Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Next Bullet

Today President Obama launched into a speech about gun control, yet again. I, personally believe the tears were real. I also believe he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Let me give you a very simple fact. He cited Sandy Hook, Columbine, and the recent shootings, as well as continued violence in Chicago. Tell me, what do all mass shootings have in common? The victims were not armed. They were sheep. They hid, or ran, and hoped for the best. Even Fort Hood. Combat soldiers, forced to go without even side arms, waiting like school children for the next bullet.
Some things look real good on paper. The ideas glow, the math works. If we can only take guns off the streets then crime will diminish exponentially. Right? RIGHT? Wrong! Thirty people have guns. You pass laws to deprive twenty-nine of their weapons, either by background checks, red tape, or just convince them that your theory of human nature is right. So, what do you have left? One guy with a gun. Oh, for your information, he’s the sexually frustrated one who stole a gun from his cop father and he thinks he’s Batman. That, and he’s got twenty nine bullets in three clips. We wouldn’t want to break that ten bullet mag rule, now would we?
I buy guns on occasion. Most of the time I trot down to a pawn shop (hey, I live in Killeen, ok?) plunk down my ID, and good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise I walk out with a Smith and Wesson Nine. Fact is, if I were unhappy with my gun, and wanted a “cold” one, all I’d have to do is contact some “Home Boy” and I’d have a “40” quicker than a pizza. Now boys and girls, that is a fact of life, I crappith thee not!
They only thing that keeps guns out of the wrong hands is if they are addicted to drugs and the price of a gun is either beyond them, or the value is too big a temptation for a sale for another “rock.” I’ve depended on that with my altercations with such people right here. I have never faced one meth head who had a gun. Oh, I know it can happen, I’ve just never seen it, that’s all. But, we’re not talking about those people. Remember San Bernardino? The FBI can talk about all their theories, all their ideas, all their “forensic files,” those were ISIS soldiers! They finagled acquiring their guns, and if one plan didn’t work what do you suppose they would have done? Oh, I know, gave up and went home to the mother land. If you believe that, have I got a bridge for you, and it’s on sale!
The only thing that stops a mass shooting is when Mr. “I can’t find a girlfriend” points his gun at a crowd, twenty-nine guns point back! Ladies, that’s the rule of life! While I am touched by Obama’s tears, I’m unmoved by his logic. You’d think that a Home Boy who lived in Chicago would be more street smart than that. Guess he didn’t pick that up on the golf course, huh?
So, he’s going to embark on encumbering every law abiding American in the search for life, liberty and the pursuit of lunch without getting killed. Starbucks anyone. Not me! I will not get killed because some left wing girly-man never played cowboys and Indians. I, also will not eat in any café, go to a movie, mall, school, Walmart, or church. Land of the free! Yeah, right!
Simple Ol' Boy From Austin

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