Tuesday, October 18, 2016

When The Kids Grow Up

When the kids grow up there will be a different world. Ted witnessed something recently. He has a neighbor who is a staunch republican. As usual, the Trump signs went up, and his yard became a political statement recently. Ted heard the voices of two boys over the fence, laughing hysterically, and he leaned closer. What was so funny was they were laughing about the conversation on that bus many years ago. They were around twelve years old. A girl of approximately the same age came to them, and reminded them that “grandpa” didn't like them talking about that, and would be very angry if he heard it, to which one boy said, “Shut up, or I'll grab you by the . . .”

When I was growing up in Shreveport, watching Disney on Sunday night, I didn't know Tinkerbelle even HAD one of those things. I thought everything was smooth “down there” and after sneaking a peak at a Barbie doll I found this to be true. I was attracted to little girls, but for the life of me I didn't know why. I guess that's why I'm a “face man” to this day.

Now, I'm not backing off my political stance one inch. Hillary is a crap bomb about to be dropped on the White House, and among ADULTS Trump’s statement can be analyzed, talked about, and homogenized till hell freezes over. Only one problem; the kids heard it, too! The seed has now been planted, and in twenty years we will all be hanging from the mighty oak that springs forth. In forty years . . . well, you're not going to believe. You WILL see that it is possible for a ten year old can birth a child.

The problem is that we, as conservatives, are so sick and tired of Bruce Gender, transgender bathrooms, black lives mattering, and EVERYTHING Muslim that we’ll accept any solution because the alternative is unthinkable. Division is the rule of the day. “Them against Us.” In spite of the spin that the election is rigged, the results will show the true color of our national character. Whatever comes out it, that's what America really is. Like it, love it, leave it, but what about when the kids grow up?

You can't undo this, folks. The die has been cast. Young, inquiring minds will explore just what that was that was being grabbed, and it's exciting. Do you remember your first kiss? I do. It was Pam Burns, under a slide in a park when I was thirteen years old. Now, I didn't grab her, but I couldn't stop kissing her. I remember this over a half century later (my God, she's gotta be a grandmother now) and it was only a peck! Can you imagine a full blown groping experience at thirteen, or twelve, or TEN!

Times they are a changing. The snobbish men's club on Capitol Hill is about to get a heads up. Hillary represents all that is wrong with government. She is the end product of Gerald Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon, where the standard was set that no matter what the plutocracy does, they always have a “get out of jail free” card, and good, Christian conservatives will put up with almost anything in order to end it, even letting Donald Trump lead Incitatus into the senate chamber! But, just  wait ‘till the kids grow up!

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