Saturday, September 17, 2016

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Stupid is as stupid does. I don't make jokes. I just watch the main stream media, and report the facts. Tip of the hat to Will Rodgers. I got up at 5:30 this morning. Clicked on the weekend edition with the obligatory chick who presents herself as unbiased, and watched the morning news. I do this because the other choice is “Teen Titans,” and I've seen them all. It just kept coming and coming. Where were these girls when I was back in high school. I have a fantasy. As I take my morning shower, I imagine I'm taking it with Robin Meade. Hey! Wanna know how ignorant I am? I just found out this week she was black! I'm just a simple old boy from Austin. I thought she was either a Mexican or from California, but I digress. I need to be careful saying stuff like that about famous people. I'm a little fish in a big pond with huge fish like Michaela swimming above me. . . oops, huge fish, Michaela . . . her weight. Might want to check with Crystal Lee on that one.

The big news this morning, and I mean top story, was Donald Trump finally granting citizenship to Obama. Forget about North Korea preparing to blow South Korea off the map, ignore how many people were killed in Chicago last week, it doesn't matter that the people in Flint, Michigan can't even make COFFEE with their tap water…Donald Trump made a statement that this guy who surfaced somewhere in Hawaii, grew up in Indonesia, and released multiple birth certificates was most likely a citizen. Hey, even while I'm writing this article they're running the story again, and calling it the top story. The number two story is even better.

Right after he said that the Donald suggested that since Hillary wants to “adjust” the second amendment, perhaps she should set an example by disarming her security. The liberals leaped upon this like a bunch of savage rabbits. Why, such an idea is absurd. He might even need to be looked into for making a veiled death threat. Wait just a minute. Are they saying that America is not a safe place? Surely Mr. and Mrs. South Bronx don't need a gun to just walk to the store at night. They have police, don't they. Wait! The police have guns! It would be much better if they were disarmed, too. Wouldn't it be more politically correct if a cop comes upon a criminal robbing a 7/11, and pulls out his Billy-Club, saying in a commanding voice, “STOP! Or I'll say ‘STOP’ again!” Let's all join hands for a verse of “Kumbaya.”

Now for a little Texas nationalism. Before I launch into this I'd like to point out that the term, “Texas Nationalism” has a ring to it, doesn't it? I mean, “New York” doesn't lend itself to a phrase like that. After “New York” you'd expect the word “pizza” or “minute,” but the word “nationalism” just won't fit. The word, “Texit” is another. You can't get “New York” in there with a tube of KY Jelly. Anyway, we've said for a while that Texas generates more commerce, money, and goods to the US than most COUNTRIES. Well, the oil pipeline developed a bugger down near Houston and practically the entire East Coast asked our new citizen (Obama) for a state of emergency. They estimate that this plug in the flow of oil would raise the price of gasoline as much as fifteen cents per gallon, and that would crash the economy. That's fifteen cents, people. Try tipping your waiter fifteen cents, and see how that works out for you.

Privacy is important. There is something we've all noticed. Do you notice all the blurred faces on the web, TV, and ad campaigns? I particularly find it funny when the face passes, but the words, “Bubba Likes It”  on the ball cap are blurred out. There is software that does this. Google has that software. There is a picture on Google Maps street view with a cow in England standing by the side of the road . . . with a blurred face! I Crappith thee NOT! A politically correct cow! You can't make this stuff up folks. Google it. For me, I'm gonna Google waterproof posters of Robin Meade. Stupid is as stupid does.

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