Monday, September 7, 2015

The Pineapple Upside Down Cake

  Texas is not the only state fed up with the Fed. A recent survey revealed that one in four Americans would be perfectly fine with divorcing the Federal government without alimony. The remaining simply don't know what the structure of the government is, or they are buying into Abraham Lincoln's lie. Back in the day, right after we sent the British packing, each colony ran its own show. The fine folks in New York didn't know squat about growing cotton, and people in Virginia had never seen a bagel in their entire lives. The people ran the towns which ran the county which ran the state. Somewhere along the line they invented some body that would loosely represent all the states, which is what the colonies morphed into so that they could all get together for things that may be of interest to all combined, such as the British coming back, which they did in 1812. 

    It was always understood that the government you had to be concerned with was "right here," and whatEVER that other government did was "over yonder." They were VERY aware of the old days when the crown was WAY over yonder, taking money and taxing tea. While everyone understood the Bill of Rights (a lost art) the central government was confined to the rather short to do list called the constitution. The constitution was craftily designed that way. A bunch of rather clear, but limited rules with the understanding that the day to day affairs would be handled on a local level. 

    And the Bill of Rights was just a laundry list of things they already knew.  They knew people had a right to pray, speak, eat dinner, protect themselves and not become their own prosecutor. The eleventh amendment should have simply been the word "but," because after the Bill of Rights there was really nothing more to say, BUT, a lot of room for "interpretation." Take, for example the freed slaves. You don't have to add an amendment giving them all the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights, they already HAVE them! Nowhere in the constitution does it outline how to own people, so addressing that issue isn't needed. We fought a war, slaves were freed, and that was that!

    The reconstruction era created a whole new critter. Remember that bunch of guys down on the Potomac eating dinners and watching for the British? Well, they found out that when you free a bunch of people you create a vacuum. They just filled that vacuum with the ENTIRE south! We got "reconstructed!" And you Yankees out there rubbing yourselves suggestively, when OUR reconstruction was finished they just reconstructed you too! At this time the structure of government became one big pineapple upside down cake. Every wonder why we even have a state Capitol anymore? I mean, pass all the laws you want, but Washington DC (Damn Communists) just says, "Naw!" and you need to take your butt back to the house. 

    Funny thing about power is its like a potato chip; nobody can eat just one. Think of our rights as a bag of potato chips, and the Federal government as Fat Albert.  The Bill of Rights is still there, but it's just an empty bag. Simple understanding has flown out the window, been replaced with legal mumbo-jumbo and the men in black have the guns to make it count. 

    Some things were skipped over in the Bill of Rights. Things like boys marry girls. You see, boys and girls are different. Velma Prigmore pulled her dress up and showed me that back in the eighth grade. Get your heads out the gutter, all I saw was her underwear. Nobody thought it needed to be explained in the constitution how to make babies. Somewhere down the line the states did explain that you should keep your shenadagins to a dull roar, i. e. one girl at a time. 

    Now, some groups got a little frisky and figured out that it was real cool to have a bunch of wives, and I'm down with that. I, myself, would love to be having martinis on the patio with four or five Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders at my every command. I'm too old to do them any good, but the thought is nice. That makes me a creepy old pervert. Confession is good for the soul. Remember that bag of potato chips? Well, once the Fed got done with that bag of chips they were looking for a fresh bag. The states had this marriage thing down pretty good. They'd gotten into a little light pimping on the side and called it licensing. That's where you'd run down to the courthouse and pay them to do what you're gonna do anyway. The states never DREAMED that the big ol' government never met Velma Prigmore. 

    The Supreme Court is supposed to arbitrate between litigants concerning questions about the constitution. The constitution is fairly direct, but sometimes you have to have some guys in authority say, "Uh, y'all can have guns." They don't MAKE laws, they EXPLAIN laws. There is no marriage laws in the constitution that I know of, but I'm just a simple ol' boy from Austin, and I could be wrong. Don't matter . . . SCOTUS PUT it there and we were all entertained by two rump rangers strolling into a courthouse in Kentucky and asking a little old hillbilly woman to let them get married. I'd always thought Kentucky was a fairly straight up place, but after seeing all the Nancy boys in the courthouse building that day I resolved to never drink Jim Beam again!

    Well, as you know, this lady got jailed for refusing to issue the license, and the happy couple got married, skipping off to wedded bliss or a variation thereof. Oh, she was a Christian, too, and that's never good. Before you get your Bibles and prayer beads out she'll get a huge book deal, and be on TV more than Mylie Cyrus. The bottom line is the country's going to pot. If I had them cheerleaders I'd be a pervert, and if you marry the same sex YOU are a pervert. Swat them bees. If the condom fits, wear it. 

    Where is this gay lesbo thing heading? Well, it won't destroy the country in and of itself. It's just a symptom of a very sick society. I'm going to lay the blame for this squarely at the feet of Christians. To be sure there are some very vocal Christians standing up, one's in jail, but for the most part the majority just sit back and cede authority to that pineapple upside down cake. From Mormon to Methodist they are praying when they should be throwing that judge out of the courthouse window. The arrested county clerk should have a GoFundMe filled to,the brim, and dozens of lawyers, pro-bono and otherwise just foaming at the mouth to get the case. This is the only GOOD thing about Muslims. They have a distinctive remedy for homosexuality. The underlying aim of this entire mess to to destroy the morality of America. Once we're all squabbling about what restroom to use the Chinese, Russians, Mexicans, and Californians can just come in and scoop it all up. I'll be in Tijuana with them cheerleaders I told you about.     

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