Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Wedding Cake Anyone?

  Years ago I saw a movie, Jason and the Argonauts. It was one of those things about ancient Greeks, some stuff out of Homer, I guess, anyway there was this one scene where Jason was fighting these skeletons. These pricks were running around, grinning, waving swords, and every time Jason would clobber one, they blew into gazillion pieces and ended up in a pile of dog bones . . . and then, they got right back UP! Boys, girls, and all flavors in between, I give you GAY MARRIAGE! 

    This is a very important issue. Don't worry about the border, black lives mattering, Ebola in every house, the possibility of Hillary in the White House, the possibility of the White House in Trump's house, or ten thousand screaming Muslims hitting the port of New York with blood in their eyes, we gotta get these gays under control! That's the most important thing there is. Yesterday, on my news feed, it even trumped Trump. 

    Ok, yet again, I go before the bench to school you people about life in fairy land. God knows we didn't have gay people before about eighteen months ago, right? This is something that nobody ever considered since Caesar had a boyfriend, correct? For all those out there without a frontal lobe I'm being facetious. That's where you make a point by using absurdity. Now, where was I, oh yes, of COURSE we had gay folk back in the day. We called 'em "queers." All sections of the country had them. From Truman Capote to that movie, Broke Dick Mountain, queers were everywhere. So what's the problem?

    Well, the problem is Americans. Yep, them bastards again. All men are created equal. Women are a little less equal and homosexuals fall in a kinda split equality. We like the waiter, but don't like his boyfriend. Now before I go on I want to say up front that I believe in marriage. I've believed in it five times during my life. What God hath joined together let no man put asunder. God didn't count on brother in laws, mother in laws, or that cute sister in law we don’t want to talk about, but that's another article. 

    Americans tend to want everyone to be treated equally, unless, of course you're black, then one faction wants you in the cotton fields, and the other in the White House. Let's just say for grits and grins that down at the court house we are all SUPPOSED to be citizens, ok? Now, I'm fixing to ruffle some feathers here, I do those things, but do you think if them two gay fellers had come in to pay their taxes on a house where the deed had both their names on it, Kim Davis would have refused their money, because if you do have I got a bridge for you and it's on SALE!

    I saw an article last night expounding (yet again) the separation of church and state, but verily, verily, I say unto thee, the very moment you pass the first dollar across the counter for a marriage "license" you just "married" the church and state. (You may swat them bees now.) IF you're religious, and IF you want to get married, why do you have to go to the state and attain a permit? Wedding night, union of man and woman, twenty-five dollars, hmmmmmm. Last time I gave a woman twenty five dollars for a situation like that I didn't call it a "Holy Union."
If we’re going to “license” something then let’s just DO it! Every license I ever had involved something called “renewal.” So, I take Frenchi down to the courthouse and get married. A year rolls around, and the new wears off. Problems arise. We go to councilors, she gets “saved,” I read some book about being sensitive, but nothing works. Then another year goes by and I say, “Frenchi, we’re coming up for renewal of this license, and, well, I don’t think I’m going to do it this year. No divorce, no hard feelings, no muss, no fuss.

    Right now, in my Tea Party circle, the Islam Invasion is the big deal. Muslims want to get in everybody's business. We Americans tend to leave people alone so long as they leave us alone. If two guys want to shack up and call it a marriage, and you don't believe in it, but you believe in an omnipotent God, then it only goes to follow that that God has your back. Do I agree with the gay lifestyle? No. Will I not invite an old friend to a cocktail party because he wants to bring his boyfriend? No! Because that would involve hate, and that's what the Muslims do, they love Allah, but they hate everybody else. 

    Ok, solution time. End marriage license. If you're religious get married down at the church and your union will be in the church records. If you are secular get a civil official to do it and sign some kind of legal paper saying you're hitched. GOVERNMENT! All people must be taxed the same and may leave property to survivors whomEVER those survivors may be! The country will survive. We survived Jimmy Carter, and there's a fair to midland chance we may survive Obama. Stop pimping marriage! The churches canNOT impose rules down at the courthouse and the courts canNOT tell churches whom they must marry! Learn it, live it, love it!

    Kim Davis made her point. She's homophobic, ok, we get that. I'm simply not. My sexuality is not challenged by Mr. and Mr. My self-assessment is not upset by Mrs. and Mrs. though I do find that a bit more entertaining than two guys, but that's just me. We need to move past this to more pressing issues. When the Muslims take over the Capitol steps in Austin screaming, "Allah Akbar!" and twenty three Christians show up, it's time to stop worrying about two guys kissing in the park, because that's what the Muzzies want! If we don't come together and address these issues these goat herders are going to tear down the country and boys and girls, you won't be worried about gay marriage then . . . you'll be worried about your LIFE! Wedding cake anyone?

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