Morality cannot be legislated. What a simple statement. You can't imprint your beliefs about right and wrong, dirty or clean, fresh or foul on anyone except yourself. One man's meat is another man's poison. So why do we have wars on drugs, sex, and freedom of speech? We do it because we have this gene in our heads that tells us if it feels good for me it must feel good for everyone else. I can't eat beets. That is the only food that will make me puke every time, but I know dozens of people who love them. We are all different.
You are always going to have a segment of the population that is two bubbles short of plumb. Jesus said the poor you will always have with you. The poor, the stupid, the gays, the religious comes in a package folks. And Jesus was a pretty smart boy but even He couldn't fix that. But we lay down laws about what people can and can't do even in their private lives because "someone" has a better idea. If the government decided that Ozarka water was bad for us and passed a law I assure you tomorrow trucks from Mexico would be slipping across the border loaded with cases of water for twenty-five dollars a bottle. And Obama would be selling them water pistols.
Think I'm being facetious? Dudes and dudettes, the government has declared a war on WEEDS, spent MONEY on it, and the crop just keeps growing. They tried that with beer, too, remember? A bunch of crazy bitches went stomping around ranting and raving about beer and finally got their wish. Al Capone danced in the streets. A similar bunch of crazy bitches are currently parading around trying to forbid guns and CJ Grisham is dancing in the streets, probably going to write a best seller because a bunch of bats got their shorts in a knot. Just tell anyone that there is something they cannot have and they will double down on it immediately. Human nature.
Take prostitution. How in the hell can you make it a crime to sell something that you can legally give away? And they aren't selling it, they are renting it. You only buy it when you get married. I know this because I've bought several. What's the difference between a woman who takes money and lays down in bed once, and one who gets dinner, a car, clothes, an apartment, diamonds, and a funny looking little dog and MAYBE lays down once or twice a month knowing the man is married to someone else? Well that would be a whore, too, folks but there are no laws forbidding her to make her living any way she sees fit.
And rock and roll. Loosely translated that means any lifestyle YOU don't agree with. Gays, polygamy, communes, you name it. If it don't sell at Walmart you can bet there's a law against it. If someone decides to buy a generator, sink a well, grow his own smoke and veggies and shacks up with three girls the SWAT team is on the way. And if two men want to hold hands it's the end of the world. Now, I have nothing against two men holding hands. It's when they try to write laws telling me they want to,hold MY hand that we have a problem. And there you go! What was forbidden is now cool so some want laws making it obligatory that everyone has to hold hands with everyone else. IT DON'T WORK LIKE THAT! That's just one more group imposing their morality on the majority. Reflect back on crazy bitches cited above. And it's not that I don't appreciate crazy bitches. If you ever have a crazy bitch you'll never go back to straight.
What to do? In a word, nothing. Don't legislate, regulate. People are going to screw, talk and make their head spin. Gonna happen. Accept it. Legalize all drugs. One step farther; if a crackhead can't afford crack give it to him. If he wants to break the habit help him. Oh God, Wilbur. That's crazy. What about the cost? Well, uh, compare it with border wars, prisons, the cartels and ruined lives vs just putting it all out there and taxing the crap out of it. Look folks, only a small segment of the population will do those things. And gays, I hate to be the one to tell you this but that includes you, too. You will never be a majority. If we legalized drugs, prostitution and love the cartel would be applying for jobs at Walmart TOMORROW.
You will still have the same people doing all of these immoral things, but you just wouldn't have to put up with the bull shit, ok? Now there's a way to clean up the environment. A shit free world. Sex, drugs, Rock and Roll, with no additives.