Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Kids are NOT Alright

Are the kids alright? We’ve all been there. A parent’s number one priority is the safety, and well being of their children. We trust our kids to teachers, doctors, and sitters. You go out for the evening, and hire Suzie Sweetcheeks, head cheerleader at the high school, Girl Scout, lead in the school play, member in good standing at the church, and still, somewhere between the salad and the main dish you feel compelled to make that phone call for no logical reason, “Are the kids alright?”

Everything we do, as parents, is targeted toward our children being equipped to take on life, and hoping we can leave them a life worth taking on. We trust the people we elect, and put in charge to be of the same mind. A JFK, instituting a physical education mandate in order to give them healthy bodies, a school program to give them healthy minds, and clergy to help them get through the trials of puberty. The kids look up to us, and the people we put in charge, and kids start with a blank slate. What is written on that slate has many authors.

Imagine, if you will, Mohammed Ali stepping into the ring to face Joe Frazier, only instead of “Everlasting” gracing the back of their robes you see “Texaco” and “Exxon.” Now, imagine Hillary, and Trump stepping onto the debate stage, only they have robes, too, Hillary’s reading “BLS Investments” and Trump sports one reading “Thomas Barrack.” In this corner, former Senator, Secretary of State, the Terror of Benghazi, Hillary Clintoooooooooooon! And in this corner, entrepreneur, real estate mogul, heart throb of millions of women, with more money than God, Donald Truuuuuuuuuuump! Get ready to RUUUUUUMBLE!!!!!!!  THIS is where your country is, folks. THESE are the people setting the bar for your children’s future. Not as painful as sitting on a bicycle without a seat, but right up there in the top five.

Words mean things because words dictate actions. Almost all serial rapists begin their career as peeping Toms. If you led a decent life, never a thought about doing anything out of the way, but were put in a situation where you had an opportunity to do something completely out of character, you'd have to at least think about it before acting, but what if you were bombarded with thoughts all through your developmental years, and believed that such deviant actions were normal, acceptable. Kids look up to political leaders, rappers, the old man on the street, and they look for direction. And it's a double edged sword. The little boy who “grabs” combined with the little girl, who while being repulsed, believes it to be normal to BE grabbed because someone with the twelve sacred stones on their holy robe  said so, and she just endures because that's the world WE gave her.

From the rapper singing about “ Throwing up in his Ho’s cup” to candidates talking about grabbing, to those  saying “What does it matter” when questioned aboutthe deaths of patriots, , the world has become a Mad Maxx movie with hundreds of sequels, and your kids will raise your grandkids. The corporate backers of everything from gangsta-rappers to presidential candidates could care less about your children so long as the bottom line is always there. THEY live in gated communities with lots of guns. YOU, and your kids live in the world THEY created, and YOU  voted for. So, have dinner, enjoy the evening, make that call . . . the kids are NOT alright!

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