Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I Believe

I believe that no government may stand between the individual freedoms allotted by God, bringing society down to the detriment of man.
I believe in freedom of speech, in all it understanding, and no matter what I have to say if you disagree with me that same freedom of speech will be your defense, and no religion or organization shall disrupt this.
I believe in freedom of religion. Religion shall be the personal choice of each person. The laws of the Republic of Texas shall be the will of all the people, and rise above any religious creed, or any religious sect attempting to impose its will upon the state, and if such an organization does this, to set upon the government, or the people, then that religion shall be banned from the Republic, for such religion is not religion, but a political system, and there is room for only one political system in the Republic of Texas!
To attempt to replace the laws of the Republic in such a manner will be considered to be an act of treason, and will be addressed accordingly. This is not to suggest that an individual’s own moral compass cannot guide the debate on what should be law, but once that law is set by ratification of the people it shall not be deposed by any minority seeking to impose its will upon the people.
I believe in the right of every person to be safe, and secure in their person, home, and effects no matter what fancy words come out of someone’s mouth putting qualifications on it. Private property is the foundation of the republic, and each free person owns the Republic by the virtue of that right. No tax of any kind shall be imposed on the private ownership of property. Any attempt to intervene in the private ownership of property shall be considered to be an attack upon the Republic itself in that the people are the Republic, and an attack on any person will be considered to be an attack on the entire Republic.
I believe in the family, as defined in the Bible; in the right of the children to wake up in their own bed in the morning. Any person, in any capacity, who attempts to destroy the sanctity of the family will be charged, and judged accordingly. This included judges, lawyers, state agencies, anyone who attempts to destroy the family. There shall be no compensation to any person for the transference of a child to any state agency other than food, clothing, and shelter to be directly used for disadvantaged children. Children shall only be removed by charged brought in a criminal court, and all family courts should be abolished.
I believe in the right of every person to earn his living, and to contribute what is reasonable to the nation for the common good. There should be no graduating scale for taxation based on the earnings of any person, and there should be a fixed rate only money spent after earning and there should be no exemptions on an entity, individual or corporate, and the rate of taxation should be equal for all. This includes religious organizations, all organizations. As they spend the tax will be the same as any other entity. This is so to make taxation a duty, and not a burden.
I believe in the right of a person to represent himself in a court of law. To put restrictions on this right is to suspend freedom of speech. Judges may be appointed to arbitrate or enforce civil conduct, but all people should be heard, and lawyers will stand equal, before the bench, with any other citizen. The criminal courts shall not be encumbered and no pre-arrangements or plea bargains will be tolerated. If charged with a crime a person should be brought before a jury of their peers without a predisposed outcome. There shall be no parole system, and victimless crimes will not be considered for incarceration. While incarcerated the state shall be held responsible for the safety of the prisoners.
I believe that the education of children begins at home, and while schools may be considered for expediency they are no mandatory, and do not supersede the teaching handed down from generation to generation.  Public education shall be restricted to reading, writing, and the skills needed to secure a suitable income. Studies on public affairs may be included, but private affairs such as sex education will not be considered in a public school taught by people outside the family.
I believe in the right of the Republic to form a militia for the common defense of the people at any time up to and including against police agencies that have set themselves up above he people and the law. To defend the Republic against all enemies both foreign and domestic, and each of these militias will form a National Guard, with control given from the sheriffs to the Republic until such national crisis has abated.
I believe to total transparency of government in that the government is of the people, and the people cannot hide facts from themselves. There shall be no entity engaged in acts hidden from public view since the Republic of Texas does not attack other nations there is no need for any agency to engage in clandestine activities against any other nation.
I believe in other nations having the right to exist without interference from any other state other than the intrusion upon Texas sovereignty being the only reason for any international interaction. This interaction should be in the form of defense, and not an attempt to impose our ideas or holdings upon any other nation. Texas sovereignty of paramount and therefore no other nation, nor citizen thereof shall be allowed to hold property within the Republic of Texas. No foreign nation will be allowed to invest money with an expectation any greater than a reasonable profit.

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