Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Nobody Wants To Die

Gun sense 101: You can’t save lives by reasoning with crazy people. Wow! That’s so simple. Why do I have to keep returning to this subject? Every time some nut decides to mow down strangers we all hear the same thing from the liberal left. “If we just had tougher gun laws, and control, there would be no more active shootings.” We have the laws, but the politicians simply will not allow them to work. It’s not that the people in the legislature want more killings, that’s crazy. They know that the American public will never be totally disarmed. What it boils down to is political fodder. It chews so good out on the stump. They used to kiss babies, but that became old school with so many opting for Planned Parenthood, so now the kiss trans-sexuals and rant against guns.
I am not going to quote the Second Amendment in this article. That one line amendment so confounds liberals it is beyond belief. The very idea that the government should bestow the power upon itself to tell human beings they should sit quietly and wait for the police to arrive is as crazy as an outhouse rat. And people doing this stuff never seem to attack a police department, a gun show, or a biker bar. Wanna know why? Because those are not gun free zones, that’s why! They’ll get their tail shot off. Nothing like crashing into some place, and getting blasted back through the door. Getting killed immediately cures psychosis.
For the record, I really don’t believe in “false flags.” Every time one of these events happens someone goes through great lengths to show it was set up by the administration to forward gun control. If you really believe that, have I got a bridge for you, in gun blue! These nuts are really out there, and the reason is drugs! Both legal, and illegal. Actually, meth heads usually kill other meth heads. It’s the ones on prescription pharmaceuticals you should watch out for. Modern psychiatry has gone to hell in a handbasket. Back in the day, the day being fifty years ago or so, the doctor would listen, advise, and maybe, just maybe, prescribe.  If you’re seeing pink elephants then you most likely need something. If you’re just having a bad hair day you do not need to be drunk. I know! Those people are told they have a problem, so the problem compounds, then they’re given a compound, more problems, more compounds, oh look, a gun!
Fact: You will never keep guns away from nuts unless you start locking them up again and putting them in strait jackets. Fact: The only thing that stops an active shooter is anotheractive shooter. Gosh, folks, I wish it wasn’t that way, but it is. I have an idea. Why don’t we all just ignore the “law” and obey the Constitution. Just get up in the morning and lock and load. Everybody! Hey, there are up towards three hundred million of us, not counting illegal immigrants, and they already have guns, they can’t arrest all of us. Obnoxious, isn’t it? Well, that’s what Open Carry is all about. If just the chance that one or more people in a given situation is carrying a gun it will make even the craziest person (with orange hair) give pause. The shooter has to know he’s safe. It’s as simple as that. Until we arrive at that simple equation we will see the active shooter happening again, again, and again. Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die!

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