Sunday, November 9, 2014

Wonder What Ever Happened To Them Fellers?

     Maybe I haven't made myself clear enough in the past. I do apologize. First off I am NOT an American. I was born in Louisiana and raised in Texas. I am a Texan! America, as we knew it was dissolved a long time ago. All those high sounding words were all very fine, but they went away about five minutes after the asphalt dried on Wall Street. You want to see Illuminati? You want to find the New World Order? Look no farther than 5th and Broadway. The Americans love all the noble precepts of self government and We The People, but when anyone actually tries to use them the tide quickly changes. If there were but two sentences in the entire constitution the self appointed elite would pervert them with ten thousand pages of rebuttal to crush all opposition. No, I'm amTexan. Anyone can be a Texan. It springs upon you. It sprang upon CJ Grisham on a lonely road in Temple, Texas. An American began that walk with his son that morning, a Texan stepped across William Barrett Travis' line. 

     I believe that family is the most important thing. That was brought home to me this week. You have to have people that will rally around you no matter who, or what you are. People who will never cast you out. It doesn't matter how that family is configured. It just has to be real. It has to be where you can point to a common denominator and say, "This is who I am!" Then BE that person. If we only had that, family unity, we could solve most problems. That is the very foundation of society. When government seeks to impose its will the family is the first thing it attacks. Strong family values makes for strong politics. In such a world view the children are most important. They must be taught that they are special, and they are that way because they come from somewhere, and they are going somewhere. If one cousin goes to congress, and another plays a banjo on a porch, they all meet on Thanksgiving at the same table and give thanks to God!

     Yeah, that's what I said. God! Big guy in the sky, El Supremo, the Unmoved Mover. You don't need a library of theological books to look up into the night sky and realize you didn't create that! And that God will not condemn you for not being as smart as He is. He will only condemn you for refusing His love. That's another thing a tyrannical government must abolish. If you teach your children to trust in God then they will understand absolutes, and a lying government can't have that. Absolute truth is absolute. Whenever you read a statement of absolute truth, and that statement comes to the word, "but," and there is a comma, everything after that is a lie! Truth is either the truth, or it is not, and THAT is an absolute truth!

     People need to adhere to common decency. Now I don't care who you are, how liberal, gay, radical, smart or stupid you may be, you know what common decency is. I don't even have to give you examples. There is one rule. If you see, or hear anything that makes you say, "DAYUM!" then that's not decent! You don't need to protest funerals, stone people, or start a commune. Just walk away and shake the very dust from your feet! If you let a jackass bray long enough eventually he will see himself. You want to see heresy? Any "religion" that disrespect women is a heresy. Just apply that rule and all the worms will crawl out. 

     There are many more things that I believe, but these are a good start, and the hardest to accept when you've been indoctrinated by liberal human secularism. Sometimes a new idea will work, but if you look at it there is really nothing new under the sun. Just new explanations of very old and basic rules of life. Reject anything that doesn't work. Theoretically you can nail a mirror to the wall, but common sense will tell you screws work better. Theoretically marriage is just a contract between two consenting adults, but common sense will tell you that you just have to have kids. And i can already hear it. Adoption has its place but all the liberal theorists point to the universe, explaining concepts they dreamed up in their crazy minds. Just put two bar magnets together at the north ends and get back with me on the results. Theoretically you can reason that an unborn child is not fully human, but then you have to figure out just when the child became human, and what made that happen. 

     Texas has embarked on a great adventure, one that will change the way people think. We are a unique blend of the past and the future. God blessed Texas with His own hand, and he did it for a reason. The farther to the  left America moved the closer to the center Texas moved. That's right, the center. Not left, not right, center! A place for all men (and women) to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Gosh, seems like someone else said that. Wonder what ever happened to them fellers?


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