Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Immunity in criminal cases is used to get facts from participants who are not the target of the investigation in order to prosecute the perpetrator of the original crime. Write that down, there's gonna be a quiz later. Let's look at a situation. HomeBoy shoots his connection from a car in some back alley in Ferguson, Missouri. Yeah, I know, I'm a racist, just deal with it and let's move on. So, the cops bring in HomeBoy, and the driver and start sweating them. HomeBoy ain't saying nuttin. Cops notice that the driver is a bit perturbed over the possibility of being Bubba’s boyfriend for the next twenty-five years to life, so they begin to rub it in. Bring him a Coke, but he notices a little jar of Vaseline on the table. After a while the subject zeros in on his involvement with the shooting, mix in a little “good cop, bad cop” and an offer is made. If he rolls over on HomeBoy, not only will they let him walk out the door, they're gonna buy him a ham sandwich, and give back his car. This is called “immunity.”

Now, I give you a second case. HomeGirl sets up a server for emails. Nothing wrong with that, ‘cept this HomeGirl has a very sensitive job in the State Department, and the server is about as secure as the chats between the proverbial thirteen year old girl and the perv sitting in that kitchen watching Chris Hansen walk in. “What are you doing here, Madam Secretary?” Well, as luck work would have it the fertilizer hits the fan and everybody’s butt is on the table. There are five particular butts who have intimate knowledge of this event. But, there is a new wrinkle in the blanket. These five know they will be questioned, and they know they are involved. Do they wait until the hammer is about to fall? Why heck no! They strike an immunity deal before the first question is ever asked. The immunity is so universal that in the end the cops call a press conference and tell everyone, “Nothing to see here, just keep moving!”

Now, I'm just a Simple Ol’ Boy From Austin, but did I miss something here? Thirty-Three THOUSAND emails in a server that was so insecure Russian children are studying them to learn English! I Crappith Thee NOT! A State Department that was so flabber-mouth it announced the arrival of an ambassador so ISIS would be there on time. A candidate that is so devious she crawls to her SUV and the press is told she dropped a contact. Nothing to see here, just move on. And her “evidence” on her opponent? He doesn't like fat chicks, and files taxes like a billionaire.

There is no clean end of a turd. The scary part is that about fifty percent of the voting public, not counting the deceased, of course, think she's the greatest thing since sliced bread! If Hillary wins you don't have to leave the country, the country will have left YOU! Go to Mexico. It'll be empty. Start a new life there.

This is the most decisive election in American history. It's almost as if God, Himself set it up as a test for us to show who we really are, and if we fail the test, we get Hillary, and Bill, and Chelsea, and El Chapo, and Ali Babba! Black lives won't matter, white lives won't matter, NO lives will matter. Hmmm, maybe we can all get “immunity.”

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