Wednesday, June 24, 2015


     You know, sometimes there is a story I don't want to touch. I'll draw a line in the sand and make the decision not to write about it, but the next day I'll realize that I must. So it is with the recent shootings in South Carolina. First, let's examine the twisted mind of the shooter. DON'T! He's crazy. He needs to be shot! Any man who can sit through a Bible study for an hour and then kills nine people does not need understanding. If you understand him YOU need to be shot! 

     This story has so many elements it is unfathomable. Black, white, liberal, conservative, religious, irreligious, it's almost as if it were designed. This man exhibited hatred I never saw while growing up in 1950's Louisiana. Even my father and grandfather didn't think like that. Let's peel that onion.

     Obama took to the airways and almost before he took his third breath he was touting gun control. Like the song says, "When will they ever learn?" The lesson in simple, but no doubt it will be lost on liberal gun control advocates. There is no "gun control!" I'm going to explain the 2nd in very clear and simple terms. People have the right of self defense should they so choose. If that amendment were adhered to in its purity that deranged killer would not have been so confident when he entered that church. He KNEW he was the only person with a gun, and he could take his sweet time strolling around the church shooting at will, indeed, reloading FIVE times because he KNEW the sheep had nowhere to turn. 

     When you remove an absolute you infuse doubt. What is an absolute? A gun free zone! People tend to equate a gun free zone with a smoke free zone. Not so. A gun free zone is an insurance policy for a killer. If even the possibility of one gun in the crowd exists that removes confidence needed to go about killing everything that moves. Oh, I can hear the liberal response now. If anyone had a gun it might have been worse. A miss aimed bullet might have hit an innocent person. Now, I know liberals don't have a frontal lobe, but I always assumed they still had a brain stem, that part that makes their heart and lungs work. There weren't any missed shots, the shooter was spot on because he had all the time in the world to aim!

     You cannot deny this. Liberals have become task masters at denying the obvious, men are women, white is the new black, reality is whatever you imagine it to be, but life does not work like that! When you're hiding behind a pew as a nut methodically works his way through the congregation you'll forget about all that stuff, and really understand what that amendment means! People have a right to protect their life! Even the remote possibility that one person had a gun would have altered the outcome that day. That is an irrefutable fact! 

     Let me hammer that nail a little more. If it were possible that anyone might have a gun in all situations it would make crazy people consider the cost of their actions. In that theater in Colorado, the church in South Carolina, on many campuses all across the country, if a killer knows that he may only fire  one shot he would weigh the cost, and if he proceeded he would pay the price! In short order the misaligned of society would come to realize this doesn't work, and the body count would drop!

     Liberals, you will never get rid of all the guns. Guaranteed there will always be one left, and you don't want to know who's going to have it. Jesus said to sell your coat and buy a sword. Peter cut a man's ear off. There will violent men who know no bounds, and will prey upon to innocent. There will always be the meek who will run from a fight if given any chance at all, but as I've said time and time again, even a good dog has the right to bite. Does the event in South Carolina upset me? You bet it does, because I've always felt safe in church. Also I know Obama is an idiot, and he will use this to forward his bizarre vision of the world that he's been pushing for the last six years. You want to see where this leads? I give you . . .An Obamanation!


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