There is a contingent of of elitist people who view themselves as social experts with great international influence because they have an iPad and live in India. I respect all opinions. I find something to like in all people's, but, like Ron White said, you can't fix stupid! You lose your hearing you can but a hearing aid. Eyes go bad you can get contacts, glasses, or LASIK surgery, but when you're stupid, you're stupid forEVER!
I'm not an American, I'm a TEXAN! My state was never a territory, it was a republic joined to the United States by treaty. That's why our flag flies on a separate pole at equal height with the American flag. We really ARE different, and if you don't believe that just take a look at those two dead terrorists on that parking lot in Garland. And yes, we baited them, and yes we killed them, and yes, we will kill every member of any religious group that comes down here and tries to disrupt our peace.
Texas is a mixture of many factions. We have not one but two national languages. Texas is the only state in the Union that can truly stand on its own. I respect and love England, but to be honest, even Britain cannot stand on its own without import. Texas CAN! We could put a fence around Texas and not miss one glass of beer, or gallon of petrol the next day. All I hear out of "certain" people over in India is how backwards we are. Let me clue you in; if Texas does secede from the DIS United States Obama will just have to suck it up. All this talk about Jade Helm, and "taking over" Texas is so much fertilizer. He needs our money too bad to support all those welfare babies up in the northern regions.
"Certain" people said they were former Muslim, raised as a Marxist. Well, I hate to rain on that parade, but your NOT a "former" Muslim. You still have your head on. And Marxist? Give me a break! Even the freaking Chinese don't buy into that nonsense anymore. Ever hear of Putin? HEEEELLLLOOOO! And you call ME ignorant?
I am including a link to a previously published article. It was also printed in a Houston newspaper, the Dam Good Times. Yes, that's right, brick and mortar. I do that a lot, and when some ill informed person says my articles aren't even articles I just refer them to the hundreds of thousands of readers who read me every day from so many feeds that I don't even know them all. I don't have to justify myself. I know who I am, and my methods are well thought out and my writings are constructed to do precisely what they do, I never write by accident. Please read and consider this article.
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