Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Y'all Have a Blessed Day

RE: My post this morning. 

     First, I'd like to apologies to the Kats and Kittens about the dry nature of this mornings  article, but ISIS is nothing to laugh at, and I love you guys and gals. ISIS is going to hit us, that's not a conspiracy theory, they already DID it! Oh, and I just love the way the news commentators say the the ISIS connection hasn't been "confirmed." Just like when they cut someone's head off on video and the state department says they are checking on the " validity" the film. I did say something about boar hogs, didn't I? Do they think these guys punch a time clock? Our story wasn't bloody enough for them. Huge body counts are a big plus for the nightly news, the bigger the better, and if those bodies are in Texas? OMG! This morning there was a little story about some guy carrying a flag in front of the event center in Garland, of course quoting the young man saying he didn't agree with upsetting someone's religion. Above that was a story reminding us all about how queer Bruce Jenner is. THAT was very important. 

     There was a subtle line in my story this morning, and I'm sure y'all didn't miss it. Cudos to Doc Greene for giving it to me yesterday. Like I said, note the complete absence of "good" Muslims during that event. You'd have thought there was a string of carts serving up Bar B Q'd pork in the parking lot by Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. (Muslims don't like girls either.) Anyway, if I were a Muslim, and I were all bent out of shape by a bunch of people drawing pictures, I would have organized fifty or so companions, spread prayer rugs across the parking lot, had a call to prayer, and did a session the entire time. If you will note, they didn't DO that. Not one even drove by and flipped the bird. They KNEW!

     This brings me to my main point of this morning's article. A radical Muslim Wants to kill you. A moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to kill you. The reference to the lady in the grocery store in Islamic garb? First off, what kind of idiot DOES that? Yeah, I said it. Dress down past the ankles, head all trussed up with a bath towel? My GRANDMOTHER didn't dress like that, and she was a hell fire Southern Baptist! That shows acceptance of the degradation of women, and a crazy mindset. While you're being all politically correct, and nice to her, she's bleeding at the nose hating YOU! She won't shake your hand because you're filthy! So, in response I want her to go back home. Just playing by the rules they set, folks. 

     They are going to hit us again. We must be alert. We will win. The Yankees will call us names, talking heads on the news shows will micro analyze, but we can't be weak about this. My friend, Peter, in London makes a valid point that ISIS and the like are  concerns for the world. He is a brilliant man, and I learn much from him, but he doesn't understand Texans . We can't fix the world, but we can damn sure fix TEXAS! Let me ask you this; Do you like roaches in your kitchen? Don't need Muslims in Texas, either! And THEY did this! Texas extended an offer to Brigham Young to settle here when he was on his epic journey to Salt Lake with his people. We ACCEPT people! You have to push a lot of buttons before we decide to throw you off into the Gulf of Mexico! We even accept Gays. Ever been to Austin? Why do you think they call it the "pink" dome? The parks in Austin fill UP with gays after dark, INCLUDING rhe Capitol grounds! We're just not going to let them come down here, pretend to be married and frolic in front of our kids. 

     ISIS needs to be aware of two things. We carry guns, and we will kill you back! Pamela Geller DID set a trap for those two men. Some news guy on TV made a big deal out of that like it was some kind of hidden agenda. I wonder what it's like to be a rocket scientist? We LET Pamela come here and pull her string because Texans have never shrank from a fight. And we DO racially profile. If these little brown bastards think they're gonna come down here and pull that crap they pulled up in Boston, we'll send 'em home to mama in a box! SOMEbody had to do it. And stop worrying about Jade Helm. All the King's horses, and all the King's men couldn't even stop Paco from binging ONE joint across the Rio Bravo. What the hell do you think they can do against twenty-three million pissed off Texans? Y'all have a blessed day now, ya hear?


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