Let's take a look at World War III. A lot of people have the image of Russia rising against China which launches attacks against the US which sends missiles EVERYWHERE, and we all end up in a real live version of a Mad Maxx movie. Ok, crawl up out of your basements and let me educate you. Russia, China, and the United States have coexisted for decades. Their collective fingers have been firmly fixed to the nuclear button all that time, and no one has pushed it. Don't you want to know why? Because no established, rational government will self destruct. All these powers know what that button entails.
So where will World War III erupt? Well, it already has. Take a good look at France this week. The perpetrators of world wide chaos are all among us. This is not an Alex Jones style conspiracy theory. These are real dead people. The governments have been placating the masses by trying to convince them that the Jihadists are a very small minority of a peaceful religion and that the majority of said faith cannot be judged by the actions of a few. Wow! That sounds so good. Sort of gives you a warm fuzzy, now doesn't it? Well, go take a cold shower and I'll be here when you get back!
Have you ever noticed how when one of these terrorist organizations strikes that the country of origin is almost always mentioned? They come out of Yemen, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, places like that. Now work with me here. They didn't buy their Qu'rans there and jump on the next plane for Paris. They TRAINED there! They learned to shoot there, constructed bombs there, did PT while the population blankly looked on eating their goat. And when the killers departed for their Seventy-two virgins these same people were smiling and waving bye bye because they knew the terrorists were off to spread Islam all over the world, paid for with the blood of innocents. Swat them bees, and these are Africanized bees folks, so swat hard!
Let's look at some facts. Fact, We got a problem with Islam. The Westboro Baptist Church is NOT cutting any heads off, ok? Fact, while not all Muslims are Jihadists, ALL Jihadists are MUSLIMS! Fact, the civilized countries of the world are all being attacked. Fact, the Middle East is a very small portion of that world.
Solution? World War IIII. The nations of the world need to have a summit, NOT at the UN, and NOT with any Middle Eastern countries in attendance. Yeah, yeah yeah, that includes Israel. Look, I'm just a simple ol' boy from Austin. All them people look alike to me. The way I see it, they've been trying to hash this out for over sixty years, and haven't got it right yet! Time for a new song on the juke box! There must be a resolution. These leaders must put aside their differences and agree that the very next terrorist attack that occurs these nations will mount an organized response, with a street legal declaration of war upon the country of origin and eradicate said country's ability to wreck havoc at some Bistro in Paris. After this resolution is ratified it should be served to all Muslim nations with a warning. Get it right, or we are going to do it FOR you. If ONE terrorist from your country kills ONE little girl we will hit you, take your country, burn your Mosques, and sell the land to the King Ranch to raise beef for McDonald's! You WANT that? Just try us.
Now one of them is going to chance it. Just one. When they do, send in the troops, turn OFF the TV cameras and do what needs doing! And don't reconstruct the country. These people never learn. Leave it smoking and point a finger at them as we leave. The civilized nations of the world cannot tolerate this!
Next, when a culture, or "religion" attempts to subvert the long standing culture of a nation send them BACK to where they come from. If they are second generation send them back to grandpa's country. Ahab did NOT originate in London! When a group wants to replace the Magna Carta or the US constitution with Sharia Law, bye bye. You don't LIVE here no more! Go Home!
This is hard medicine, but these are hard times. The entire world must stand up to this. These people will not just go away, you must drive them away. I don't know if this is Biblical, or secular, but I do know the world can't stand any more World Trade Centers, ISIS, or Parises! Wake up people, or you will politically correct yourselves into the grave.
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