Wednesday, February 25, 2015

De Facto

We are fast approaching armed revolution in Texas. That should set off whistles and bells down at the NSA. When a group of orderly citizens can’t meet at a VFW and discuss the Republic of Texas without a raid  smacking of Elliott Ness we have a major problem! You know what offended me the most? I can almost look past the DPS and Sheriff. I can give a tip of the hat to the Texas Rangers, but by GOD, when the Yankee, Norte, left wing, homosexual, communist FBI gets involved, that’s just too MUCH! WhatEVER was going on in that building that day it was Texas business! I don't know how to describe my emotion on this, but I think, “Turd in a swimming pool,” just about covers it! 

Ron Paul has used my sacred mantra, “De Facto Republic,” now, so I’ve been validated. Just like when I started trying to put CPS workers on death row, and everybody said I was crazy, my De Facto Republic is now. . . well, DE FACTO! What the Keystone Cops raided was a fully operational government. In fact, it was the only legal government left in Texas, if not the United States. And yeah, yeah, yeah, they issued a summons to some crackpot judge and a guy down at the bank. It strikes me as odd that the same federal bozos who spit hairs over Sharia Law, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with AMERICA, can leap like savage rabbits on a bunch of Texans trying to enforce a Texas Constitution, written by Texans, for Texans. I’m just a Simple Ol’ Boy From Austin, but did I miss something here?

“But Wilbur, they had no legal right to issue those summons.” Ok, so they’re a bunch of crazy old men getting drunk at the VFW. Did that justify the raid? If I had been the judge I would have just went there and argued law with them, and if I lost I’d just say, “Ok, now enforce it!” This idiot can’t argue down a bunch of guys in a VFW and he’s a JUDGE? Give me a BREAK! But this FBI thing really irritates me. I’ve seen all the TV shows about them, and Bonnie and Clyde, and Al Capone, and, and and. I really like when they put some guy in prison forEVER until they find some pubic hair in a coffin and figure out the man was in London playing cards at the time of the rape. And they wave that around like it’s such a wonderful thing. How’s that Kennedy assassination working out for you, huh? The greatest cop shop on the planet can’t figure out a Mafia hit. Or the9/11 thing. Floors blowing out, one, two, three, and they’re STILL pointing to some sick rag head hiding in a cave. By the way, Michael Bee owes me money for medical, because it broke my jaw to admit that. And building seven going down.  The first building to collapse from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder! Oh My Living GOD! I just loved that Brit Chick announcing the collapse of building seven while it was STILL standing over her left shoulder. 

But, they sho’ can mess up a beer party! If you will note they didn’t raid the Hell’s Angels’ last meeting.  Must’ve been something in the air. Like LEAD! Look, what we have here is the government actually denying citizens the right to peacefully assemble and exercise freedom of speech. Oh, yeah, it was an exclusive, secret meeting of a hidden society. . . kinda like the Masons or Mormons, right? They also steer clear of Mosques. God, I could go on and on, but I’m getting redundant here. Back to my original premise, the day is coming when the “Law Enforcement” is going to go crashing into some meeting and the tables will turn FAST. Ain’t no fun when the rabbit’s got the gun! And, yeah, it’ll get messy, and yeah, the lamebrain media will jump on it and call everyone a pedophile, and yeah they will lose in court. . . that time! But how about all the other times? It’s coming people, it’s coming. Remember that phrase. . De Facto! 

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