Ok, ring the bell, school’s in. Any liberals out there need to just go have a joint with their transgender friend because I’m about to go all “Texan” here. Robert Dear, Colorado Springs. Yeah, I’m gonna go there. On the surface, mass shooting, lots of media, maybe even that girl crying on the phone that we’ve all seen more than Shirley Temple, and Obama looking, yet again for a lost son in the mix. Hmmm, I wonder if he had a son if he’d look like Robert Dear? I digress.
Facts of the incident: Man who looked a little crazy comes on the scene and starts shooting. Kills three, including a police officer, wounds nine, I believe, and cops take him down after a shouting match. Still trying to get my mind around that one, but it’s Colorado so go figure. The main stream media scrambled to find Dear’s political affiliation, and I think the jury’s still out on that. This guy lived out in the east in some kind of cabin with no toilette or internet, then came to Colorado to do the exact same thing, and found a chick to live with him! Runs around spouting anti-Obama stuff, and handing out leaflets. The police are looking for a motive. You think?
Before anyone gets all bent, this guy is a straight up nut. Only a nut goes and shoots strangers, but let’s peel the onion, shall we. Look at the onion he peeled. Planned Parenthood. You know, those nice folks who like to sell baby parts to the highest bidder. Yeah, them guys. It really throws a monkey wrench in the gears when someone spills blood on the floor of an abortion clinic, now doesn’t it? How offended would you be if body parts were “harvested” from the three casualties in Colorado Springs? That made you mad, didn’t it?
Of course, Planned Parenthood harped on “women’s health,” but what about unborn health? It’s the usual debate about when life begins, and that’s always a bit fuzzy, but the clinics sure know how to end it, and they know how to keep the “fetus” viable if it be female until they can “harvest” the eggs in the ovaries (ya’ll didn’t know that, did you?) transplanting them to Lesbian couples wishing to raise another little Bruce Gender. Is that enough abominations in one sentence for you?
Some people out there take infanticide very seriously, and I am sorry that they don’t look like Justin Bieber. You can explain, analyze, debate, and cover up, but some guys just separate the sheep from the goats, and call a spade a spade. And I’m not even going to get politically correct at all here. We see the usual steam of politicians extending condolences to the families of the victims, well, how many condolences were sent out for the babies slaughtered the day before? Oh, my bad, that was business as usual.
This event has all the elements. Abortion, gun control, crazy-eyed hillbillies, the girl on the phone, it’s classic. But, you simply must look at the motivating factor. Did Dear change a thing? No, he didn’t. I am not getting PC here, but I will say that the fundamental flaw is legislation. As Tea Party people we simply must change the playing field. We must stop the murder of the innocents. America will never pay for the sin of all the murdered little fellas who were “harvested” while we sat on the porch theorized. We will never wash all of their blood from our hands. But one fact remains. Babies can’t shoot back!