Monday, September 22, 2014


Obama doesn’t seem to have any problems bussing, or flying every illegal from whereEVER to locations all over the nation in his effort to house the huddled masses skipping over the border, yearning to live free. And Nancy PolwhatEVER chimes in talking about human beings, and children, and right and wrong. That is why I find the events over this last weekend do dad-burned FUNNY. One, count ‘em, ONE Mexican (yeah, yeah, yeah, I know he’s from Copperas Cove, Texas, but he’s NOT Irish, ok?) jumps the fence at the White House, and sprints to the door, gets IN, and lo and behold he is captured by the Secret Service AND he has, folded up in his pants, a POCKET KNIFE!!

The White House was emptied. We didn’t have to worry about Obama because, as usual, he wasn’t at work anyway, and the government shut DOWN for about forty-five minutes! ISIS is wiping tears out of their eyes laughing right now. Why didn’t Obama just give him a room at the White House? Anyway, this guy has PTSD, of course, was retired from Fort Hood (Oh GOD!) and has been running around the country looking for something stupid to do. Still, Mr. President, you’ve only had ONE fence jumper up there. Care to get a count of how many are tripping the light fantastic in Laredo right now? As long as it’s OUR Mexicans it’s perfectly fine, but when it’s YOUR Mexican, oh, HELL no! 

     I guess this guy is lucky he didn’t try to just drive up in the drive way, because we KNOW how that’ll turn out, now don’t we? Guess we’re going to have to suspend tours of the White House, or let tourists go where we know Obama will never be. . . like the Oval Office. Personally, I’m laughing my butt off.  I can just see all those Secret Service, talking into their sleeves, worried about some nurse crashing the gate because of a wrong turn, and  Pablo just JUMPS the fence, and takes off like he’s got good sense. I am proud that it took a Texan to do that. With the man being of Mexican decent, ex-army, from Copperas Cove, AND a disabled Vet, I don’t think this was an accident.  This had to come from GOD! With all the uproar caused by this I wonder what would happen if C J Grisham was to pull one of his gun walks up there? Oh, I’m just being facetious folks. VIVA MEXICO!

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