American imperialist policy has positioned America as a opportunist global corporation, and a threat to the sovereignty of any nation that dares stand in its way. The line between democrat, and republican has become blurred as President Clinton claimed the global economic recovery for his own, King Bush II secluded himself and attacked anywhere there was a drop of oil to be had, and Obama struggled to socialize everything from health care to lemonade stands.
In spite of differences in stated policy, their ultimate goals have always been perfectly aligned. Increase their own wealth, while reducing the power of the constitution to restrain their efforts. It is not conspiracy theory when the very words, “New World Order” come from their own lips. It does not take a tin foil hat to clearly see US corporations openly rewarded for leaving our shores and taking American jobs, and prosperity with them. When the US has a credit rating roughly equal to a moderately successful meth dealer you must smell the coffee while avoiding the Kool Aid!
The election of Donald Trump, and the independent action of groups such as March For America, Raging Elephants Radio and hundreds of alternative news sources have heralded the handwriting on the wall. The old order changeth! The fire long burning on the palace lawn will soon enlighten the White House. The world watches with a jaundiced eye, having been disappointed so many times by stated US policy and the actual actions which followed. If you like your country, you can keep your country.
It is not liberal, or conservative, it is those who bought, as apposed to,those who didn't. In one election night poll the largest percentage noted was not Hillary or Trump, but change! Something different. Even an uncharted sea was better than a stagnant swamp, and the phrase, “Drain the Swamp” became the battle cry of a vast “Army of the Dead,” making light about the thousands of voters in previous elections who had died, yet rose again to voice their opinions about elections past. The very ones who had called these people from their tombs cried, “Foul,” when the system, over two centuries old, gave the mantle to a non-politician vowing to make America great again!
The losers tried to gather their forces, some who hadn't even participated in the election, to swarm the streets of the cities with paid orchestrators shouting, “Free Barabbas!” from the safety of the crowd. Challenging ever jot and tittle of every ballot, these pale horses case fear and doubt, trying to destroy the direction of the country that the electorate had carved out, and sought to divorce all traces of democracy from the state as they sought to put an outright criminal in the place of the true winner.
When people such as Scott Binsack, or Alex Jones take to the public airways their words may seem unbelievable, but an out of control left sometimes needs an out of control right to miss the iceberg this ship of state has been bearing down upon for over forty years. If we turn that ship but one degree we’ll be better off than we were when Barrack Obama threw his arms open to the same people who brought down the twin towers, and with resolve, and the grace of God, that one percent may miss the iceberg, with would have caused the sinking of the greatest nation, and the dream of freedom upon the face of the earth.
In spite of differences in stated policy, their ultimate goals have always been perfectly aligned. Increase their own wealth, while reducing the power of the constitution to restrain their efforts. It is not conspiracy theory when the very words, “New World Order” come from their own lips. It does not take a tin foil hat to clearly see US corporations openly rewarded for leaving our shores and taking American jobs, and prosperity with them. When the US has a credit rating roughly equal to a moderately successful meth dealer you must smell the coffee while avoiding the Kool Aid!
The election of Donald Trump, and the independent action of groups such as March For America, Raging Elephants Radio and hundreds of alternative news sources have heralded the handwriting on the wall. The old order changeth! The fire long burning on the palace lawn will soon enlighten the White House. The world watches with a jaundiced eye, having been disappointed so many times by stated US policy and the actual actions which followed. If you like your country, you can keep your country.
It is not liberal, or conservative, it is those who bought, as apposed to,those who didn't. In one election night poll the largest percentage noted was not Hillary or Trump, but change! Something different. Even an uncharted sea was better than a stagnant swamp, and the phrase, “Drain the Swamp” became the battle cry of a vast “Army of the Dead,” making light about the thousands of voters in previous elections who had died, yet rose again to voice their opinions about elections past. The very ones who had called these people from their tombs cried, “Foul,” when the system, over two centuries old, gave the mantle to a non-politician vowing to make America great again!
The losers tried to gather their forces, some who hadn't even participated in the election, to swarm the streets of the cities with paid orchestrators shouting, “Free Barabbas!” from the safety of the crowd. Challenging ever jot and tittle of every ballot, these pale horses case fear and doubt, trying to destroy the direction of the country that the electorate had carved out, and sought to divorce all traces of democracy from the state as they sought to put an outright criminal in the place of the true winner.
When people such as Scott Binsack, or Alex Jones take to the public airways their words may seem unbelievable, but an out of control left sometimes needs an out of control right to miss the iceberg this ship of state has been bearing down upon for over forty years. If we turn that ship but one degree we’ll be better off than we were when Barrack Obama threw his arms open to the same people who brought down the twin towers, and with resolve, and the grace of God, that one percent may miss the iceberg, with would have caused the sinking of the greatest nation, and the dream of freedom upon the face of the earth.