Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Lyin' Flyin' Ryan

Flyin’ Lyin’ and Ryan. Y'all must understand that I'm still figuring out this politics thing. When I came upon  “Nookiegate” I took my usual Texas slant and dismissed it, but when Paul Ryan did his little maneuver I tried to understand that he was just trying to salvage the republican majority. Well, Paul Ryan is a lying sack of crap. Am I being vague here? Now this is complicated, but I'm going to lay it out for you.

The republican establishment has never liked Donald Trump. They fought him tooth and nail as he kicked and clawed his way to the nomination. Ryan hid in a bathroom until he reluctantly endorsed the OVERWHELMING candidate, and then did nothing else. All the while, he, and that rat pack that defected yesterday schemed and planned what to do about Donald Trump. They were willing to throw the entire election over to Hillary, but Donald Trump must go!

I'll admit that after watching the polls over the weekend I thought Trump had been dealt a death blow. Then I dug a little deeper and looked at the numbers. First off there’s always the question of who “won” the debate. Now, debates ain't like a boxing match. You know, where one guy is on the mat, sucking snot, and the other is dancing around. Debates are subjective. With both parties still standing at the end the crowd will always believe THEIR guy won. I mean, he's still standing, isn't he?

CNN had the audacity to admit their poll was primarily democrats. The touted those numbers constantly, oh that and the little clip where Trump says he's gonna put Hillary in jail, they were proud of that too. Hillary stood there, swatting flies, and leaning on her chair, and Bill tried to avoid looking at the ladies he'd assaulted. What has fueled the Trump Train is the fact that us “deplorables” are fed up. I was genuinely concerned with the women voters, but as I took my own poll, read comments, and considered, I began to see that the image of those abused women sitting there at the debate spoke louder than all the locker room jokes on that bus ever could. Women are fed up, too!

Now, let's go back. The republican establishment has never supported Donald Trump. Trump has used them for what they're good for, but his entire “put togethers” has been the fact that he's not beholden to anyone except the American people, and Paul Ryan can't stand that. See the hypocrisy here? Isn't the speaker of the house supposed to be obliged to the American people, too? I'm confused. Scott Binsack isn't confused

. https://www.facebook.com/scott.binsacksr/videos/1222479917809504/

It seems that Ryan was somewhere mixed up in the release of Nookiegate. In a two prong attack he tried to derail the Trump Train, and keep his political machine in working order even if it means working with President Hillary Clinton. Trump has began to recover. People are seeing through the farce and marching steadily toward November 8.

I am learning this game. What I'm seeing is these RINOs are NOT representative of anything except their own interests. It doesn't matter is there's a little “r” behind their name, they're just a bunch of high flyin’ Ryans with a little “d” hid off somewhere. When Paul Ryan pulled his little stunt yesterday he played right into Donald Trump’s hands, exposing himself for why he really was, and effectively finalizing the divorce between the American People and the Republican Party.  Kinda like the garbage taking itself to the road.

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