Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Take me out to the ball game. I went to my first in Nashville years ago. It was a minor league team, and there’s just something about being there. I went to a football game in San Diego, and the feeling was the same. All of that having been said, with everything else going to hell, the ball games have naturally fallen prey to lives mattering, restrooms crowded, and, of course, if Obama had a son he’d be making about eight mil a year, and sitting through the National Anthem!

Colin Kaepernick chose to sit this one out, and of course we had to check the politically correctness meter to see how many lives mattered,  laws were passed, or quite frankly, if he’d make any difference to the game. Hey, I never heard of this guy. He might be the bomb, I don't know. I stopped keeping track of players when Mickey Mantle retired.

Did you ever notice when you go to a ball game that you leave your car, stand in line, find a seat, (the CHEAP seats) and leave the world behind? You're not worried about the Zika Virus, walls, Hillary’s last coughing fit, or where Bruce Gender took a leak last night. For a couple hours the world can turn without you, and the grandkids can  have popcorn.

Back in the day the ball players were heroes. Babe Ruth had a drinking problem, but all we saw was him pointing to where that home run hit was going for that little boy in the hospital. Jesse Owens was black as a cup of coffee, but America cheered when he jerked Hitler’s shorts in a knot, and don't even get me started about the Cowboys. Tom Landry really did take it all with him.

Now the playing field is a stage for political action. Ok, numb nut! We don't CARE if you're irritated about the color of your skin. Our children and grandchildren are in the stands, wide-eyed at the spectacle, and don't understand what all the fuss is about, when you won't honor the very country that made you a millionaire for running, and throwing a ball. Did you know that in Rome, the gladiators were mostly slaves, cheered on just like those in the NFL today? And, if they fought real hard, and pleased the crowd they got a wooden sword, and you can bet your boots they stood with everyone else when the emperor showed up. (He was the guy buying the pizza and beer.)

Still, I believe a man should have the right to follow his conscience. If he wants to sit out the anthem, then that's his free choice. You know, when you're doing what you know is right, money doesn't matter. If you feel in your heart of hearts that you are doing what God meant for you to do then you are fulfilling His role for you. So, why don't you throw that nasty old football down, and go to work for Black Lives Matter? I'm sure they'll pay you well!

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