simply will not stand for any more. When some old man is being beat down by a gang of street thugs, and they soak up a hail of gunfire from the crowd you can bet it will send an electrifying message through the local gangs.
People, I really wish this wasn't so. I really wish we could all live on that Yellow Submarine. I really wish rain were beer, and that we had universal peace and love, but I also realize that John Lennon is dead. And the Yellow Submarine died with him!