Monday, May 9, 2016

Donald Trump is Going to be the Next President

Donald Trump is going to be the next president of the United States. Now, I want all you little children to listen to that, soak it up; I want you to ignore what the mainstream media is telling you, Ignore the polls, look at the crowd, look at the mood of the country. The Republican Party is bucking, and rolling right now because they’ve held control, and sway for so long. Same with the Democrats. These political machines have been in place in order to pick and choose who’s going to be in office, then they control who’s in office because the president will cleave to the party that paid the tab for him to walk into the White House. That is the way it truly is!

Trump is a deal changer; he is going to change the world. He is going to win. Hillary is a joke. She has more political luggage than Brittney Spears at a pot party, ok? That is the way it is. Now, you can cite all your numbers, you can cite all your nonsense, you can cite anything you want, but Trump’s groundswell is so great that if he doesn’t take the nomination, and he doesn’t win there is literally going to be a revolution in this country because the Illuminati’s control of the political system will be totally exposed. Alex Jones won’t look like a nut anymore. It’s right there for everyone to see.

The very fact that Paul Ryan is “considering” supporting Trump. He’s just not “quite there” yet. Ok, look idiot, Donald Trump has the support of the people, and he’s not perfect. If you click on this link to a guy named Pena, who is a billionaire Hispanic from Florida. He says it a lot more, uh, how do you say, poignant than I do, but it’s an enjoyable video, I strongly suggest you watch it. But, Trump is going to be in the White House!

Trump is going to be a deal changer.  All his ideas won’t work, but at least he’ll have some ideas. Look what we’ve got up there right now, we’ve got Obama, that. . . “If you like your head, you can keep your head.” I mean, c’mon, that’s what we’ve got. Now look what we’ve got lining up like she is the president designate. Everybody understands, “Well, we’ve had our black guy for eight years, and now we’re going to have this B&%ch for eight years!” So, we’ll have sixteen years of nonsense while the money changers in New York, and Brussels, London, and everywhere else control what’s going to happen with the people, well, no, the power’s going to flow from the bottom up for a little while because Trump isn’t beholden to anybody. He can say what he want to say. That’s the way it works in the real world! That’s the way it’s gonna happen! You got to know your limitations, you got to know the facts! Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States!

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