Friday, March 6, 2015

The Great Secret

Self-actualization is a term that has been used in various theories, often in slightly different ways. The term was originally introduced by the organismic theorist Kurt Goldstein for the motive to realize one's full potential. Expressing one's creativity, quest for spiritual enlightenment, pursuit of knowledge, and the desire to give to society are examples of self-actualization. In Goldstein's view, it is the organism's master motive, the only real motive: "the tendency to actualize itself as fully as possible is the basic drive... the drive of self-actualization.” (Wikipedia)

There is a great secret of life. A truth, that once arrived at, changes the way you look at everything else. I know this truth, but I can’t tell you. You see, that’s why it’s a great truth. You must arrive at it yourself. The great truth is different for every person, yet the same. Once you do then you will understand that truth, and no one, not even me, will need to confirm it because it’s so simple, so direct no explanation is needed, and none can take it from you. 

In light of that truth I began to write differently, think differently, feel differently. If you look at what I wrote as much as five years ago and compare it to what I do now you can readily see the difference. The reason for this is because everything filters through the light of this truth, and that makes you “Self-Actualizating!” You no longer check to see if you are saying things right, or thinking right, you just move ahead, check your spelling and know that you are following the light that has shown upon you. 

It is not religion! If I were to tell you the great truth, then it would just become a religious mantra, and would not work. For twenty-five years I was a devout Catholic. I said, “Hail Marys” until my face turned blue, and I felt better, but I didn’t move forward one inch. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the ride, I just didn’t feel as if I was doing anything. The problem was that I was reciting what others were feeding me, not coming out with anything of substance that was substantially different from all the other ideas that had come before. 

You see, that’s what’s wrong with college. People sit there day after day and try to absorb knowledge, and all they do is learn to recite, not think. If you agree with the professor, and fill in the proper blanks you get an “A.” If you come up with something that’s not in the book you won’t make it. This does not turn out thinking people. It turns out robots. But once in a very, very blue moon someone becomes self aware and begins to take off in a new direction. Now these people never last long because they’re like super novas, and so frighten the status quo that they must be destroyed at all costs. Kind of like working in a call center. If you walk in lock step you get promoted, if you pause, invent, and think, you get fired. 

Now, before you lament this let me tell you, that is way it always is. This will never change until education changes. When schools from the bottom up begin to teach students to thinkinstead of recite you will see more self-actualization.  If we continue with the current system you’ll get a Congress just like the one we have right now! A bunch of Parrots sitting, waiting for a cracker. 

The Great Truth is not given to everyone, and is not given lightly.  That’s the way it was planned from the beginning. People who have it don’t worry about what’s right or wrong. They just know what they know and no amount of “education” or Bible thumping will change them. The truth is not a single point, but a focal point of many aspects that are clarified by it. What I can tell you is that once you realize it you will just be

I know I’ve been vague, but there are those of you out there that know what I’m talking about and you also know why we keep the secret. We also feel the responsibility to use the secret to communicate with people who don’t know it in the hope that someday, they, too, will arrive at the light we already know. This very article was filtered through the great truth. The clues are all here, but you have to decipher them. Those who have ears, let them hear, and once you find it you will sell everything you own to possess it, but save your money. You already have it. 

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