I Crappith thee NOT! The article renamed the Holocoaust the "Holohoax" and purported the Germans were resettling Jews in Palestine, only to be end run by the evil Winston Churchill, at the behest of radical Zionists, forcing them to crowd the Jews in protective camps, like Auschwitz, where the poor Germans protected them from Allied bombing raids, and the likes of Josef Mengele worked day and night to keep them healthy until this could be resolved. After six beers and reading this article I began to like Hitler MYSELF! What you burn in your crazy mind!
Truth and perception! Anyone can build a case for anything. It goes right back to what I call "circles!" If you draw a complete mental circle there'll be a bunch of idiots out there nodding their heads up and down like one of them little toy dogs on the dash of a "Cinco Cinco Chevy!" And so we have . . . I give you . . . Hilliary Clinton! Over the last few days I've seen a barrage of public statements she's made covering everything from abortion to the weather, and it's all NUTS! I thought all these high octane politicians had handlers telling them when to shut UP! Or has the American public become so perverse that she is actually spot ON? No WONDER the Muslims hate us. Then I stand back, and look at the likes of Dianne Feinstein and groups like "Moms for Gun Sense in America," and I begin to think, 9,000,000 gay men can't be WRONG!
You want to know the scary part? She can WIN! Look what we have in the White House right NOW! If that's not the cart leading the horse then I'm not a white boy from Austin! And she's UGLY! Even Wendy Davis could pass for a woman after a few drinks. I know Hilliary is a woman because she's got a kid who is as ugly as she is. And if she wins we get BILL! Heck, why even have Obama move out of the White House, theres room enough. We'll just have one big pot party in the Oval Office. The huddled masses that put her there will be dancing in the streets. They will have lots of time to dance because there won't be any jobs! Somewhere there's a wise old Indian chief, smoking his pipe, and watching all this, uttering the timeless phrase handed down by his people for generations. "White man CRAZY!"
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