How long did you think this dog and pony show would last? Obama has lied on every front. Do you still have your doctor? Isn't there a little twinge of suspicion when you make a phone call and wonder who's listening? Do you really feel safe voicing an opinion the government doesn't agree with? Have you looked at our border? Can you count to a billion? That's how many hollow point bullets Homeland Security purchased while they try to take your guns away. Who are they planning to shoot at? Ebola comes flying into Texas, and we're told to accept it. Point of interest, there IS no Ebola in Texas now! And ISIS? That was the usual 9/11 celebration of paranoia. ISIS will not invade Texas. They will get killed!
You even made fun of democracy when the vote went against you. When the ballot boxes were stuffed with dead people's votes it didn't bother you at all. We have voter ID in Texas. You have to prove who you are before you can vote, and Eric Holder moved heaven and earth to stop that. And you don't see what's wrong with that? You want a society where you buy votes with free cell phones? You want an administration that passes the buck all night until four Americans are killed in one of our embassies. And you think it's the end of the world because people finally stood up and said, " Hell NO!"
Votes do make a difference. Politicians are responsive to the people when they see that they may have to lose their position. They do stuff like they've done for the last six years because they either thought we approved or didn't care. Now they got bit, and they're all looking at their savior in the White House. He's on the golf course.
Let me ask you liberals something. Where's your hope and change now? How's that bank account working out? Been to the doctor lately? And look why you voted for him. Because he's black! He didn't have any policies. He didn't have any plans, but he was black and that soothed your guilt for something you had no part of. He's not the son of slaves, he's the son of an African. He's the son of those who sold the slaves. Swat them bees, swat them bees, but you know it's true! Harvard law degree, and can't read the constitution. Couldn't get a Pa Pa John's pizza order through congress so he pens endless executive orders to make up for his lack of statesmanship. But, he's black. Dr. Ben Carson is black. Vote for him!
So, you're wringing your liberal hands because your house of cards has come tumbling down. Well, times ARE a-changing. There will be a serious conservative backlash, and as the politicians become aware of this they will cover their butts and the country will move forward. We can't bring the four in Libya back. You can't bring millions of dead babies back, a majority of them black. We can bring back the constitution. We can preserve the Bill of Rights. America just may save itself. Texas WILL save itself. So wring your hands, worry, but get ready for a great upheaval in your liberal lives. It's called DECENCY! Something you lost a long time ago!
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