Thursday, February 12, 2015

Chris Kyle

The trial of Eddy Ray Routh began yesterday. For the uninformed that would be the man who killed Chris Kyle and his friend, Chad Littlefield during a trip to a gun range back on February 2, 2013. It began with the emotional testimony of Kyle’s widow, who fought back tears as she addressed the jury. The prosecutor did the prosecutor thing, and, of course the defense rose to tell the jury, “the devil made him do it.” 

 The legacy of Chris Kyle will be with us for a long time. In the protracted mess that is the American engagement in the Middle East, with all of its implications, religious overtones, and second guessing, basically one man emerged that galvanized the American people on one subject. Chis Kyle! Heroes do that. Everyone is flocking to the theaters to make “American Sniper” the largest grossing war movie of all time. We had been eating camel dung for so long it just feltgood to see “Omar” get what was coming to him, one bullet at a time! I’m sorry if that makes a few of you mad out there, but that’s just the way it is. 

When Michael Moore made his now infamous Tweet about his feelings on snipers he set himself against about ninety-nine percent of the American public. He is supposed to be a big time movie producer, but even I could have tweeted better than that if I were talking about Al Sharpton, and I hate Al Sharpton. Maybe something like, “While having lost an uncle during World War II, and having some personal feelings about snipers, I, like the rest of America, respect Chris Kyle’s service to our nation.” That would have worked. Then, if anyone ever asked him to expand he could have explained that his uncle was killed by a sniper and he just finds the whole sniping thing distasteful to him personally. But, let’s forget about Michael Moore for now. All his shenanigans didn’t pump up his own movie gross. What was his last film, anyway. I digress. 

Years ago I heard a general who lived across the street from me tell CNN, “I’m sorry to be the first one to tell you this, but there’s just no ‘nice’ way to kill people!” So it was with Chris Kyle. He didn’t invent sniping, he just did the job well! Did Chris bring back some baggage from Baghdad? You better believe he did. He drank, had night sweats, and said things that were not politically correct at times. Did he beat his wife, threaten to kill everybody at a party, or get arrested for DUI? Absolutely not! 

Whenever you get a guy like Routh, who does something so stupid, so vile, that it defies logic, you’ll always have some lawyer jump up and say he either didn’t know what he was doing, or he didn’t remember doing it. Routh was and is, in Chris Kyle’s own words, “A straight up nut!”  I submit to you that we all have some form of PTSD. You simply cannot live a number of years without certain events being etched on your brain affecting your thought patterns and decisions. That’s how we’re wired. While my experience is not as dramatic as Chris Kyle’s, I, myself, cannot think, or speak of my daughter in law, Jackie, without tearing up. The memory of what happened to her at the hands of the state touched me. The good that came out of it was I found that I loved all children, and I have fought the CPS unmercifully for years. Your experience may be different, but I will assure you, if you have blood pressure something in your life has made you draw a line in the sand, a point from which you will not withdraw, and there will be no compromise! 

Eddy Ray Routh is a loser! His entire life has been sub-standard, disjointed, and non-productive. To fall back on some mental defense because he murdered two men is an insult to human intelligence. The only good thing is that he’s being tried in Texas! He will be found guilty! I know, I know, Michael Moore with throw up his ham sandwich. Deal with it! It’s a sad fact in life that sometimes we lose people like Chris Kyle. There is no up side, but he left us in his prime. We didn’t see him get old.  He never lost the glow. He gave us something to be proud of. Maybe that’s God’s plan. For a little while very special people rise above, and give us an example. In that entire9/11 debacle, one man, a Texan, stood out from the crowd. I truly believe as Chris stepped across into eternity, George Washington and William Barrett Travis were there waiting for him. “Good job, Chris; we’ve been waiting for you!

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