Tuesday, January 6, 2015


     Let's talk about RINOs. For the uninitiated a RINO is someone who although having run  for election on the Republican ticket, upon arriving in office began to vote like a Democrat, i.e. they become Republican In Name Only. A RINO! Now the reasoning behind this is that they know a lot of conservative, thinking Texans will go  into the voting booth and vote straight party. Democrats have been doing for years. Any liberal, anti-American, left wing communist with a tan can run and win because of the free ride from the Food Stamp office to the polls. Hence we have Obama! Oh, Obama's not a RINO, he's a jackass, just look at the party mascot. 

     Some people reason that even a little bit Republican is better than any Democrat,  but Au Contraire Mon Frère! You are either blue or red at the core. There is no purple. A "Republican" voting Democratic is not only  RINO, but is also a LIAR! And all this spirit of compromise you hear so much about is a lot of horse dung. When a so-called Republican votes contrary to every values he/she is supposed to uphold, the very values the CONSTITUENTS sent them there for in the first place, what is THAT? Well that, my friends, is a lying RINO, and Austin is full of them. 

     The very idea that a Republican should even have to discuss the pros and cons of a bill allowing for constitutional carry shows RINO hoof prints left in his path.  Robbing the Rainy Day fund, supporting Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, Common Core . . . My GOD! Are we in California? RINOs don't think there is any come-upance for their actions until the public wakes up and DOESN'T reach for that straight ticket switch. Then it's  helllllooooooo Scott Turner. Ted Cruz gave them quite a hangover, too. Oh, the more "seasoned" RINOs "poo poo" those people, and tell us they are just "AstroTurf" while they continue to graze in Democratic corn fields, but the fact is the people are waking UP! Just imagine your vote as a scene from an old Tarzan movie where Tarzan jumps on a RINO's back with that God awful Bowie knife he carried in his shorts and brings the beast down. Oh, he got the girl, too. 

     Vet your vote! Examine the candidates. One sure way to check out a candidate is by listening to the RINO's bellow. The more they hate on someone the more sure you can be said candidate is a very red Republican. Then vote, vote, vote. Vote in herds. Give rides. Talk it up. There is nothing a RINO fears more than a herd of Raging Elephants. RINO safari classes open every day at www.ragingelephantsradio.com with Doc Greene, and the stampede continues all day long until George Rodriguez calls in the dogs and pees on the fire at six in the afternoon.  I dream of the day when I sit here having a martini, and a very politically incorrect cigarette, and look at all the RINO heads mounted on my wall. 

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