Sunday, October 9, 2016

Donald Trump Likes Women

News flash! Donald Trump likes women! In a world with things like Bruce Gender, isn't that refreshing? He thinks his daughter is the most beautiful girl in the world. Attracted to his wife, too. When he's around a bunch of guys he talks like a guy. Gosh, I haven't found anything I don't like about him yet.

The political correctness movement has put America into a state that makes people believe that is is an obligation not to offend anyone in even the slightest way. That is an impossible task. In a world filled with conflicting opinions you will always offend someone, or you, yourself will be offended. You cannot avoid it.

The people who inflict this model on the rest of us themselves think nothing about stating the absurd, such as hailing a transvestite as an American hero, while making it the lead story on CNN that Trump behaves like a man in private. This is not newsworthy, people. I listened to the tape. I didn't hear a thing that I haven't heard in private conversations among politicians, law enforcement, even clergy. I, myself tool a little lewd jab in my last article. I'm sure SOMEone was offended. I'm sorry. I like to touch women. Women like to be touched . . . politely.

With Yoko Ono ADMITTING she had a date with Hillary, and CNN can't find anything on Donald Trump except he thinks his daughter is cute and he's attracted to women? Bill Clinton had so many girlfriends you'd have thought Hillary wasn't the First Lady, she was a madam! The democrats hope this is the end of the Trump Train, but they're wrong. Anyone with common sense will know this isn't that big of a deal.

Trump apologized for his private words. Why'd he even bother? This article is difficult to write because the subject is such a nothing story. When I first heard it I supposed Trump must have let loose a string of obscene words and suggestions, but when I finally got around to actually listening to the conversation it was mundane. Fact is, Donald Trump has never forcibly raped anyone to my knowledge. Didn't we have a president who was a master at that? What was his name? I think his wife is running for president now.

We’ll have to wait and see how this affects the debate. There is one positive thing that came out of this. All the politicians who turned on the republican nominee have shown a spineless nature. The prospect of Hillary in the White House is far worse than a little locker room chatter eleven years ago. The republicans falling back seemed to have forgotten all about that. The state of the nation means nothing to them. Donald Trump said a dirty word. These people didn't change, folks. They are who they've always been, and our government, and nation means nothing to them. And they run the country! These are the people who let thousands of Syrians into the country, while poking fun at Trump’s wall. Hillary covered for her husband’s sexual behavior for years while considering half  the country as “deplorable.”

Take a good, long look at this desperate attempt to shore up Hillary. Only time will tell if this is a deal killer. The spin doctors will crank it up. How Trump handles it will prove his ability. He can't just quit. The bad thing is that he may come out trying to sling more mud than Hillary, and that's no good. How will that solve our problems? I just read an article on The Slate ( that was titled “Never Forget That Donald Trump Could Have Been the President of the United States.” The writer said that the Trump candidacy had exposed the ugly side of America that had been hidden for years. He condemned half of us. The truth is the country is sick of Bruce Gender, the president bowing to Arab kings, and other nations taking our business, jobs and pride. We just didn't think we could do anything about it until now, but, Donald Trump likes women.

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