In all the controversy surrounding Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon faith, nowhere in any of his writings will you find, "Kill the unbeliever whereEVER you find them!" In all other Christian faiths you'll never find it either. Christianity, by definition is, well, Christian. Jesus taught to turn the other cheek, and the Muslims depend on that. In and by itself, Islam is a flawed system of desert ramblings that make sense only to a small group of malcontents bent on illicit gain. Swat them bees, Ahmed, I have a few more swarms before thus article is done! Muslims count on the Christian virtue of acceptance to achieve their goals. In the first amendment freedom of religion is guaranteed. Freedom to institute a system that overrides the constitution and forces rules of law completely alien to the American people is not what the founding fathers had in mind at all!
Now, you've all heard about the so called "Fertile Crescent." Well, I have an update for you. It stopped being fertile a long time ago. It is now a septic tank of illiterate, filthy people who can't even read the book they hold to so tightly. When they spilled out of the Middle East the Europeans stopped them at Spain and eventually took the war to them! Now this is a fact, students. The very reason they hate Israel so badly is that it flies in the face of their Looney Tune view of the world. If you look at Israel from space you can actually see its right to exist. In a vast wasteland, undeveloped for centuries the borders are clearly defined by an industrious people. And the Muslims claim they worship the "one God," well, so do the Jews. What God are you praying to Habib?
There is a fundamental difference between Christians and Jews. Christians tend to believe that turning the other cheek will eventually take the powder out of the opposition and things will settle down. Jews don't subscribe to that nonsense. They've taken too many missile hits to do that. And it's not just the Jews. There are millions of Hindus and let us not forget a couple billion screaming mad Chinese either, all on the same sheet of music. And in the middle of it all is one little group of camel drivers bent on taking over the world, well it ain't gonna work like THAT!
Jesus did say to turn the other cheek, but toward the end He said to sell your coat and buy a weapon! Why would the Prince of Peace make such a statement? He said it because He knew that there are some people who only understand strength. The Romans understood that. When they got fed up with the Middle East they rolled through it destroying temples, burning crops, and crucifying every man, woman, dog and cat. It took the Jews almost two thousand years to return because they weren't sure if them bad S.O.B.'s were gone! That's what it takes. I hate to be the one to tell you, but there just isn't a nice way to kill people.
Now they are trying to export this jaded world view to the west. Christmas is being done away with in school districts. They want to impose their so called Sharia Law on the courts to supplant the constitution. They can call Christ everything but a white man, but if we say Mohammed might have had a runny nose the streets fill up, and the bombs start going off, and it works! Americans believe that if they just leave it alone these problems will eventually go away. Well, it won't! America is made up of a very diversified blend. Europeans who transversed the North Atlantic trying to carve a living out of the wilderness because they wanted to read the Bible THEIR way. Black people kidnapped and enduring a hellish journey where only the acnsestors of the NFL survived, and yes, even Pablo and the boys jumping the border and walking across the desert because they believed that whatever they found in America just had to be better than what they left behind. Why are these people laying down to a bunch of caravan drivers that no one took seriously until they struck oil and sprung upon the world market about sixty years ago?
The good news is they are going to lose. The bad news is that it's going to probably take a little longer for the American people to get mad enough to serve them up the retribution they so richly deserve. When it comes it's going to be horrible, unfair, hard, and all that other stuff. Fifty years from now educated men will write about the camps, the confiscation of property, the deporting and the unfair treatment of shop owners, but thats what it's going to take to set things to right. Before a pendulum can rest in the center the laws of physics demand that it must swing from the left to the right. This political pendulum as gone just about as far to the left as the civilized people of the world will tolerate. Eventually it will begin a RIGHTeous return and these filthy, crazy people will be pushed back to their cesspool and civilization can move on. We are going to have to rewrite one amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . .except ISLAM!" (How are them bees working out for you Ahmed?)
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