Race Baiters get a lot of hay out of playing to man's primal instinct, i.e. the ingrained suspicion of anything different. And they expound upon any open discussion of these differences by branding white people as racists. That usually trumps any debate. The moment a white person makes any headway at all they are called a racist. You say, "Watermelon," you're a racist. You say you don't like Rap, you're a racist. You say Michael Brown was a thug, well, you go to the front of the racist line.
You see, the more defined the lines of race are drawn the easier it becomes to divide and conquer, and folks, that's what it's really all about. As long as its "us" and "them" it is easy to fire up one or both sides and get people arguing, and hating, and buying whatever the race baiting moguls are selling, be it records, movie tickets, or votes! When you indoctrinate people it never works across the board. Most people will buy the baloney, but a few simply will not, but the few aren't cool, they're not hip, or with it. These precious few tell it like it is, but they just can't seem to be heard above the crowds of robots all marching in step to the Pied Pipers of Hollyweird.
What do we do. You won't get the masses to listen or even if they do they will not understand, because it's easier to hate, than reason. We have a saying down in Texas. You let this pony run. That's right. Let Ferguson burn to the ground and make damn sure the rest of America, black and white, gets a good whiff of the smoke. Then, you make an example! Did I just say that? Why yes, I did. I said that because I'm not stupid enough to say, "Oh please, Mr. Rioter, don't burn my town down." No, if you do that here better make it a big fire because we are going to throw you ON it. Texans are a simple folk. If you kill one of us we will kill you back. Obama and Holder can play mumbly-peg with the likes of Al Sharpton, but we play horseshoes, and they're all cold, and hard.
This is what the Republic of Texas is all about. This is what makes us a people. While the smoke rises above Ferguson Texans can rest in the fact that we are unified and will not buy into the race baiting antics of the mass media or incendiary rants by so called "ministers" in New York City lining their pockets with the blood of their own people. To all Americans I say, wake up and take a piss . . . Ferguson's on fire!
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