In between the two articles I put out yesterday I did a study of the disintegration of the constitution from almost the moment the ink dried. When it was penned, ratified, and signed into law the intentions were very clear. America was set up as a nation with as little government as possible. To be perfectly honest the ten commandments would have done just fine, but the lawyers got involved, and, well, you know. "Honor thy father and mother," seems pretty straight forward, but then somewhere the great, great, great, GREAT whatEVER of Rosemary Lehmberg was somewhere in the room, and said, "We need some DNA tests on that, and frankly, I'm worried about that word, 'honor!' Would honor mean simple respect, does it implicate monetary support for some time, and at what time would such supplement cease?"
The Sons of Shem did a bang up job of screwing up the ten commandments, and the supreme court, several presidents, and an illiterate congress on the payroll of folks like J P Morgan have effectively put the wood to the constitution. The supreme court was not so much set up to define the constitution as it was put into place to get AROUND it at the behest of the powers that be. The bill of rights is so simple. I've already explained the rights written about were not enacted into law by the bill, they were RECOGNIZED! They already existed, and they were universal. People have a right to speak, defend their lives and so on. A WOLF has the same privileges, and the wolf can't READ! Right now, as I type, a bill is being introduced to further define what freedom of speech is. Now that's horrendous, but is it new? No!
Abraham Lincoln jailed hundreds of people, including editors of news papers, AFTER he suspended habeas corpus! To write anything against his war effort was punishable by imprisonment without trial. The image of Ol' Abe chopping wood was good public relations, but he would put that wood to you in a New York minute, excuse the pun. His famous emancipation proclamation did NOT apply to slaves pressed into service for the Union, or slaves in southern regions under the control of the Union army, but ONLY pertained to slaves in areas controlled by the Confederacy in an effort to undermine the southern war effort. And it wasn't slavery that was the issue in the first place. It was the over populated north, controlling congress, and taxing the pants off the south to get the money needed to float northern interests. Oh, Lincoln didn't like slavery, sure, but he sure as hell didn't mind all that cotton money up there on Wall Street, and he didn't care WHO picked the cotton. John Wilkes Booth didn't get to Ford's theater quick enough!
And before you think Lincoln was the exception to the rule, he wasn't! They ALL did it! They're doing it today! The owners never changed. You see, America is set up like a huge corporation. You have the owners, the managers, and the rest of us who really do the work. And we're led to believe that whatever benefits the owners is naturally good for all of us. The government is supposed to be the watchdog over the owners as they try to exert their influence over the tenants. Very little control is needed, but here's the trick. The owners want to retain control while providing the ILLUSION of a government Of the people, By the people, and FOR the people! People who are working twelve hours a day for nickels. Government steps in and says, "No, EIGHT hours a day for dollars!" Owners piss and moan, but they finally give in because they're still nowhere near dipping very deep into,their money bag just by providing a living wage. Now that's just economics. All well and good, but let's move the scale up a little bit. Slaves! The economic base of an entire region based on the working class being paid in corn bread and fat back. Long about 1850 everybody knew this wasn't going to fly for long. Just do some common sense here. If this situation existed at the time of Henry Ford just how much longer do you think it would have kept on going? England had slaves. They just passed a law, paid the slave owners and were done with it. Only two places on earth ever fought a war over slavery. US, and Haiti.
So, courtesy of slavery we have the government jumping in on a combined social/economic issue. Now, all these red, white, and blue patriots weren't the least bit concerned about other issues. Issues like say, women voting, things like that. And that's because we are inundated with core beliefs. Beliefs we don't even own up to. Adam ate that apple, but EVE gave it to him. That BITCH! Well, like my pappy used to say, "They can't all be bitches, gotta be a few SONS of bitches too!" By the way, that is why Hillary will never be president. Not until women realize their true potential and vote in a block, because they buy into this model, too. <Wink Wink>
So, we had to amend the constitution to include women into the plan. Why did we have to even debate that? Same with freeing the slaves. "Ok, y'all free, but we gotta write a law so you can vote." Roll forward to the 1950's. Had to write laws so people could sit on a BUS! Now notice how the government has moved insidiously from economics to society. See how that works? Passing a law requiring you to chain your dog is one thing, but to suspend the bill of rights, to get you to shut your mouth, and hand over you gun, now THAT calls for an expert. In fact, that calls for a team of experts. A group of men an women so versed in the constitution that their very coughs are beyond reproach. The supreme court, and if that's not an oxymoron I'm not a white boy from Austin!
And the Owners will petition this bunch of old farts until they get what they want. You get a ruling upholding the second amendment and they come right back, "But you didn't address people holding a gun in their LEFT hand!" and those jack asses will hear the case! We all see it, but we're just to busy trying to get something to eat, and praying to God, or Allah, or Booglie Booglie the elephant boy that the hot checks the Federal Reserve calls money keeps passing down at the grocery store!
It doesn't matter WHAT the constitution says if you have a bunch of well monied owners constantly arguing over the difference between the words "will" and "shall," and keep redefining it. When the constitution was composed it was bi-partisan. Parties, candidates, or GOVERNMENT didn't come into it. America as a land mass, as a people, has nothing to do with government. If you adhere to the constitution, the rule of LAW, then THAT is your government. Have you ever held the constitution in your hand? It can be printed into a booklet that will easily fit in your coat pocket. There's a message there people. Try putting Obamacare in that pocket!
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