When I was in high school Texas was a strongly democratic state. I frankly thought it was silly for a republican to run for any office and my civics teacher told me we had to have that to at least give the illusion on a two party system. Being a liberal was the norm and everybody sported that label. Some time long about Nixon the word "liberal" took on a new meaning. It was no longer a mindset that allowed the injection of new ideas it became accepted that liberals were that way because of their DNA make up. If you believed in America, in the rule of law, in mom and apple pie, you simply could NOT be a liberal. Then the polarization began. Old school liberals were like, "Yeah, I'll use regular gas if my car will run on it," and that evolved into, "I'm GONNA use regular gas because I want to protect the environment and that is the liberal thing to do!"
Global warming is a prime example of this mindset. Liberals universally accept the concept while conservatives simply deny even the remote possibility because Al Gore said it. Bottom line is earth gonna do what earth gonna do and no amount of debate is going to change that. Tell it to the dinosaurs.
Political parties are set up to get a block of people to march in lock step and vote one way in order to perpetuate a political agenda. That's all they really do, folks. "Wendy Davis supports abortion, and I don't really believe in that but she's a liberal and so am I!" Let me tell you a closely guarded secret. When you step into that voting booth there's no one in there but YOU. All the candidates are on display right there in front of you. What you have to do is listen to the candidates, sift out the lies, and vote for the one that more closely matches what YOU really believe. If they are democrat, or republican, that will not buy you one cappichino at Starbucks. If they are running for re-election just look at their record. It's that easy. After figuring in the voter fraud factor if enough people do this we just might get something done. If a candidate did not at least TRY to do most of what they said they would throw them out.
If you follow the money most political agendas become clear. Take the war on drugs. I'm not going to bore you with figures but I will bore you with facts. Where is the money in the war on drugs? Drug testing facilities, the manufacture of items needed at those facilities, big pharma trying to sell a pill for $124 that cost three cents to make, career law enforcement and oh yes, let us not forget, all those privatized prisons to house all those potheads. If drugs were just legal for personal use big pharma would merge with RJ Reynolds and I'd be selling a product called Weird Wilbur's Texas Best! Members of the cartels would be BACK working in car washes which is where they should have been all along, and rap singers would run out of material in about a month. Maybe two months, but we have to legalize prostitution too if we're going to get that done.
So why do we have a war on drugs? Well, because along about Nixon-thirty the republican party decided to mask it's ingrained racism, flavor it with a little good old fascism, and call it the silent majority. You know why the silent majority was so silent? Because they learned not to talk back. See, there a line there between the input of ideas and trying to be heard above the sound of jack boots all marching in union. And how is the drug war tied to racism? Well c'mon children, we know what kind of people do drugs, now don't we? Close you eyes and imagine a dope addict. Now tell the truth...what color is he? Hey, I didn't say it, it's YOUR mind! I was thinking Judy Garland.
How can we fix this? Well, if you're in a room that's stinking to high heaven and several flushes haven't solved the problem just flush one more time and see if it finally goes down. YOU are financing the war on drugs, abortions, weird marriages and all the other little things that impede your progress through the day. Just ask yourself. If you had to designate where your tax dollars are spent, and the government had to respect that wish, and EVERYBODY did the same, just how far do you think some Tom Foolery like the war on drugs would go? If you had the choice between national health care and a war on a weed what would YOU do?
To complete the circle here it isn't liberals or conservatives who make up this nonsense it's the puppet masters pulling the strings telling the rest of us that IF we are liberal or conservative we simply must believe this way or that. It's no deeper than that. I use the war on drugs because it's so ludacrist. If you really believe you can stem the flow of drugs coming across the border with a few dogs and fat guys in Jeeps have I got a bridge for you! We can't even stop BEES from crossing the border. Swat them bees. Swat them bees.
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