Monday, October 13, 2014

This is My Surprised Face

So now we have a nurse infected with Ebola! All suited up, face mask, the whole nine yards, and she STILL got sick. This generates a whole new list of people that may have come in contact with her after she became infected, AND, the authorities are worried about her DOG! Her dog? Her FREAKING DOG? They understand this disease so little they still don’t know if a dog can get it. How about mosquitoes? Hey, red alert, we got mosquitoes in Texas, just in case the Yankees didn’t know. An entire neighborhood is on alert. The DOG is on alert. 

This is my surprised face. Not long ago I compared the spread of Ebola to the flu. I think some of you missed that comparison so let me reiterate. Have you ever noticed that when the flu comes around once a year it just seems to pop up everywhere at once? You get it, then your son gets it four states away, then the Chinese get it, and everybody else, and the so called CDC is sitting there with their thumbs up their butts trying to draw these silly little maps letting us know how bad it is. Yeah, like that. Well, Ebola is a virus, too. Nurse got it, dog got it, postman gets it, everybody he delivers mail to gets it, everybody who sends a letter OUTSIDE of Dallas gets it, soon we GOT IT! Just like Africa. 

The nurse was dressed to walk on the MOON! And she got it. That’s enough said right there. “Uh, we don’t know if it goes airborne or not. Duh with a capital “D.” It WENT airborne, fool! They were treating Ebola like an STD. This isn’t the Clap, idiots, it’s a vigorous virus that rejuvenates and infects and travels. Ever hear that old sold, “Every Breath You Take?” Well, every breath that nurse took, and exhaled was a passport for the Ebola virus. 

What do do. If, and that’s a big IF, we can contain in now, STOP all flights from Africa.  Africa is closed for business until further notice. You were wondering what to do with those FEMA camps Alex Jones keeps going on about? Well here it is! Anyone infected GOES THERE! Seal the borders, and I mean SEAL! That’s just what we need now is a bunch of Mexicans streaming across the border picking this crap up and running all over the country hiding from the authorities. 

Also study this thing. CDC, do your job! See how it is transmitted.  We have BIRDS too, idiots!! On the bright side, we beat TB. We beat Polio, and Smallpox.  We can beat this, but NOT if we’re too politically correct or too stupid to live! Bottom line: A NURSE got it.  A health care professional, all suited up and properly washed.  SHE got it, and she didn’t get it from a toilette seat. 

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