Some things just take you by surprise. Like a bunch of Muslims having “Muslim Day” on the Capitol steps in Austin. That took me by surprise. I’ll be honest. I totally missed it. I was running around the Bell County courthouse with some fool, missed Doc’s show and BAM! There it was the next day. Nobody told me, and since I don’t subscribe to the Raghead Gazette I was clueless. The last time I was down there I was scanned and checked out by the DPS, and here we have some guy screaming, “Allah Akbar,” from the Capitol steps! That came completely out of the blue. Kinda like Greg Abbott coming out of the closet, or something like that!
I understand about six hundred devotees to Mohammed’s ramblings showed up and they had a real good time. No beer or ham sandwiches, but about as much fun as one can have who hates practically everyone else. You ask yourself; what did they hope to gain? Well, you have to understand the Muslim mind, and that’s a little like trying to figure out a ferrel cat. A Muslim will think, “I blow up plane with me in it,” and consider that a victory. A Muslim can marry a beautiful woman and force her to dress in a burlap sack, and consider it stylish. A Muslim can be romantically attracted to a goat, and think it’s fine so long as he kills it when he’s done and feeds it to another village. So, it only goes to follow that standing on the steps of the Capital screaming, “Allah Akbar” is a very big deal for the Muslims!
If you ask one of the DPS officers, “Dude, what the heck it THIS,” you get “Well, that’s their First Amendment right of freedom of religion.” Uh, what happened to the Second Amendment?” We skipped right OVER that one, now didn’t we? Where are the “free speech” zones when this nonsense comes about? One thing that bothers me is the number of patriots who showed up. I understand it was about twenty. Micah Campo drove four hours with four kids to be there. Doc Greene was there, so I guess that accounted for about one fourth of all patriots in evidence Oh, listen to me. I wasn’t there! Molly White wasn’t there, but spoke out against it and some cat called “Omar” lampooned her on her Facebook page. You see, that’s how low we’ve gone. A Congresswoman sees a bunch of foreigners doing a snake dance on the Capitol steps and says something about it and some jerk off goes off on her like she’s out of her mind!
Texas is very important to Mohammed. While he’s laying around with his seventy-two virgins (I would assume they’re all broken in by now) anyway, while he’s up there eating dates, Texas weighs heavily on his mind. You see, if they can pull this off in Texas then California is a shoe in! By the time the take Texas California chicks will be strolling along the beaches in bureaus! I wonder if the good folks out in Cali will make it legal to marry goats? But, I digress. I never dated a Muslim chick. Guess it would be a little like waking up with Jodi Arias. Well, not that cute. Jodi had her points, but going to the shower while she swings by the kitchen is not one of them. Anyway, the Camel Jockeys had their day.
Where should they go from here. I might suggest having “Muslim Day” in Salt Lake City. In the spirit of love and peace have a big prayer meeting not he steps of the Mormon Temple. Yeah that’s the ticket. And I’m sure only about twenty Mormons will show up and be very respectful about the entire affair. Yeah! And if you believe that have I got a bridge for you and it’s on SALE! Those Latter Day Saints would skewer the speaker and throw pig grease on everyone in the crowd, and don’t you doubt it! See people . . . THAT’S how Texans are SUPPOSED to act!
Little by little, bit by bit, Texas is falling to this subtle invasion. Sharia courts are popping up all over. Oh, don’t get me started. I still can’t get my mind around that one. I’m going to give you some sobering thoughts. America has moved away from God. Prayer was removed from the schools. Well, prayer will be back, only you won’t be able to understand the words If we don’t stop this, and stop it now, everything the men of the Alamo died for will be as dead as they are. I won’t miss another opportunity to show up at the NEXT “holy day,” and let Ahmed know exactly how I feel. I have this evil plan, you see. A lot of people would shout or worse, and just get arrested while the Muslims laugh and have a field day. I’ll just show up with a pet goat. . . in lipstick! Angela Box Akbar!
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