by Wilbur
Labels are always dangerous. Things like "liberal," "conservative," "feminist," and anything to do with sexuality are huge imaginary vats that people are poured into and once there the membership to the group becomes more important than the ideas that formed the group in the first place.
There is nothing wrong with being a liberal so long as one does not let the mindset of "liberal" negate common sense. Being liberal means simply trying new ideas, but when a theory fails you need to accept it and fall back to tried and true methods until you come up with something better. Theoretically you can drive a nail through glass, but if that doesn't work you must consider the more conservative alternative of a drill.
The liberal demigods saturate their devoted followers with mindless mantras and the minions do not even care how outrageous the idea is, they will follow it blindly so long as it is "liberal" and they are in step with the group. The problem they have is trying to sell these ideas to people who hold to tried and proven methods and actually think.
Hitler said that if you tell a lie, no matter how large, and you repeat it often enough, the masses will accept it. Let's take one such lie and analyze it. When Rowe vs Wade came about the original soft sell was a service for victims of rape. Also, it supposedly would bring the procedure would be safer because it would be brought out of the alleys and into the hospitals. Then it was expanded to include women who had health issues that may endanger their lives should they give birth. May be to hard on their heart. You know the theory. And giving birth is certainly much more rigorous than say, orgasm, but I digress.
Eventually, the word, "abortion" was largely discarded, being replaced by the kinder, friendlier, "termination of pregnancy." You see, when you commit genocide you must first dehumanize the victims so as to desynthisize the general public so they casually accept the act. Hitler didn't murder Jews he had a "final solution" to Germany's economic problems.
Then, just in case there are questions you make sure that the lemmings understand that conformity to the group philosophy is the most important thing, indeed, at this point, even more important than individual thought, or conscience. Jews are not Aryan, unborn babies are not human, so you see?
Remember the reasons for abortions in the first place? Let's expand that a little more. With DNA and genetics we can now try to predict the possibility of an unborn child having a health condition, and we can save everyone a lot of trouble by just ending that pregnancy right away. We, at this point are still within a health related circle, more or less, but no genocide is complete unless it includes as many victims as possible. Enter social services and Planned Parenthood. Some children may have a hard life. The parents have a spotty record, possibly even drug abuse. A child born into such conditions would certainly have a difficult time growing up. As would the child of a migrant worker in the south of Texas, or Harlem. Children born in Beverly Hills would not have these problems for the most part. There is a huge gap between poor children and heirs.
The other problem with mantras and grouping is that in invariably expands what is basically a minority idea into to appearance of a majority opinion. Under normal conditions abortion would never even be discussed in a household. If a teenage daughter came home pregnant the most extreme thing that would hit the table would be adoption because the very thought of ending the life of a grandchild would benumb them. Only by the injection of a huge organization chanting would normal people even think of such a thing. Still, if the people just take a breath and step back two steps and forget the mantra it all becomes very clear.
So what is the solution for this issue? Individual thought! How liberal is that? Make up your own mind. Say to yourself, "Ok, I know it's my body but this just doesn't sound right. I don't like the idea of Jewish bankers but I'll just bank somewhere else. I don't like gay marriage but they don't live in my house!" Being Libertarian means live and let live. During a heated discussion someone once told me, "Admit it! You find gay sex disgusting!" I find all sex disgusting unless I'm the one doing the sexing. Such considerations have nothing to do with politics.
Mantras are always bad, and always wrong. A one line sound bite will not fix anything. If that philosophy worked then shoe stores would only sell one size. If you are liberal you simply must, by definition, accept new alternative ideas. If someone throws something on the table that is sound you should consider it, not retreat to tired old quotes contrived by someone far from you with a limited agenda and a huge bank account.
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