Training is always a dangerous thing. I mean, look what we've got for police. It doesn't matter if the intended purpose is to learn to secure neighborhoods in Stupidstan, the training sticks. One size fits all. It doesn't matter when you learn to kick in a door if Billy Joe Jim Bob, or Ali Baba and his forty wives are on the other side, the song remains the same. We don't NEED to train in the streets. That's what we have places like Fort Hood for. I saw an exact replica of Mount Carmel at North Fort Hood after the Waco fiasco . . . Wait, those were civilians, but I digress. Now, where was I? Oh yes, Fort Hood. They don't need to be patrolling the streets of Killeen, what they need to do is keep Islamic nuts from blasting them to kingdom come in their own back yard.
The Walmart thing puzzles me, I'll be honest. I don't think the cartels are mixed up in all of this or they'd be closing Home Depots. Maybe they are. STOP! Now I'm getting nutty! Walmart has been talking loud and walking proud for years, shorting employees their hours, selling products specifically designed to fit THEIR business model, and "supposedly" the largest retail operation in the world. There is always a curve, always a turning point. What seems too good to be true, usually isn't. Anybody out there remember Gibsons?
I know for a fact down here in Texas we have a grocery store called HEB. Now, they're just as bad as Walmart, what with having no problem using illegals and product from Mexico if need be. Haven't seen an American avocado there yet, all Mexican. (Don't eat those, folks. They'll make you go poo poo!) Fact remains an HEB can open up right across the street from a Walmart and rain death down upon it. Large stores, good meat, and the employees actually know where the MILK is! Also they specialize you young, cute girls at the check out counter, which is always nice. On a smaller scale we have a convenience store here in Killeen called Mickey's, started by a school teacher after his wife died. In his depression he cranked up about thirty of them. And this is a PoDunk town people! Ran practically ALL the 7/11's out of town. And they did it with chicken livers and gizzards! Walmart has perpetuated this myth of invincibility, but could it be there's a leak in the dyke? All this is speculation, of course.
What I ask is if we're going to spend all this money putting this exercise together, and they really need to train in urban warfare might I suggest the border? They could use real bullets and have real terrorists, hiding in ice cream shops shooting back. And, hey, they're brown like Iraqis! Added bonus you can meet their seester, she virgin! You want to have a bunch of people smoking dope, cutting people's heads off? I give you the CARTELS! They'll never buy into that, though. Makes too much sense, and not near as much fun as practicing an assault on TCBY in the Killeen Mall!
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