Sunday, October 23, 2016

My Baby MaMa

                                                                      My Baby MaMa. Let that soak in for a minute, will you? When I returned from California five years ago, I heard that term for the first time. It really put me back. I'm old school, you see. There’s wives, girlfriends, and mistresses. A girl friend was usually promoted to a wife if things turned out right. After you got  married, if you had  a girlfriend that's just plain ol’ cheating, unless, of course you're rich, then it's a mistress, adding some sort of legitimacy to it. There were levels of intimacy,  from having this person on the side for years all the way down to stealing a kiss, but If the woman tells then Donald Trump will sue her,  I digress.

Then, there's “My Baby MaMa.” Now leaving the “s” off of the word “baby” is not a typo. That's the way it usually rolls out of this filth’s mouth because the man uttering the term is so morally bankrupt he for one, admits he's a cheat, and two he's a deadbeat dad. I know that somewhere there are men who will support their illegitimate children, but whenever you see the dropped “s” that's usually a pretty good indication of the bankrupt deadbeatery of the speaker thereof. And they get MAD when you laugh!

Folks, this is what's wrong with our society. There is now an official term that legitimatizes adultery. And that's what it really is, adultery. When you remind the person who's stupid enough to utter such a phrase of that word they REALLY get mad. Now they don't get upset at cheating, or never contributing one red cent to the child, indeed, I met one guy who was PROUD his ex had married a man who raised his offspring so he could continue to have more “Baby MaMas” unimpeded by any responsibility whatsoever. No, they get bent out of shape when you show the same disrespect that THEY have shown toward the woman caught in an adulterous situation.

At first it amused me, but then it angered me. I know, I know, we shouldn't judge, but after raising four boys, and two sets of grandchildren, I just can't get my mind around “My Baby MaMa!” I'm just a simple ol’ boy from Austin, but this is the ultimate disrespect toward women. This reduces women to the role of cattle. They're only good for a use similar to a blow up party doll, and the result isn't even worth your name, much less your moral or financial support because “My Baby MaMa” will trudge on somehow. Maybe she’ll get lucky and meet a MAN!

The kids are NOT alright. Remember that article a couple days back? Mama’s baby grows up in this world, perhaps even being taught to show respect for “Real Daddy.” That's another term I hate. You marry a girl, clean her up, raise her kid just like your own, and have to hear the term “Real Daddy” come out of the child’s mouth almost as soon as they can say it. MaMa babies grow up with Real Daddy, and soon figure out the circumstances of their birth, watch Teen Titans, and some chick twerking across a stage, and you wonder why the Muslims call us the Great Satan!

This situation is not going to turn on a dime. This generation must be consumed before sanity returns, and I'm not talking about OUR generation, I'm talking about MaMa baby crawling across the floor right now! Do you see the far reaching ramifications of this mess? An entire generation who doesn't know that a man and a woman, that's right, ONE man, and  ONE WOMAN should get MARRIED, have a baby and raise it in a HOME with a mommy and daddy and FAMILY! I actually had a woman, full grown woman, tell me that adultery is where the other woman gets pregnant. Rave on baby, hell ain't HALF full! Then, I turn on the news, find that some porn star is claiming Trump kissed her without permission, and then offered her money. She's standing up there beside this lawyer like she's got good sense. A porn star! Oh, my bad, Adult Film Star. Didn't see THAT category on the Oscars. Ok, folks, I'm gonna boil that down for you. That would be a whore. Allegedly, Donald Trump at some point in history stole a kiss from her,  then offered to pay her for it, and she got mad! That's what you do with a whore. You pay her. The problem is that MaMa baby is already screwed up mentally, and THIS is being puked out on national TV! These people are being portrayed as role models. I mean, she has a lawyer, right . . . RIGHT?

Usually, I end an article with a solution, but I'm still working on this one. We’ve got a whole generation of MaMa Babies growing up, and they will VOTE some day. They will fornicate, commit adultery, dodge their responsibilities, and abort so many babies it'll make Hitler blush with shame. And then something like Hillary will come tripping along and they will seal the deal by putting her in the office that Abraham Lincoln graced. I swear, if Hillary wins I'm never going back to America. I'm just going to stay in Texas. This kids are not alright and it's our obligation to fix them. Teach them what good is. Teach them words like “adultery” and tell them that men who say things like “My Baby MaMa” are NOT men. They should be in line for corrective surgery, and I think you know what I'm talking about. Maybe one day we’ll again see a man introduce a woman by saying, “This is my wife, and the mother of my children." God save My Baby MaMa, and God DAMN the man who relegated her to that status!

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