Sunday, September 25, 2016


Idiots! Don't you just love ‘em? I didn't plan on writing anything today. Got up, it's raining cats and dogs, and I was sitting on my rather large back porch, enjoying the storm. Had already made up my mind to grill some steaks, set up cocktails, and think about nothing any more serious than if I should mix the whiskey with Coke, or Arizona Sweet Tea. Then, I checked Facebook, and there he was! A black, liberal democrat doing what black, liberal democrats do. Jumping all over Donald Trump, while hoisting Hillary up a flag pole for all to see.

Now, I don't mind disjointed opinions from misinformed people, shucks, I've been married six times. I can listen to just about anything, but there seems to be a distinct lack of intellectual content when you run across one of “those people.” By the way, how do y'all like that? I've said “black” and “those people” in two paragraphs. I'm playing that race card better than Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson at a Bar B Que cook off. Save your fork, it's gonna get better.

This “gentleman” said the indomitable Hillary Clinton was master debater, having faced down senators. Obviously he didn't take in her little debate with Trey Gowdy, but what difference does it make, right? He claimed she would “gut him like a fish!” Observing his ethnicity I concede he knows all about having a fish fry. (That's three, folks. Y'all keep count now.) After that the insults piled on, with his friends chiming in, and of course all of the proper English being applied i.e. “She gone to gut him like a fish.” Then we had Black Lives Mattering all over the page, suggesting that if more whites were shot by police that there would be a huge uproar. Well, my African-American friend obviously didn't know that more whites ARE shot by police, but that can't hold a candle to black on black shootings, which in spite of their being thirteen percent of the population, black murder takes winner, place, and show in the FBI crime statistics. Jus’ sayin’.

Let's have a little history lesson here. The south seceded from the Union. Now what was that political party? That's right! DEMOCRATS! The union won the war, and reconstruction began. I kinda look at the word “reconstruction” being like “reeducation.” While the north was “reconstructing” the south, those fine upstanding men of virtue, and culture gave us the Ku Klux Klan! Then, they started lynching blacks all over the place, and THAT, my friends, was the minority vote! Right up until the ‘60s these guys were marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in their pretty white sheets, waving AMERICAN flags, and screaming that word we can't say now more than Biggie Small. Then, suddenly, in a twinkle of an eye, the democrats became the black’s best friend! In the short time that I was in high school, the state of Texas swung Republican, and ALL the black suddenly started voting for the same good ol’ boys that had given them Jim Crow! You can't make this stuff up, folks. And now, this old white woman comes sailing out of Arkansas, and they're all over her like she's their baby mama! (That's four, I believe.)

Idiots! Remember that pendulum? It be a swinging. The American people are fed UP. It doesn't matter what Trump does in that debate. All he has to do is say, “Benghazi” and Hillary will launch into one of her coughing fits, run to the bathroom, and spring her leg brace along the way. Bill will be in the audience saying, “Ah Nevah had sex wid dat woman.” After eight years of “reconstruction” of the entire country, that pendulum is going to swing hard to the right, and it's got a razor edge. People like the idiots cited above will herd down to the polls and vote their eyes out, but it ain't gonna help this time. This is going to happen, like it, learn it, love it. As for idiots? Like Ron White says, “You can't fix stupid.” People are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you got until they vote!

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