Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Our Turn to Run

This is going to be a short article today, not because I’m lazy, but because I can get to the point rather quickly. The second nurse has contracted Ebola in Dallas as I write this, and I want to prevail upon your common sense. Now, we’ve been fed this line of nonsense about how hard it is to catch this thing, right? We’re told that a fluid transfer must occur before the virus can attack. I’m assuming the nurses were not French kissing Duncan, though I may be wrong. They were wearing gloves, but they have said the gloves weren’t taped. Also, the nurses were informed that face masks were not needed. Now two are down. What does that tell you? I’ll tell you what it means. It means air borne. Ebola can travel through the air. The CDC, Obama, and the politicians have lied to you. If a nurse, even moderately suited up, can catch this in a sterile environment, what chance do you think you have standing in line behind this clown at McDonald’s? 

The only glimmer of hope that I see is the first nurse seems to be getting better. The doctor flown here at first is well. It may well be that West Africa is so filthy that the condition of the country, the water, and the people may have something to do with the fatality rate. People poorly fed, and poorly cared for tend to die from colds, much less something like the Ebola virus. But this is all speculation on my part. This entire thing could have been avoided had the authorities been on the job and not worried about mid-term elections. 

This entire mess sheds new light on our border security.  Disease has toppled more empires than armies. Integrity of the border is job one. It’s not just job loss now, it’s life loss! Just look at how much havoc one guy has brought.  Now, consider, how many more have slipped in? Do you think this was a single incident? If you do have I got a bridge I want to sell YOU! He sneezed his way across the Atlantic and landed in Dallas. All the people on the plane disembarked and headed hither and yon. A nurse, who is very aware, will run to the hospital at the first sign of a fever, but how about a construction worker who thinks he has the flu? How about an Army sergent returning from leave?  Duncan himself was a tough old bird. He was running for his life. He ran all the way here, and now it’s our turn to run!

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