Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wyatt is Watching

     Wonton lawlessness. Let's consider that for a moment. What would we think  if a Mafia Godfather sold guns to drug dealers in Mexico? What would we consider if he sent his Capos to our border and smuggled hundreds, if not thousands of saboteurs into the country, using children as a diversion? Then suppose he robbed the bank and lived the life of a king? What would that man be? While the liberals crunch these suppositions I will tell the rest of the thinking world what that man would be. That man would be a criminal! The rule of law enforces civilization. Men like Wyatt Earp came to Arizona and fought organized crime. When the gun smoke settled, then men from the east came in suits and ties and carrying books of law, and they lived by those books!  They knew what the alternative was when the law was disregarded. They appreciated the delivery from chaos that Wyatt had given them. They understood what happens when criminals run the show.  And that's exactly what we have now! Oh, just in passing, Wyatt never shot a child, or beat up a man because he was black and crossing the street because he was a lawman! 
     There are good cops. I've met a few, a very few. The police have been reduced to a paranoid, screaming bunch of outlaws who prey upon the public. And they will tell you this is because of the nature of the job. This is not true. The job of the lawman has always remained the same. From the day Wyatt faced the Clantons at the OK Corral right up until Officer Wilson faced Michael Brown on the streets of a Ferguson. The song remained the same!  To serve and protect. 

     You can't just blame the police. They are just taking orders from the top. Guard the border, but don't shoot. Now, guard the border and not only don't shoot, don't even talk back, indeed, help them over the fence. What do you expect? And when one officer does defend his life and kills a criminal in Ferguson he to seized upon by opportunistic preachers trying to make a buck! This with the full support of an out and out consigliere, Eric Holder. 

     Obama talks so smoothly. "Let me make this perfectly clear." How is that different from Marlon Brando saying, "I'm going to have to say, 'No' to you, and I'm going to give you my reasons why?" It is not different. From top to bottom the entire system is off the rails. And people talk about the Cartels. Have you ever wondered why Mexico has revolutions? Do you,think its because the average Mexican is concerned about government? No, the PEOPLE rise up when they've had enough. And the Mexicans throw a pretty good revolution, they just can't write a constitution worth a flip. 

     Well, the people here are about to rise up. No matter what that Grand Jury does in Ferguson there is going to be violence. This is because the lawless elements want violence because they have been led to believe that violence will achieve their ends. Well, they're a daisy if they do! Police all over the country are on notice because one two bit punk got capped! The mal-contents, and losers will riot, and the PEOPLE will say, "ENOUGH!" There are people who do not sit idly by. There are people like Scott Liberty, CJ Grisham, and others who will stand with Wyatt!  And what will the police do? They will run around screaming and beating up little old ladies. It will be the people that will turn this around. We The PEOPLE! The right of the PEOPLE to bear arms shall not be infringed! There are reasons for these words, friends, and not just to make light conversation at cocktail parties. 

     And I know there are law enforcement out there who will take exception to my words. They will say that there are many good cops. Well, show me! We need you. We need you to stop worrying about your retirement, or DWI arrests, or profiling, and at least be the man Wyatt Earp was. One good cop cancels out one hundred bad ones. Light breaks the darkness. 

     Obama is going to throw the full weight of his failing administration behind this  Ferguson fiasco. He has to. Ferguson represents the full, and complete perversion of the law, and everything America stands for. If he wins, well, welcome to Mexico! Wyatt is watching! 

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